MovieChat Forums > Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000) Discussion > Personal gripes about "polite" society t...

Personal gripes about "polite" society that'd be perfect for Curb

- You thought of the perfect gift for someone, you tell a mutual friend about it, and all of a sudden they want to go halves on it. Get your own damn present!

- Social media, where do I start? How about people who will actually ask you why you didn't like their post? I would love to see Larry tell them bluntly, "Because I didn't like it. What are we, 12 years old?".

- Leaving a friend or family member's birthday party before the cake is brought out (this happened to me last Sunday). You show up, wish them a happy birthday, gave them a gift but had to leave early..and end up offending them. Maybe this one can tie in with my first one, and the person who Larry went halves with on the present sides with the butt-hurt birthday person and gang.


Leaving a friend or family member's birthday party before the cake is brought out (this happened to me last Sunday). You show up, wish them a happy birthday, gave them a gift but had to leave early..and end up offending them. Maybe this one can tie in with my first one, and the person who Larry went halves with on the present sides with the butt-hurt birthday person and gang.

I'm confused... are you pro-leaving before cake or against it?

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


Oh, I'm definitely pro-leaving. I don't even like cake and can't stand being forced to be in photographs.


Oh, well, I am definitely in agreeance. Showing up and bringing a gift is enough of a gesture. I've never really heard of this being a social no-no before did. This happen to you?


The skit with Larry and the guy talking on his Bluetooth phone while dining alone nailed it.

People who get on escalators, just stand there, and straddle the middle of the step so no one can pass them.

Gardeners who stand in the street and blow the leaves all over passing cars. What, you can blow stuff off of the sidewalk and into the street? If I find trash on the sidewalk and kick it into the street, how isn't that littering?



Yeah, it happened at my sister-in-law's birthday dinner. The next day, my brother made a big deal out of me and my wife leaving before the cake was brought out. I was like, "Why didn't you say anything that night when I apologized to her upon arrival for needing to leave early?"

It was a very Curb-y / Larry David moment.




You sound nice!
