Did Cheryl have a job?

except for draining Larry's money


It's been too many years since I've seen all the shows, so I don't really remember. However, yesterday I was a little bored and watched the first two epiodes. Larry said that Cheryl had given up her career so she could volunteer to help the environment. So at least early on, she didn't have a job.


From what I could tell she was a typical Hollywood wife who does a lot of talking, and going to charity dinners, but I've never once seen her actually lift a finger to pick up anything heavier than a wine glass. She just lives off his money and does nothing but complain about everything he says and does, the writing is pretty true to life that way


Putting up with Larry is a full-time job.


Not true. In S1E1 you see her with a kitchen towel, presumably drying dishes.


She did "The Vagina monologues" in the last episode of season 1 I think. The one where Larry is dragged into a incest survivors group and has to make up a story for himself.


I think she had a volunteer position with some kind of environmental organization.


Yes. Somebody paid her $1000 every time she said "Larry.." or "You know what?..."exhaustedly. She made millions.
