MovieChat Forums > Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000) Discussion > Message to Larry: Please bring Cheryl ba...

Message to Larry: Please bring Cheryl back!

She was great and I miss her. No other woman could put up with LD the way she did.



As much as I don' like Cheryl (too snobby in my opinion), I have to agree with the other poster. She helps mellow him out a lot.

I especially noted this with the "last" season of Curb where Larry basically became a jerk without having her around. He just antagonized people! I liked the earlier seasons' Larry (original Larry) where plots revolved around misunderstandings or Larry interpreting the unwritten rules of society differently than other people. He really was just mean in the last season we got.


Very true, that...he became very nasty. Maybe he was just getting tired of doing the show.


Maybe? There was a 2 year gap between season 7 and 8. If he was tired of it, I don't know why he would choose to return back then. HBO pretty much lets Larry do whatever he wants. He can return if he wants but he doesn't have to return ever.


I liked Cheryl a lot, just because she fit into this universe. People gripe she was snobby or what not, but really, would a saint have stayed with David for that long to begin with? She was a different kind of shallow that complimented his.

But I gotta say, I love Leon much better. That weird dynamic brought something fresh to the series.

In the end, as long as he's pissing people off and getting pissed off himself, I'm happy.
