So many cameos

I'm currently binge-watching all seasons of Curb and it's crazy how many familiar faces you can recognize in it. You've got cameos of famous people playing themselves (or some version of it). And you also have lots of people who were mostly unknowns then, but went on to become famous: Melissa McCarthy, the actress who played the crazy girl in "22 Jump Street", Mr. Chow, the guy who played Kim Jong Un in "The Interview"...

Who was your favorite cameo?


Well, these are not really cameos, it's just actors who eventually became famous. But I get what you're saying, I think it has something to do with HBO spending bigger budgets in general, because half of Hollywood stars in Entourage - a show that is hardly a mix between Breaking Bad and The Wire. Also, both shows are about movie/TV-making, so it's only natural that more real actors would star.

I think Ted Danson is the funniest. The pie scene cracks me up every time I watch it. Also the episode where Larry gets him a "freak book" for a present. They have amazing chemistry, despite Ted not appearing in every episode. He seems to play a subtle jerk and Larry dislikes him for it, because their mutual friends don't share his opinion.


You're totally right, both on Ted Danson (my favorite as well) and on the fact that the second group I mentioned (the not-yet stars) obviously cannot be called cameos. Mistake on my part.

Watching "Vow of Silence" right now and just recognized the Arnold Palmer-guy from "The Other Guys" and the guy who played Ruben Ramirez in the Key & Peele sketch "Slap-Ass: In Recovery". It's so much fun seeing so many familiar faces.


I think i saw Ben Affleck evacuating banana republic or what ever that shop is called when the fire alarm goes off and LD leaves with the stores pants.


I thought the same thing. But I don't think it was him.


Actually checked. It was him.


I always like seeing older shows or movies with small part actors who are now A and B listers. You're like "hey wait, was that so and so? lol
