MovieChat Forums > Uptown Girls (2003) Discussion > Disturbing Aspects of the Movie

Disturbing Aspects of the Movie

1.) Why does everyone treat Molly like she is an old woman when she is "22" years old? I'm 22 and I barely get treated like a legitimate person yet. Also she looks 32. And all of her friends act 40. I don't get it.

2.) Why does Molly act so cracked out when her drug use isn't shown?

3.) How much time elapsed when Neal first spent some time with Molly? They don't specify and make it seem like he was there for months or something.

4.) What drugs was Britney Murphy on when she filmed this? I am genuinely curious, not trying to judge.

5.) Why is the love interest so unlikeable? And how come his sleepin' with the bossy lady Leather Hocklear (lol typo on purpose) never truly addressed?

6.) Does this movie make anyone else really depressed? My friend recommended it so we bought it for like 2 bucks and then he passed out and I had to watch it alone. It triggered my suicidal thoughts and I had to calll someone and have them talk me down. It was that disturbing. And we just rewatched it today with my friend conscious and now we're feeling the same way. I'm kidding.... sort of.


Its more disturbing that you allowed what was supposed to be a feel good family movie make you feel like you needed to be "talked down" from a suicidal moment. What about this movie triggered that? Having worked for a mental health provider, they take it seriously when an adult claims that. So be careful who you broadcast that too..or you may be involuntarily committed. Just saying. I have signed the magistrate forms myself on those who for REAL needed it. Not for someone who is "upset" at the message of a fun family film to where it effects them personally. Jeez.

Mrs. Lovett you're a bloody wonder!


Your usage of "too" is making me suicidal, two.


Your post had me laughing my ass off. :D

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it was weird that her 22nd birthday was such a big deal. The guy who said he almost killed himself when he turned 19 and the girl who told her to get botox for the forehead wrinkle that wasn't even there were REALLY out of touch.

I also wondered why Brittany Murphy was acting so strung out, but I think that's just her acting style. Remember her way back in Boy Meets World? Even then she was always moving and wide-eyed. But ironically in Girl, Interrupted she acted very normal. She didn't move around a lot or anything.

And I agree - Neal was SO unlikeable. There was a deleted scene where he refused her champagne and caviar because he "only ate things he could pronounce." If someone ever said that to me I'd smear the food in their hair. I think since she was rich and horny she simply didn't care. She just wanted to date a mysterious, troubled artist.

And no - this movie makes me incredibly happy. I cry all the time when I watch it. It never gets old, either. I go to sleep to it every single night. :)
