At the end (spoilers)

At the end Molly decides to go to college...but without working for Roma, how could she afford it?


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


With the money she earned at the auction.


With the money she earned at the auction.

Didn't Molly only get around $2,500 per guitar? Originally I thought she was offered $2,500 for ALL the guitars!

Even $2.500 per guitar was surely not enough to rent a hovel in Manhattan...especially for any long amount of time...the Manhattan era of being a struggling artist and renting a cheap apartment on the LES etc is long gone. Even when this movie was filmed....Manhattan rents were creeping up. A friend who lived a few blocks from the Ansonia, was renting an 'alcove studio' for around $1,000!

The outer boroughs are now extremely expensive. Pretty soon there will no longer be any low rents in the entire state of NY. The only young people who will be able to rent are the ones with trust funds.

In addition to Molly's rent and other expenses.....she was also going to be paying 100% out-of-pocket for tuition to attend one of the city's most prestigious art/fashion design colleges. IIRC, Molly didn't have a scholarship. In fact, tuition isn't exactly low at any of Manhattan's art/fashion colleges.

Sweet movie....but it had a lot of plot holes.

Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning were was the pig!
