Fovorite Lines

Of all movies, this seems like an excelent one for this kind of thread! But just incase nobody's interested, does anybody know of a site where there is a list of 'em? My whole family loved this movie both times we watched it!

Joanne: I could blow a gasket!
Neil: I'm a gasket.

and in following...

Joanne: Hey! Gasket!

and deffinately the answere to Neils kid "dad? what happens when you die?"

Buffy has a run in with a pirate formerly known as Larry


I like the one when Amy is at her AA meeting and saying that it's hard because of the loneliness and the guy offers to keep her company.

"Thanks, but I'd rather sh!t in my own mouth."

hehe, talk about BURN.

If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.


What made that line REALLY funny was the other lady translating the phrase into sign language, complete with a gagging gesture.


yeah, that was classic. Oh, what a hoot.


For some reason I find Neil's almost biblical take on the beavers blocking the road really funny:
"And He shall bring forth beavers in great abundance...":-)



the best is of course:

It was impossible the first time, so, mathematically, it has to be twice as impossible now!


My favorite line has to be

"It's not the size of your army, it's the fury of it's onslaught."

I'm also a big fan of randomly shouting out "SWEEEEEEEEP!!" in public places.


I admit it. I"m an avid curler, and am proud of it. As such, my favourite quote is this:

James Lennox: It's shufflebaord and no. You gotta think like snooker, poker, and free-rock climbing. This is dangerous *beep*

As pilots we live in the air, but we die by fire...
Ok, anyone ELSE wanna be my co-pilot?


I thought that was great as well. The film had in fact quite a few nice little gems.


Favorite line has to be "They're magic mushrooms."


I say that all the time. But the one that really caught on in my social circle was "There are straws and there are camels and there are backs."
"She could be talking divorce dad."



Yes, along those same lines, I love when Cutter turns to his dad and asks, "just how stoned are you?"


I also like

Cutter: are you some kind of moral dyslexic?

Lenox: I think you've got that backwards


When the beavers are all over the road, and Neil is likening it to the plague of frogs or locusts in Egypt "and they shall come up into thy house..." I nearly died laughing there, because the line is nearly lost in the other dialogue, but it's just so great.
"They may be old, but they are the enemy. Kill them."

But my all-time favourite:
"Are you going to pick up that stone?" "It's on FIRE." "I mean metaphorically."


Another I like is

"How's my form?"
"It's great, Dad."
"Good, cause it might be permanent."


The one constant through the years has been baseball.


Those are gems!

I have a really short attention span


Cutter to Lennox: Tap this one, rsise this....
Lennox to Cutter: Tap it?!
Cutter to Lennox: tap it.
[After running down the ice and watching their stone explode in to several pieces]
Cutter to Lennox: what was that?
Lennox to Cutter: That was a tap with authority man!!

Cutter to Julie: If that O-ring blows you could be at the bottom of the Atlantic.


^^In the credits, they have some blooper type things, and I love it when Paul Gross says that line, then looks evilly at the camera and smiles and says "I tampered with the O-ring!"

I was watching it again last night and forgot how much I loved "Hey if a Swede can do it, you can do it!"


I get the biggest kick out of that line "if a Swede can do it, you can do it" as well.. don't know why :D


^^ I love that line too! Although my Swedish acquaintances are a little miffed at me, I think.


!!!! totally. :D lol.
the line has come in handy a couple of times.


Amy to Cutter: I like a man who knows what he wants.
Cutter (laughing): *beep* have you got the wrong man!



everything from leslie nielsen in the pool rehap scene
Cutter (over a passed out Amy to her son): "she's ok...she's just tired"
Brandon: "it's nice that your lying to me, but we both know she's shi t faced"

"My drugs are red, white, and blue"


Shape up or ship out!


I can't remember the exact line, but Curling, a sport where men are men, women are women, and the sheep are nervous.

Cutter: How much for the beer?
Bartender: $5
How much for the glass?
Bartender: $10
How much for the TV?
Bartender: $60
Takes the beer and smashes the TV with it.


Technically the line goes:

Cutter: How much for the beer?
Bartender: A buck fifty
How much for the glass?
Bartender: A dollar and a half
How much for the TV?
Bartender: Hundred and fifty

My favorite would have to be the "common knowledge" drunk debate they have in the rock field before the final game.


One guy - can't remember who - says, "Well I'm not."

My, how I chuckled.

