Stunningly Pathetic

The Omega Code 2 combines the worst of both worlds for a vomit-inducing piece of unadulturated tripe. I mean it, this film works better than a barrel of Epicaque. Not only do we have christian propaganda at its saddest and most stunningly pathetic ever, but regurgitated with it; American patriotism propaganda. If you ever make the stupid decision of watching this horse sh--, well you'd better have a good excuse. Let's say a large heavy brick were to fall on your head and leave you disoriented and you decide to rent this crap, make sure that you don't eat anything for at least three days. Trust me, especially if you have carpet in your home. Or if you are ready to just toss all logic out the window, maybe you've become tired of thinking for yourself and are ready to turn the wheel over to someone who couldn't operate a tricycle with a toddler to show them how, then go ahead and rent this film and I will guarantee you that by the end you will have made the transformation into a quivering puddle of protoplasm.


There is a screening of this movie every night at the Oval office in which Bush carefully studies Satan's tactics before sending new orders to his troops in Iraq. General Patreus also came out and publicly said the script, dialog, and acting in this film, much like the surge, totally worked in every conceivable way.


Well I am a Christian, and I didn't like this movie either. If anyone would like to see any decent end times movies (which I find that there are very few of now days, due to the last days apostasy which was fortold in the Bible), I would recommend the Theif in the Night series, which started in the 70's and ended in the 80's.

It is a series of 4 movies: A Theif in the Night, A Distant Thunder, Image of The Beast and The Prodigal Planet.

I just ordered another one from amazon called Final Warning. That one is a documentary from 1995, and it is more relevant now than ever.

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And here is one more end times documentary that I would recommend:

Visit my website at


David Hunt is a good man, but he's a little to obsessed with the Catholic Church, and of course is also to blinded by the Pre-Trib Rapture doctrine.

"It's not about money.... It's about sending a Message..... Everything Burns!!!"


Ill look for those on Netflix.

"It's not about money.... It's about sending a Message..... Everything Burns!!!"


"quivering puddle of protoplasm."

