MovieChat Forums > Me Without You (2001) Discussion > Who related to this film?

Who related to this film?

I have never watched a film and felt such a personal relation with a character.

I ultimately was Holly, having spent all my childhood and teenage years living in the shadow of my best friend who took advantage of our friendship and often left me behind as I refused to, shall we say indulge in certain events as depicted in Me Without You.

I watched this film alone, just before leaving for University, and it struck me how little my friend valued me, how I was her 'safety net'; how I was always there for her to fall back on no matter what mistakes she made, and as other 'friends' came and went I was the only one that stood by her, but I couldn't even justify to my parents why I was still friends with her.

Unlike Holly, I decided to do something about this relationship and ultimately ended an 18 year friendship. But rather than feel bad about it, the relief was amazing.

Some people are like Marina. Some are like Holly.

There was no point in trying to change my friend, and I also was unwilling to change. And whilst I didn't particularly like the conclusion of this film, I loved the storyline as it genuinely prompted me to re evaluate my best friend.

Did anyone else see a part of themselves in either character?

*I saw in your eyes that you hate the world, I hate it too...*


I somewhat related to this film.

and saw part of holly in me when I was younger, I was very much wrapped up in books and became friends with girls who introduced me to party's, drugs...etc which what marina did to holly in their teenage years.

and also many of my friendships have been dysfunctional like holly & marina's (probably not as dysfunctional though) and I have felt the jealousy that they have felt towards each other with all of my best friends.



I completely related to this film.

I also had a childhood best friend at the time...and while we did get along, she would do things to piss me off on purpose. Like buying something I had my eye on, and then she's call me up to tell me she bought it first.Or she would say something that she knew would hurt my feelings...things like that. So I view myself as the "Holly" in that sitaution.

We haven't seen each other in years...though she's called me a few times.

But the friends I have now always comment that our friendship is like this movie.

So yes...I can relate.

Next thing you know, money's missing off the dresser and your daughter's knocked up! - Tommy Boy


I totally related to the film. I was so much like Holly if you exchange being bookish to being a dancer growing up, I had several very close female friends who in one way or another (sans the drugs) treated me like Marina. Actually, one of them, my oldest friend, had an older brother, and lets just say we had the whole Holly/Nat unrequited love thing and was always kept apart by her, etc.



Wow! When I saw this movie I related so much to Holly, I had a friend who lived near my house, I was in catholic school and she wasn't, so she introduced me to stuff like guys, drinking, shoplifting.

She would drink beer, (we were 15) and I wouldn't, and if I didn't want to do something like that she'd tease me about being too much of a goody goody.

She made out with my boyfriend 3 days after I started going out with him (of course I broke up with him), and when I liked a guy that she liked too, she told me he said some bad stuff about me, and it turned out not to be true!

I bought a cd and I thought I lost it, then it turned up at her house and she claimed she had bought it too, because she liked mine so much. She ended up moving away and GOOD RIDDANCE!

My parents used to tell me she was bad for me and I would defend her and say that I knew what I was doing and she was a good friend and all. It wasn't all bad, we'd go to parties and have fun, but now that I look back on it, it was a toxic friendship.

There's no me without you!


I, too, was a lot like Holly. I was very wholesome and somewhat naive, but I knew where I wanted to end up. My friend would intentionally insult me on a near daily basis and cover it up with "no offense." She would talk about her intimate relationships and her drug usage as if everyone in high school succumbed to the same thing. I have no idea where she is now. In time we naturally drifted apart. But I still worry about her.


