
For years I had heard nothing but mediocre things about this movie. A few nights ago I watched it and was pleasantly surprised and impressed. This movie terrified me, chilled me right to the bone, and not many horror movies do that to me. From the early shot of the Creeper's truck coming into frame and slowly into focus at speed seen through the windshield (One of the coolest and most innovative shots ever I think) to the ending, Jeepers Creepers has a lot to offer.

The biggest thing for me was both the premise and the ending. The premise is actually very unique and is absolutely petrifying when you think about it. An inhuman monster luring people off the highway to eat their body parts and keep their bodies in a dirty, grimy lair, that is just pant-wettingly terrifying. And the ending especially impressed me.


At first glance it appears that the filmmakers are going to phone it in and give us the standard climax (The cops shooting and/or blowing up the Creeper and saving the two protagonists) and that is what I was gearing myself up for. Fortunately, the filmmakers were a little bit more imaginative and went with the ending we got. Honestly, it's a struggle for me to remember a movie that has a more bleaker ending than Jeepers Creepers does. The sheer finality of it all, the helplessness of the psychic character (who wasn't killed, surprisingly) and the disillusioned look of the sister all play a big part in this. And I've often wondered what it would be like to see the sister having to return home and explain to her parents what has happened to her brother, that's how much you can get invested in these characters. Is it a perfect movie? No, not at all but is it enjoyable and a breath of fresh air? I believe so.

Highly recommend this one!!


Agreed. This movie is way too underrated.



Good horror movie


This movie one has its own identity; it is a very specific piece of horror cinema. No wonder why this has such an incredible replay value. The Creeper is one of the most memorable horror villains.


I agree, a friend recommended it to me long ago and I though "What kind of a stupid name is Jeepers Creepers?" then I saw the movie and it won me over really fast. I was into it right from the beginning when they get rammed by the pick up truck: it's rare for horror movies to make an effective scary scene in broad daylight, aside from Texas Chainsaw Massacre I had never seen that.

Also, "GAY FEVER !" ^^
