MovieChat Forums > Queer as Folk (2000) Discussion > Queer as Folk Marathon - Season 1 - Epis...

Queer as Folk Marathon - Season 1 - Episode 1

Episode 101

Welcome to the QAF Marathon!

I�m e-oliver (you can call me by my real name, Elizabeth, if you want) I am from Brazil and a big QAF fan. The first time I watched QAF, it was March 2007, the show had already ended, and I had never heard of it. I was searching for a song on Youtube (Open Arms, by Journey), when suddenly a music video about Brian and Justin popped up. I couldn�t believe it how beautiful they were, and the love scenes were so hot! I searched for the complete series but all I could find was short clips, which gave me some idea about the show. At the end of the year I bought the DVDs and since then, I watch the show often. Every time I learn something new.

Looking for my old reviews of the first Marathon, I realized that I never reviewed the earlier episodes, so it�s wonderful to be able to do that now. I�ll focus on Brian and Justin. Michael�s storyline with Mr. Little Riding Red Hood and his big basket bored me to tears. It just showed Michael doesn�t have a life; he keeps waiting that one day Brian would fall in love with him. Michael is not my favorite character.

In the first scene we are introduced to the wonderful world of colors, lights, music and beautiful young male bodies of Babylon. I�ve always thought that Babylon would be a great name for the show in non-English speaking countries (of course, Queer as Folk is better when English is your first language, otherwise, it�s hard to translate into other languages). When the show was on in my country (Brazil), the Portuguese title was something like �The people who live out of the closet�. I know, REALLY BAD. Why didn�t they just call the show Babylon?

Babylon is the center of these young men�s lives, where sex plays a major role. As Michael says: �It�s all about sex�. The first time I watched the show I thought we would have Michael�s voiceover the whole series. Fortunately not! [no The first conversation of Michael, Emmett and Ted shows exactly what we need to know about each of them. I�ll never forget the first time I laid eyes on Brian Kinney!! Totally comfortable in his environment. BTW, the guy he takes to the backroom, WHAT A HUNK!!!! I just love the groundbreaking use of the cameras in this show, all those fast shots, you never get bored. I confess I was a little disgusted when I saw the backroom for the first time, but eventually got used to it.

There he is: Todd - the most famous bottom in the whole Liberty Avenue -, in all first episodes of each Season (except season 3, if I�m not wrong). Brian is introduced as the stud of the group and the one successful with men. Gale is in his prime for this role. Beautiful, young, charming, PERFECT! Then the camera focuses on Justin, the teenager making his first entrance in Liberty Avenue. I have to say, Justin looks 10 years old when we first see him. He looks scared at first. Unlike Brian, he looks totally uncomfortable in this environment. As the producers said once, when Justin steps on a water puddle it symbolizes his baptism into the gay world. As soon as Brian spots him, it was as if the world stopped, nothing else mattered to Brian. He had to have him.

Justin was very brave to go home with a stranger older man. He didn�t let his fear to stop him from doing what he wanted. I guess he was decided to lose his virginity that night. He was lucky to get someone who at least treated him with some care. The first time I saw Brian�s apartment I thought that was the most wonderful loft I had ever seen. I even thought about maybe buying some land and building a house with that blueprint configuration. Well, I didn�t, but Brian�s loft is still my inspiration whenever I think about decorating a new space in my house. No wonder Justin was so impressed. I think Brian was very gentle with him. However, it�s hard to believe that Brian didn�t suspect Justin was so young! Am I the only one who thinks Brian had a big crush on his gym teacher? The way he told Justin the story of his first time, I thought it was sweet! He wanted to show Justin that it�s normal to feel scared in one�s first time.

Had not Melanie called at the wrong time� But it was nice, Justin came to know another side of Brian that same night, �Brian, the Dad�. Brian looked very vulnerable when he was holding Gus for the first time. I like to think that that was a very special day for Brian. He met Justin and became a father on the same day. He practically lost Gus and Justin the same day too in Season 5.

The hospital scene was very sweet, but I have to say I hated Melanie for the whole Season 1. She was always so obnoxious, very mean especially toward Brian. From Season 2 on I started liking her a bit, but once in a while still hating her. For me it was clear that Lindsay had feelings for Brian when they had that conversation in the hospital. I had this same feeling in many situations on the show in the following seasons.
I remember the first time I watched this episode I felt like crying during the rooftop scene. When they started to play �Proud� I felt this was going to be a great show and knew I wanted to watch it till the end. I loved Brian and Michael�s talk, except I was not very fond of Michael. His devotion for Brian was irritating to me sometimes. This is why he treated Justin so badly on their way back from the hospital. Brian was high, Justin was excited and Michael was a pain the neck. Fortunately Justin decided to go with Brian and had a fabulous first time.

In the shower scene the next day, I was surprised to hear Justin say that his Mom said she wishes she didn�t have him. That was not consistent with the loving nature of Jennifer. I think the producers changed their mind and decided to build the Jennifer character differently later. There are other inconsistencies: Michael arriving in Brian�s car and shouting his name from the street, that was crazy. And, of course, Brian�s place was a mess! This is the only time he totally trashes his place in the series. Again, I hate the way Michael treats Justin! He was certainly jealous.

The producers said that when Brian asked Justin if he cared that they would take him to school in a car with the sign *f*agg*t* that was the test to know if Justin would choose to live in the closet, or would be proud of who he was. Justin says �no�, but of course he was afraid of what people would think, considering that he was not out at school, and considering that he is still an immature teenager. Another inconsistency is Brian�s reckless driving when taking Justin to school. He could have killed some of those kids! Hard to believe that nobody called the police, or at least the school security.

I love how Brian defends Justin from a school mate who was making fun of him. And I LOVE the caring way he adjusts Justin's shirt! How sweet! The end of this episode was very intriguing for me. Brian and Michael driving down the streets of the city, looking at people's horror faces when they saw the car. Brian shows how proud he is of being himself. I couldn�t wait to watch the following episode to know if Brian and Justin would meet again and what would happen to their relationship. I totally fell in love with the show. Looking forward to reading everyone elses's impressions on this episode.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hello, e-Oliver.

Thank you so much for reviving the marathon for all of us who weren't able to join in before.

I wish that I had discovered it much sooner than I did ( I only discovered this show in June of 2011). I first heard about it on this forum dedicated to the movie, Brokeback Mountain, that I was lurking at at the time. Since more than a few people kept mentioning it and how good of a show it was, I became rather curious about it, and then went to youtube to check out a few clips. These particular clips were dedicated to this couple named Brian and Justin, and it was unlike anything I'd ever seen before, I was utterly amazed. Ever since I stumbled upon this show, I have not been able to fully tear myself away from it, and I don't expect that I will anytime soon, thankfully.


I remember the first time I watched this episode I felt like crying during the rooftop scene. [] When they started to play “Proud” I felt this was going to be a great show and knew I wanted to watch it till the end.

I don't know what it was, but I felt the exact same way. It is like this deep emotion overcame me because it felt like it was the start of something profound and beautiful. Brian extending his hand out to Michael was like away of him saying, "From this moment on, life as we know it will never be the same again". That is the part that always gets me. And then one of the most beautiful songs I had ever heard began to play, and it was Proud. I was absolutely spellbound from then on.

Also, I remember being afraid that Brian was really going to jump or fall, but it turned out, he was just acting dramatic and clowning around.


Literally just finished the series for the first time about 5 minutes ago and just stumbled across this marathon idea! I really think I need to re-watch the series from the beginning again and take part in this because it sounds like a great idea! I love this show so much and recently bought all five seasons on DVD. I guess I should get on re-watching the pilot episode asap!


Yes!! Welcome, DWhitney89! We're in for a wonderful journey, you'll see. The first marathon was something very special for me. I met wonderful people. Some of them became dear friends.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Yeah DWitney89! reply from Wed Jun 12 2013 23:26:08

Another player with a different perspective will be great!


Ever since I stumbled upon this show, I have not been able to fully tear myself away from it, and I don't expect that I will any time soon, thankfully.

That happened to all of us, BrightMelody! I have been hooked to this show for 6 years now. At the beginning I thought I would move on as soon as I had watched the whole series, bu that didn't happened! And I don't think it will!

It is like this deep emotion overcame me because it felt like it was the start of something profound and beautiful.[...] And then one of the most beautiful songs I had ever heard began to play, and it was Proud. I was absolutely spellbound from then on.

Exactly! This is what I felt. So then and there I decided I wouldn't rest until I could find the whole series in DVD and watch it as many times as I wanted.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi Brightmelody09! Reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 08:24:42 post

I agree with you and Elizabeth about that rooftop scene as being a very pivotal point in the first episode.

....It is like this deep emotion overcame me because it felt like it was the start of something profound and beautiful. Brian extending his hand out to Michael was like away of him saying, "From this moment on, life as we know it will never be the same again". That is the part that always gets me....

Also, I remember being afraid that Brian was really going to jump or fall, but it turned out, he was just acting dramatic and clowning around.

Beautifully put. And remember, Michael is his best friend and the one he could always turn to in a crisis. Michael was always there for him, no ifs, ands, or butts. I too was also afraid that Brian was really going to jump that night. His emotions (mixed with drugs) were all over the place and he seemed a little in a panic at the sudden turn in his life.


Very glad you are doing this. I was also originally lured into this show by Brian and Justin,originally that is. So if the show was actually on in your country did you somehow miss seeing it at the time?

Didn't know about Justin being taken to school in the marked up car being a test. But it does explain Brian's reckless driving because of the attention it would call to their arrival.


When the show was on in Brazil, it was on cable and I didn't have cable at the time. Only when I started watching it on Youtube I found out that it was on Brazilian cable television a few years back. I had no idea. Brian and Justin seem to be the sirens that bring us all to the Liberty Avenue ship.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi dergil! reply from Thu Jun 13 2013 07:21:53 post

Welcome to the Marathon.

Didn't know about Justin being taken to school in the marked up car being a test. But it does explain Brian's reckless driving because of the attention it would call to their arrival.

See, I didn't know that either. I only thought about the horn beeping to draw attention but never thought of the reckless driving as also part of it. I thought he was still feeling the high from the previous night and was acting giddy and childish having just taken a virgin the night before (or earlier that morning) and having residual drugs in his system hampering his thinking skills.

Would he have cared if he killed anyone (not a serious question!) but the man sure lives in his own bubble.


Watching this program with an eye to reviewing it helps you to see the actions as well as the motives behind them in a much clearer light. It has enhanced my enjoyment in for the show, which I didn't think was possible at this point.



I am glad you are finding a deeper meaning to the show thru reviews. The dissection reveals the different layers behind the surface visual presentation.


Hey e-oliver! Thanks for setting up this marathon! I am an American and watched a few episodes of the first season when it first came out. My best friend had just come out of the closet at the time and QAF premiered right around this time, and when I could (I didn't own a TV) I would catch an episode here and there at his house. Than I started traveling for work and started watching it regularly when it was airing some time in Season 3 and then watched every episode religiously thereafter. Then about a year after it went off the air I bought all of the Seasons and did my own marathon and watched from beginning to end, and did that all over again the next year - only to give a friend of mine all of my QAF for his birthday. Then recently I decided to watch them again (some 5 years since I had had my last marathon) and bought all of the seasons - again. And I love this show even more with every viewing . . .

That said. The rooftop scene. Ahhhhh! I loved it. I never did see the pilot during its original run so I didn't get the significance of playing Pride in the finale at first - but after watching the whole series in re-watching it, knowing the end, that scene just becomes more emotional and powerful to me. I am also moved to tears every time I see it, one of my favorite scenes in the series. That scene to me is the most important of the series as to Brian and Michael's friendship. I don't know if I would have liked Michael AT ALL in the pilot without that scene. There is so much symbolism in it as well, Brian (and via Michael since he vicariously lives through Brian) are embarking in a new era of their lives with the birth of Gus (little did we know at the time but it also marked the new era of Justin as well), and you have them standing on this precipice, experiencing it together as they have with every major event in their lives, and there is this feeling for me of taking a leap into that next phase, into adulthood really for two men that have lived in perpetual youth, and standing on the ledge is just so poignant for the scene, there is an unknown a danger to the future really, I just think it captured so much emotion, truly brilliant.

I also loved Justin in the pilot, though he becomes not one of my favorite characters later on. Even though he comes across as very young, the kid is so bold. And I love the B/J lovemaking scenes. My God! The "I will always be here" line from Brian in taking Justin's virginity - soooo hot! In rewatching the pilot you see how different Brian is with Justin right from the beginning. Since this is the first we see of Brian sexually (with someone he brings home at least) I think it takes seeing more of how Brian is with his tricks to realize how Justin was special to him from day one. I loved the story of the gym teacher! Also how Brian turns immediately to Justin to ask him what to name Gus. It didn't strike me as odd the first time around, but in seeing more episodes and how Brian and Michael are supposed to be such close intimates, it is amazing that he turned to Justin on what to name his child rather than Michael. This is actually in my opinion when we see Michael beginning to be dethroned so to speak as the number one in Brian's life, which is probably why Michael is so hostile to Justin from the get-go. I didn't get the impression that Michael ever had any jealousies so to speak over Brian's tricks before, but even Michael knew Justin was different, and I think asking Justin to help name Gus is a bigger moment then I gave it credit for in the past.

I loved the car scene pulling up at school - and yes it was Justin's coming out moment, but I got he impression that he would have done anything for any extra minute he could spend with Brian! So if he can have a few extra minutes in the car with Brian . . . coming out it is! I saw a thread where someone said Justin was a Marysue or a character that the audience places themselves in the shoes of - for me that isn't the case for the character of Justin - however it is the case for me in the pilot. When he is standing on those steps saying he just met a God, he has just come out, his life will never be the same, and there is that excitement and sex haze you have all day at school where you can't even concentrate - I definitely felt those things from my own past and that love struck excitement when watching the pilot, via experiencing what I felt Justin was experiencing by maybe projecting some of my own feelings on him. A new love - and that love being Brian Kinney - swoon!!

From the get go I loved Emmett & Brian, liked Ted (though I really grew to love Ted the more the show progressed), was kind of on the fence about Michael (more leaning towards dislike but also pitying him a bit for working at a job he hates and being in the closet, unrequited love, jealousy that makes him behave like an *beep* to a kid who has done nothing to him) and I adored Justin (though that wore off for me as the series progressed). Mel and Linds . . . ughh. . . I didn't like Lindsey from the get-go because she just seemed to be to goggly-eyed over Brian, it seemed to me from the first scene if Brian became straight she would be first in line to have a crack at him. I didn't dislike Mel as much at first, because if my partner looked and behaved around another person like Lindsey did with Brian I wouldn't like him either! But the gals didn't do it for me in the pilot, and in truth they never really do it for me, though I have to say I liked Mel better than Linds in the beginning.

I agree with you on Justin's mom - what? - but even though there were some holes (as in all pilots) a fantastic start for this series!


Well I hardly think Justin became number one in Brian's life that night at the hospital. He barely remembered who Justin was the next morning. And his having Justin help name Gus had more to do with sticking it to Mel, indifference, or being high than bestowing any real honor on the boy.

Agree with you and other posters here that think Lindsay was seriously hung up on Brian. I don't know how Melanie could put up with it.

Really like your take on Brian and Michael's rooftop scene.


Ooops dergil - looks like the way I phrased that implied what you thought I meant - I didn't mean to say Michael was dethroned that night, obviously Justin had to work his way up, but that the hospital scene was the first we see, or the beginning, of Justin getting a foothold into Brian's affections. I went back and added a couple of words so what I said on this isn't confused again because I can see in how I phrased it you would have thought I meant that I thought Justin became number one at the hospital, and I just meant to imply the hospital scene is a sign and the START of Justin "dethroning" Michael.

Brian acted like he barely remembered Justin (or like many maybe he just had to get his bearings straight those first couple of minutes after he woke up after a night of severe partying to collect his thoughts about the prior evenings escapades, and didn't forget) - we know he remembered his and Justin's night because, and I can't remember what episode it was, he and Justin are at the bar and Brian is giving him some sort of Kinney pep talk and brings up how Justin was scared the first night but he was also brave in saying "I'm going with him." Justin was shocked that Brian remembered all that, but he did remember down to the exact words Justin spoke.

And I completely agree with you guys on Gus, what a horrible name - I hope no one named Gus is here on these threads :)) But it actually doesn't surprise me coming from Lindsey, the name is blah, no pizzazz, it comes of as old and slow, kind of like Lindsey herself.



Justin may not have moved to number one position on that night, but he was certainly in a number one position being his shiny new boy toy, being high on drugs, not thinking straight, in shock from being a father, and thinking about finishing off with the boy later. He was still popping pills while going down the hall in the hospital. It was not about replacing Michael, it was about being all phuqed up and behaving like a loopy kid that night. If the birth happened at 10 AM on a work day, Justin wouldn't be there, Michael would, Brian would have had his coffee and no drugs in his system and he probably would have asked Michael for his opinion on the babies name. But, sh!t happens and now we have Gus ;-)

I also don't think he was sticking it to Mel. Brian was high as a kite that night to be so clever as to take that opportunity to take a dig at Mel.


Well said, Luv. :)


luvsmesomegmh from post 3:24:52,

Think Brian's favoring of Justin over Michael says more about the relationship between these two friends than it does about Brian's feelings for Justin. Theirs was an uneven relationship with Brian often taking Michael for granted.

Suppose you're right that Brian was too distracted by everything else to deliberately stick it to Mel. But if, for some reason, Brian had ever thought about the side benefits of allowing Justin to pick the name, annoying Melanie would be on the list.


Hi dergil, reply to Wed Nov 13 2013 09:43:23 post

Think Brian's favoring of Justin over Michael says more about the relationship between these two friends than it does about Brian's feelings for Justin. Theirs was an uneven relationship with Brian often taking Michael for granted.

Absolutely! Brian was a selfish pr!ck that only thought of himself. Michael was always putting up with his cr@p because he was in love with Brian. You keep repeating the same routine long enough that it becomes normal in their relationship to each other. It was very uneven (and that is a nice word to use). Brian was cruel enough to just ditch Michael to find his own ride home because he had Justin to 'deal' with. Phuq his 'friend' because he had some other 'phuqing' plans of his own.

But if, for some reason, Brian had ever thought about the side benefits of allowing Justin to pick the name, annoying Melanie would be on the list.

Heck, I was too busy looking at Brian's shiny new boy toy to think too much about the dynamics in the room. Doofy Brian turns around and spots shiny toy and asks him what he thought. The only other things to look at in the room were lesbians and Michael. Justin had to remind Brian in the shower the next morning that he named Brian's son. Now, if Brian was a little less doped up, yep, he could have gone with a dig to Mel. I would be so pi$$ed if the deciding vote to name my baby came down to a trick. My question is why Mel didn't fight more for it at that moment? She sure seemed like a strong willed person.

Well, this is only episode one, let's see how things develop....



Yes Michael did put up with a lot from Brian, even with the hope of romance in the mix. But never thought of conditioning over time being one of the reasons.

Never did understand why Melanie allowed Justin to pick the name either. Maybe since it was biologically Lindsay and Brian's baby, she didn't really feel that she had much of a say in things.

"Gus" is horrible isn't it. Did Cowen and Lipman actually like this name?



But never thought of conditioning over time being one of the reasons.

They started being friends from a young age and who knows when the real unevenness (I call abuse) started. It probably started when Brian became sexually active (truly active - late teens) and Michael was not and was standing on the sidelines watching his friend turn into a wild sex machine whereas Michael saw sex differently and therefore did not follow in Brians footsteps. He just tagged along for over 10 years. Not that he was celebate, but he was more picky with whom he slept with because he was more thoughtful of what sex meant to him.

Like the cycle of abuse, if you choose not to do anything to change the pattern if you are unhappy with it, it continues and you stay stuck in that same groove. Michael became Brians enabler. Brian knew that Mickey would never leave him and Michael knew he would always put up with Brians sh!t because that's just how his 'friend' was. Michael made excuses for Brians bad behavior and always had his back. I could imagine in his mind he only had to wait it out for Brian to go thru his wild phase and Michael would be there waiting, as always.

They are in their late twenties, moving into their thirties and what if Michael stopped the cycle and told Brian he wouldn't continue being a doormat. Or someone waiting to get thrown a scrap of affection with the hopes of it becoming something more? What if.... Ted and Emmett both knew that Brian treated Michael bad and they wanted something better for their friend.

Never did understand why Melanie allowed Justin to pick the name either. Maybe since it was biologically Lindsay and Brian's baby, she didn't really feel that she had much of a say in things.

I always thought that the two mommies would decide on a name and raise the boy. Brian was just a donor and not play a major role in his life. So because of that, why even ask Brian his opinion on the name. This was just Lindz playing another one of her games. Besides, the name should have been decided upon way before the birth. Have a couple of options ready that they both liked and decide when they saw their newborn to see what name fit better. I think Mel gave up way too easily. And never mind about Justin (and who the he11 are you?). Brian never wanted to be a father. The baby belonged to Mel and Lindz - period.


Excellent revier, briebo1!

There is so much symbolism in it as well, Brian (and via Michael since he vicariously lives through Brian) are embarking in a new era of their lives with the birth of Gus (little did we know at the time but it also marked the new era of Justin as well), and you have them standing on this precipice, experiencing it together as they have with every major event in their lives, and there is this feeling for me of taking a leap into that next phase, into adulthood really for two men that have lived in perpetual youth, and standing on the ledge is just so poignant for the scene, there is an unknown a danger to the future really, I just think it captured so much emotion, truly brilliant.

Brilliant insight, briebo1. I had never realized how much the precipice was so symbolic of transition to the unknown for all the characters.

I also loved Justin in the pilot, though he becomes not one of my favorite characters later on. Even though he comes across as very young, the kid is so bold.

The character Justin has been na inspiration for me since the first day I watched the show. His courage inspires me to never give up whatI want.

I think it takes seeing more of how Brian is with his tricks to realize how Justin was special to him from day one.

Exactly. I think by the 8th episode we have seen tricks enough to see the differentce between them and Justin.

I loved the story of the gym teacher!

That story intrigues me. And disgusts me to know that an older school teacher let a teenage student touch him. Ewww! I believe Brian had a crush on that teacher, but he always implies that he does not do crushes.

I didn't like Lindsey from the get-go because she just seemed to be to goggly-eyed over Brian, it seemed to me from the first scene if Brian became straight she would be first in line to have a crack at him.

I had the exact same feeling for the whole series. That was very unfair to Mel (even though Mel is not my favorite character). Mel was L's second option. Maybe that changed in 5th season. But still, I love how Lindsay is nice to Justin and how much she likes that Brian met him. If I had to pick one of them, I would pick Mel,she may be irritating and obnoxious, but at lest she is honest and sincere.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi briebo1 from Thu Jun 13 2013 09:27:25 post

I am an American and watched a few episodes of the first season when it first came out. My best friend had just come out of the closet at the time and QAF premiered right around this time, and when I could (I didn't own a TV) I would catch an episode here and there at his house. Than I started traveling for work and started watching it regularly when it was airing some time in Season 3 and then watched every episode religiously thereafter. Then about a year after it went off the air I bought all of the Seasons and did my own marathon and watched from beginning to end, and did that all over again the next year - only to give a friend of mine all of my QAF for his birthday. Then recently I decided to watch them again (some 5 years since I had had my last marathon) and bought all of the seasons - again. And I love this show even more with every viewing . . .

What a beautiful story. Obviously, this show meant a lot to you that you can share all these fine details of your journey with the show. Your friend must be dear enough to you if you would give your whole collection away as a birthday gift. It's funny that even though you gave up your collection, the show still had it's hold on you to purchase all five seasons again.

I think that speaks volumes of the power of Queer as Folk, even til this day. It has been long off the air, but people are still discovering how special and moving this show was to keep drawing in dearly devoted fans like us.

The rooftop scene. Ahhhhh! I loved it. That scene to me is the most important of the series as to Brian and Michael's friendship. I don't know if I would have liked Michael AT ALL in the pilot without that scene. There is so much symbolism in it as well, Brian (and via Michael since he vicariously lives through Brian) are embarking in a new era of their lives with the birth of Gus (little did we know at the time but it also marked the new era of Justin as well), and you have them standing on this precipice, experiencing it together as they have with every major event in their lives, and there is this feeling for me of taking a leap into that next phase, into adulthood really for two men that have lived in perpetual youth, and standing on the ledge is just so poignant for the scene, there is an unknown a danger to the future really, I just think it captured so much emotion, truly brilliant.

Symbolism is right! End it now or go into the "ordinary" as the song says. Brian did have two very special people enter his life on that night. Standing on the edge of that roof, where it could go one way or the other. Tragic or hopeful, was a way for the writers to visually help us along with this defining moment for the series and in the pilot episode. My heart was in my throat wondering if Brian would jump. He seemed utterly confused by the swirl of emotions he was having all at once. But, turning to look back was his rock, Michael, the friend he has always relied on. He reaches out and Michael is there to support his friend, even though he is putting his life on the line too being on the very lip of that ledge (why did he always have to be Lois?). That is the way they worked together and it has been that way for a long time. Michael would do anything for Brian (thru selfish or unselfish reasons, it doesn't matter) because they had a tremendous bond. The way Michael knew how to bring his friend back from the edge and under control says a lot about the depth of their friendship. Strong, reckless Brian could be calmed by gentle Michael. I am isolating just this one scene to show how they relate to each other and the writers pulled off the scene with so much understated emotion and never made it too smarmy.

I also loved Justin in the pilot, though he becomes not one of my favorite characters later on. Even though he comes across as very young, the kid is so bold. And I love the B/J lovemaking scenes. My God! The "I will always be here" line from Brian in taking Justin's virginity - soooo hot! In rewatching the pilot you see how different Brian is with Justin right from the beginning. Since this is the first we see of Brian sexually (with someone he brings home at least) I think it takes seeing more of how Brian is with his tricks to realize how Justin was special to him from day one. I loved the story of the gym teacher! Also how Brian turns immediately to Justin to ask him what to name Gus. It didn't strike me as odd the first time around, but in seeing more episodes and how Brian and Michael are supposed to be such close intimates, it is amazing that he turned to Justin on what to name his child rather than Michael. This is actually in my opinion when we see Michael beginning to be dethroned so to speak as the number one in Brian's life, which is probably why Michael is so hostile to Justin from the get-go. I didn't get the impression that Michael ever had any jealousies so to speak over Brian's tricks before, but even Michael knew Justin was different, and I think asking Justin to help name Gus is a bigger moment then I gave it credit for in the past.

That’s the part I like the most about Justin – his boldness in the face of what he has to go thru in life. He took a real chance putting himself out there on the street, late at night, knowing that he in all probability would go home with a stranger that night and have some kind of sexual encounter. Things could have turned out horribly wrong for him that night if he went with some twisted freak. Good thing he is smart and his intuition kept him on a safe (pretty safe) path.

Gale and Randy were absolutely flawless in this first episode in their sexual encounters (it was a long broken up night). From seeing the Brian in the back room getting his d!ck suct (which was so tedious) to the slowly built up first kiss with a strip show included to the gentleness of Brian's stroking, instructing Justin with hushed words is a totally different approach from his predator mode at Babylon. It was so tender and nothing like the lack of feelings he had for the tricks at the club.

Yes, I agree with you that it was strange for Brian to ask Justin what to name the child. If I was Michael, I would feel like I had been slapped in the face. Isn't Michael supposed to be he best friend since they were young and he is giving this honor to a boy he just met. Michael sees that there has been a shift in his position in Brian's life. But, it is too early to take it too seriously, it has only been a number of hours that Justin has been in Brian's life and if all goes as it usually does with Brian and his tricks, things should be back on track in a matter of days or even hours.

When he is standing on those steps saying he just met a God, he has just come out, his life will never be the same, and there is that excitement and sex haze you have all day at school where you can't even concentrate - I definitely felt those things from my own past and that love struck excitement when watching the pilot, via experiencing what I felt Justin was experiencing by maybe projecting some of my own feelings on him.

Well, this scene must have been all too real for you meaning it probably had similar or the same effects on many, many more other watchers out there. The writers knew what they were doing (probably having similar experiences themselves). Some people complain that the show did not portray gay life in an accurate light, but with this scene, they seem to be dead on with the details.

I didn't like Lindsey from the get-go because she just seemed to be to goggly-eyed over Brian, it seemed to me from the first scene if Brian became straight she would be first in line to have a crack at him. I didn't dislike Mel as much at first, because if my partner looked and behaved around another person like Lindsey did with Brian I wouldn't like him either!

Yep, she seemed sneaky and would have jumped ship if she had the chance to be with Brian. That was not very respectful to Mel. Mel knows how it is and has to constantly fight to be in the number one position whenever Brian is around and turns on the charm. I don't blame Mel at all for being a b!tch toward Brian. Mel should have had it out with Lindz to make up her mind and cut that sh!t out.

I agree with you on Justin's mom - what?

This was a bomb dropped and went nowhere. We were just left with Brian saying that his mom was stuck with an annoying brat. And……..? I think they wrote it and then decided it wasn't worth hanging on to and it never popped up again.


Thanks for doing this!

I discovered QAF much the same way you did. I think it was Feb. 2007. A friend had sent me a youtube music video of B/J and I was obviously intrigued. That night I watched a bunch of clips online and got the general feel of their story line. The next day I went out and rented season 1.

I remember not liking Brian all that much at first. Gale isn't even his hottest to me here. He looks the best in seasons 2 and 3 IMO. He's still a bit too skinny here, especially during the water over his head scene.

I was actually surprised he was so nice to Justin at first and was so...gentle. I get that Justin is a kid so he made allowances vs. how he normally treats a trick, but still. I can totally see later episodes Brian telling him to go home and come back when he's more mature!

I loved Justin immediately. Maybe because I myself was 19 at the time, so I could relate more to a 17 year old than the mid-to late 20 somethings/30 something Ted on the show.

Michael...hmmm I like Michael more now than I did then. I still think he can be quite the pest, but he can also be quite funny, and I think it's crap the way Brian strung him along for 15+ years. I get WHY he did, but it was still crap. Glad it never went anywhere though!

I LOVED Emmett from the start. He's still one of my favorites.

Ted I appreciate more now, but he was never a favorite and I found most of his stories boring. I wanted to talk about his crush on Michael but realized that that's episode 2.

Mel and Linds...didn't care. Was interested in the past sexual relationship she and Brian had though. It's hard to imagine present day Brian even being bi-curious, so I wonder if their sexual relationship was a result of early installment weirdness or lifted plots from the UK that just happened to stick. Still, it makes it clear that Lindsay has always had a thing for Brian and I don't care what anyone says: she is bisexual. She found a way around not being able to be romantically with Brian and took the next best thing...having his baby.

Gus? Really? yuck. Poor kid.


Gus. Yuck. So agree that it's a horrible name, assuming that's what you're saying. Wondered if anyone would ever say so. Always wanted to mention this myself, but there were to many other things to talk about.


Oh yeah, definitely the name is yuck. The baby is adorable. If it was between that and Abraham I would have gone with the latter. Yeah it's old fashioned and he probably would get made fun of, but at least in his adult life he might get taken seriously. With Gus, not only will he get made fun of, but he will probably get locked out of any high level position with that name. Gas station worker, indeed.

Seriously...was Lindsay high?


Moonprincess, we all should be thanking you! The first Marathon was your idea! I hope you can stay with us till the end this time!

I have most of the first marathon saved, thanks to very good friends who participated in the first marathon. Actually, I have your review of this episode, Moonprincess!! I'm sending it to you by PM. I think it's gonna be interesting for you to know if you still feel the same way now.

Unlike you, I fell in love with Brian immediately, I thought Gale was one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen. But I agree with you that he looks more beautiful in seasons 2 and 3. I love Justin too, always have, always will.

Totally agree with your insights on Brian and Lindsay's relationship. I'm pretty sure she had Strong feelings for him when they were in college. And I've always thought that if Brian magically became straight, she would dump Mel to be with him!!!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Oh yes, I remember that. Thank you so much for taking over the marathoning. You have done an amazing job, and I hope I can stick around for this one!

I just read my old review. It's amazing that I pretty much feel the same way with some minor differences!


You are welcome! As for me, every time I watch the show, I see it differently, maybe because of personal growth and change.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi eoliver! reply to Sun Jun 16 2013 20:17:27 post

every time I watch the show, I see it differently, maybe because of personal growth and change.

That and I think we see new details that we missed in previous viewings. It is similar to reading each different persons review. They are seeing it with their eyes. Our eyes can only catch so much in a viewing. We may be focusing on one (or a pair) of particular things and everything else is a blur.


Was interested in the past sexual relationship she and Brian had though. It's hard to imagine present day Brian even being bi-curious, so I wonder if their sexual relationship was a result of early installment weirdness or lifted plots from the UK that just happened to stick. Still, it makes it clear that Lindsay has always had a thing for Brian and I don't care what anyone says: she is bisexual. She found a way around not being able to be romantically with Brian and took the next best thing...having his baby.

Yes, I've always found it very interesting that they were intimate in the past, even though Brian is gay. So, I've been curious as to how that must have came about, i.e., Were they drunk? Were they just experimenting, etc. Either way, It seems like after Brian had been sexual with her, she wanted to keep him close by her and eventually make him the father of her child, Gus.

But I've always liked their friendship, even if it had it's faults sometimes.


It didn't surprise me that Brian had been with a woman in his early years - many gay men have sexual encounters with women when they are young, it definitely helps confirm, if any confirmation is needed, that they are indeed gay.

What surprises me most is that Lindsey was a woman, if maybe the only woman, Brian had sex with. Lindsey? Really? Just the thought of them together sexually is so wrong to me, and not just because she is a woman. I would at least be able to see Brian being able to get it up for a woman who was some sort of sexually charged powerhouse that was very masculine in demeanor and similar minded about sex/emotion as Brian, and though it is hard for me to even imagine Brian with any woman, a woman like Lindsey is even harder to wrap my head around.



I agree, briebo1. I can't picture Brian and Lindsay in bed together. Could it be that Brian can get it up only for a woman he had some kind of emotional connection with? Lindsay was his dear friend. He can get it up for pratically any men (even men he is not attracted sexually), but when it comes to women, he feels differently.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi eoliver, reply to Sat Jun 22 2013 04:51:50 post

I bet you a young man can pull one off pretty easily at the drop of a hat. Or if he fantasizes about something that gives him a st!ffy, he will be ready to go with a little friction to complete the task.

Not to be crude here, but what did men get caught doing while herding sheep.... And that sheep may not be attractive at all.


Not to be crude here, but what did men get caught doing while herding sheep.... And that sheep may not be attractive at all.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi briebo1, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 09:18:08 post

What surprises me most is that Lindsey was a woman, if maybe the only woman, Brian had sex with. Lindsey? Really? Just the thought of them together sexually is so wrong to me, and not just because she is a woman. I would at least be able to see Brian being able to get it up for a woman who was some sort of sexually charged powerhouse that was very masculine in demeanor and similar minded about sex/emotion as Brian, and though it is hard for me to even imagine Brian with any woman, a woman like Lindsey is even harder to wrap my head around.

I agree. Lindsey is too 'vanilla' for a Brian type. I can see him with a hotty, a slut, a woman who wants to devour sex as much as he does. We will never know and also, maybe at that point they had a bond that included trust that they were both willing to 'experiment' with each other while probably knowing that they were both gay and they were just making sure of what they wanted and who they really were.


I don't think they were drunk and Brian says he took advantage of a few of those times, so it sounds like they did it more than once. And in season 4 I believe they say it was during a summer period implying several weeks to months. Maybe Brian was just a different man at ages 18-22, but still. Everything else everyone ever says about Brian implies that he has not changed much since he was 14 years old. He always comes off as one of those guys that knew they were gay from childhood and never questioned it, though perhaps he did. I still think it's something lifted from the UK plot/character weirdness that just wasn't phased out.

The furthest I could ever have seen present day Brian going with a woman is kind of like what Justin did with Daphne -- helping out a close female friend lose her virginity and I definitely don't think that was the case here!


I don't think they were drunk and Brian says he took advantage of a few of those times, so it sounds like they did it more than once. And in season 4 I believe they say it was during a summer period implying several weeks to months.

Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up, because I didn't know what the circumstances were.

I've always loved how we were given an introduction into Brian and Lindsay's past concerning their friendship.


I remember heated discussions about that a few years ago (oh the good old days! lol) I tend to agree with moonprincess; it's hard for me to even think that Brian wasn't 100% sure that he was gay by the time he met Lindsay. He and Michael were gay and met at 14 and I believe that helped them both be sure of their orientation. I either think that what Brian meant is that Lindsay had the opportunity to have sex with Brian due to some circumstances (or maybe they're joking because their parents thought they were a couple?) or like moonprincess says, it's something taken from the UK version but didn't pan out in the US version (kind of like Ted's crush on Michael?)




Hi clofa! reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 10:51:46 post

I am trying to stay in the present and 'pretend' we are only talking about 101 and all these things are getting slipped in from later episodes. Oh, this is testing my willpower to not jump ahead.

Ok, I cave on this one. He and Michael did know that they were gay at 14. But, let me just throw a wrench in anyway. Brian did become 'curious' during the age range of 18-22, but only when it was summer.


Moonprincess, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 09:22:16 post

Maybe at that age range of 18-22 it doesn't matter where you stick it because hormones are raging. And Lindsey being a close friend and probably not a slut, she would have been a safe candidate to play with if there wasn't a guy around or if they got bored studying.


BrightMelody, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 08:49:47 post

It seems like after Brian had been sexual with her

Didn't they say while Mel was out of the room that he would have phuqt her (to get her pregnant), they had more than one chance at it, and it wasn't half bad. So, it wasn't just once and it sounded like Brian at that past time may have actually liked it with her. Or not minded it at least. But, with time and other experiences, he definitely knew he was totally into men.


Hi moonprincess, from Thu Jun 13 2013 18:17:37 post

A friend had sent me a youtube music video of B/J and I was obviously intrigued.

When I started watching them on YT, I found myself obviously hot and bothered. They were the yummiest male couple I had ever seen and I just had to find out what show they were from. Yep, hooked right away.

I remember not liking Brian all that much at first. Gale isn't even his hottest to me here. He looks the best in seasons 2 and 3 IMO. He's still a bit too skinny here, especially during the water over his head scene.

I agree, he seemed like an arrogant self-centered pr!k. I thought he was very good looking and I agree, it only got better. As for being too skinny…. I don't like the bulky type and love his long legs and what is between them. ;-p

I was actually surprised he was so nice to Justin at first and was so...gentle.

Not knowing the man yet (we are pretending we haven't seen all five seasons) and just having the comparison of what went on in the club and how he treated his friends, I wonder if there is more behind this. In our imaginations, could he have been a 'Justin' at some point (his first @n@l experience) and his special guy treated him this way or that Brian asked to "go easy, ok?" Just a thought.

As a side note, there are three books covering the lives of our Folks prior to the show timeframe and in one chapter, it does tell of Brian's first time. And that is all I will say on that matter :-p

I LOVED Emmett from the start. He's still one of my favorites.

I loved him too. I was fortunate enough to go to the convention in June and Peter Paige is so delightful, funny, and terribly smart. He read for the part of Ted but I am so glad he got the part of Em. He was perfect for the part and all the comedic twists and turns Em had to pull off.

Mel and Linds...didn't care. Was interested in the past sexual relationship she and Brian had though. It's hard to imagine present day Brian even being bi-curious, so I wonder if their sexual relationship was a result of early installment weirdness or lifted plots from the UK that just happened to stick.

Would the show have been different with two lesbian couples? Would that have made any difference if that couple were not as maddening as Mel and Lindz? Just a thought. The lesbian couple was lifted from the UK version of the show but to me they seemed more of a well-balanced couple, less drama.

As a side note, in one of the three books that I spoke of before, there are a few chapters that explain what happened between Brian and Lindz. I loved the books by the way. Some of it fits into moving into the characters we know from the show and some of the stuff doesn't. I still consider them a good pre-show view into their world in a fun way.

Gus? Really? yuck. Poor kid.

Rhymes with _us. Yuck indeed. No offence to anyone out there with that name. <3


Response to Luv.

I thought he was very good looking and I agree, it only got better. As for being too skinny…. I don't like the bulky type and love his long legs and what is between them. ;-p

I completely agree. As far as his body type, Gale's/Brian's spot on for me. I'm not a huge fan of those uber muscular type guys either. I like em' tall and lean (But still with some muscle tone... which G had/has. ) :)


Well, I think there might have been only one season where Gale was in tip top shape for me. I liked him with a little more pec definition along with a flatter abdomen, toned arms and a more ripped back. Sometimes he even had a tiny little tummy. I have a sneaking suspicion that Gale is not a fan of working out so most of the time he was just skinny with not much definition in his overall body.

His best feature of all to me was his facial profile. I loved those intense eyes and that perfect nose.


Thank you, eoliver for starting the new marathon!

I wish I can remember when I exactly started watching QAF! I know I was doing some online research for a friend preparing her master's. I stumbled on QAF's page on Wikipedia, it got me interested, then I was completely hooked when I watched a few clips on YouTube and read one particular review on IMDb beautifully describing the scene with Michael and Brian on the roof. From then on, I couldn't stop. Being the only fan I knew in RL, I would have gone insane if it weren't for these message boards. I lurked here for a while (because I had never ever in my life even considered it possible to write anything online besides emails! I had huge privacy boundaries) But when Gale Harold had his motorcycle accident, I couldn't help but write and that's how I joined this place in December 2008.

I agree with everyone so far about how powerful the rooftop scene though it's also the scene where I first started to dislike Michael.
I thought Melanie's bitchiness toward Brian very understandable and I liked her character right away. However, I was "deceived" by Lindsay that first episode because I liked her scene with Brian a lot, but soon she became my least favorite character on the show.

dergil said:
Well I hardly think Justin became number one in Brian's life that night at the hospital. He barely remembered who Justin was the next morning. And his having Justin help name Gus had more to do with sticking it to Mel, indifference, or being high than bestowing any real honor on the boy.

Agree with you and other posters here that think Lindsay was seriously hung up on Brian. I don't know how Melanie could put up with it.

I agree with your whole post. Even though I'm a Brian/Justin fan, I think that scene where Justin names Brian's son was just to show Brian's indifference (or his attempt to look indifferent).



Really? That is an interesting take that Brian asked for Justin's opinion in naming Gus to show his indifference. I didn't get that at all, not the first time around, but definitely not in further viewings.

I think Brian was overwhelmed in seeing his son, I never got indifference. Does anybody here notice that Brian calls Gus "sonny-boy" from the first moment - and we find out later that Brian's father refers to him as "sonny-boy." I caught this obviously in later viewings of the first episode, but we know that Brian has serious issues with his own father, and he is in a moment now where he is going to be a father to a child, and in calling Gus "sonny-boy" immediately to me really ties into Brian's own father issues, and that would have to be overwhelming in the moment. Brian strikes me as the type that Gus being born and becoming a father really didn't enter his consciousness until he actually saw Gus and he was born, I think Brian was kind of blindsided as to emotion, fear, confusion when he saw his child - leading into the emotional rooftop scene, at least that was my take on it, if Brian is indifferent in seeing his son it kind of takes away from what I perceived Brian was going through on the rooftop, and I love that scene (and at least how I perceive that scene) so I don't want to think Brian was indifferent! But its an interesting thought.


Really? That is an interesting take that Brian asked for Justin's opinion in naming Gus to show his indifference. I didn't get that at all, not the first time around, but definitely not in further viewings.

No, sorry, I wasn't clearer, I didn't mean that Brian was indifferent but, as dergil said, I think he was trying to seem like he didn't care to annoy Melanie. I think he does care about Gus a lot (he even surprised himself with that!) but I don't think Brian was in love with Justin at all at that point.



I hope I don't offend anyone, but why do (some) people believe, or want to believe that Brian was in love with Justin instantly? Yes, Justin was different from the start, that is true. But I think that's because of his age. Brian usually took home *men* his own age, who were bigger, buffer, and brunet like himself. Oh yeah, and not virgins. Justin is basically the opposite of all of that. Brian is an ass, but I think he can be kind or at least decent to those he feels protective of as we have all seen. Since Justin was a kid, he was not going to treat him like he normally treats another adult.

I feel like it diminishes the depth of Brian's feelings for Justin later on when is IS in love to say that one look or night of screwing did it for him. Brian doesn't let people in. Justin creeped his way in to Brian's life and heart and Brian didn't put up as many defenses because he thought Justin had nothing more than a silly crush and would be harmless to him. Big mistake on his part as we see later, as Brian slowly starts to take an interest in Justin's life, starts to want to have him around and take care of him, and oops, it's episode 122 and Brian's epiphany of romantic feelings hits him like a ton of bricks -- or rather a baseball bat. *meep*


I don't think (some) of us like myself think he was in love instantly (as least as to real love), but was there a love at first sight with Brian and Justin, obviously. Hal Sparks jokes in the commentary about the moment Brian sees Justin as being a little overdone dramatically like a soda commercial, but explains it was done that way to get across what Justin was to Brian when he saw him, which was this amazingly beautiful object of desire, they shot it so over the top to get across how over the top Brian was attracted to Justin, like seeing a mythical creature, at least according to Hal.

And I think some of us in the audience felt the same way about the scene that they were trying to portray, that Brian's initial attraction to Justin and his desire for him was unlike anything that had come before him. That is what love at first sight is, but it only confirmed that indeed it was LOVE at first sight and not just lust in what comes after. I know people are split between does love at first sight exist or not and that might be some of the division here.

And I think it is confirmed in how Brian treats Justin in that he was different than the normal object of Brian's lust. I have also experienced a love at first sight kind of thing, and the sex that Brian couldn't stop having with Justin (at least from what Justin said went on all night and Brian said he wore him out) only to continue the moment they wake up in the shower, only to continue to the hot makeout session they were having in putting each others clothes on when Michael walked in (so hot!) - these are not events that occur unless there is some serious sexual chemistry, they couldn't keep their hands of each other, and sexual chemistry like that is most often a sign that there is more going on than just lust - which is proven out later in the B/J relationship. Brian wasn't behaving this way just because Justin was a kid.

In my opinion Justin got in Brian's heart from the jump - now letting Justin know that is another story. And it is Brian opening up about his feelings that is Brian's growth in my opinion, to himself and to Justin - not that the very act of having feelings is some sort of accomplishment for him. And I don't think it diminishes anything to have feelings of love come out of a night of amazing sex, but that is me, and probably because every serious relationship I have ever had started exactly the same way B/J's did and I don't feel my partner's feelings that grow stronger later on or their journey into accepting that they loved me was diminished in knowing that love came out of and started from a night of sex with a stranger.


You misunderstand. It's not diminishing because the relationship started out purely sexual before it was more romantic and intimate. If I thought that, I wouldn't be a B/J fan. What's diminishing to me is saying that Brian loved him immediately, before he even knew him. After all, he barely could remember Justin's name (of course, ymmv on how much Brian was faking not remembering). I'm just not a love at first sight fan. It How can you love without knowing? Lust, yes. Desire, yes? Love? no.

I believe Brian when he says in episode 2 that Justin was nothing more than a *beep* for him that night. A good one, but a fck nonetheless. "You wanted me, and I wanted you, that's all it was." Brian says it and I believe him. After he gets rid of Justin that night he would have been fine if he never saw him again. That cannot be said of Brian starting from about episode 8 and beyond.

Having sex with Justin did not make Brian fall in love with him. At least not the sex they had on the first night. As for Justin, same applies. It's a crush at that point. He doesn't know anything about Brian in episode 1 that is substantial enough to be declared love. He's in an infatuated state. As he finds out in season 2, the idea of Brian Kinney being your boyfriend is quite different from the reality.

I also maintain that Brian treats him nicely because he is a kid, and a virgin and Brian wanted to make it good for him. After that first night when Justin starts to get irritating and keeps coming back for more, Brian is not so nice.

Michael's voice over about Justin coming along is just to let the audience know that Justin is different for Brian, Brian himself of course is not privy to this knowledge.


Like I said I think this goes back to if one believes in love at first sight - I obviously do - and it would appear that feelings of love before someone actually gets to know someone better to you are diminishing - so I think that is where the disagreement lies in this.

I have had love at first sight happen 2x in my life - one with a man I dated for six years and the other I almost married (literally 2 weeks away from waling down the aisle). And I loved both of these men - why we broke up was not for a lack of love. How do you know instantly that you love someone - it is hard to say - for me it is just an energy that is between us that I recognize and feel and fell in love with immediately which is obviously a part of who they are though I may not know intimate details yet - and both times it has happened getting to know them only magnified the love I felt the moment I met them, which for me confirmed the feelings of love in the beginning (accept I am a person that has a hard time admitting feelings of love to someone or hearing it from someone without getting freaked out - so the actual declarations of love of course come much later, but I knew the moment I met them that I loved them - and they felt the same way - love at first sight kind of has to be a two way street I think). Although love at first sight sex is pretty amazing, it isn't just the sex that makes you fall in love! So I don't see B/J's love-making as the basis for love at first sight, the sex is just an expression of the connection.

I don't know why you would believe Brian when he tells Justin things to hurt him to push him away constantly in the series - Brian is emotionally screwed up a bit. There are countless times where he tells Justin in a nut shell he doesn't care - the cancer outburst being one of the worst in my opinion. It would really reflect poorly on Justin in my opinion if the things Brian said were actually true and Justin continues to come back for more - talk about having no self esteem or self worth. But Justin does come back - and in my opinion he sees right through Brian's BS and knows that Brian is trying to push him away due to his own intimacy issues, and Justin calls him out on it time and time again throughout the series. I think Justin believed Brian in this first scene of Brian saying he was just a f$$k, but the next time they hook up Justin most likely experienced the same connection they had in their first encounter, only to see Brian wanting to screw him on the regular, and I think Justin quickly knew that he was more than that to Brian and blew off the original comment as seeing it as a way to push him away which it was in my opinion.

And maybe you didn't understand my point about how Brian treats Justin. It has nothing to do with being gentle and making him feel comfortable - that probably was because of Justin's age. It is how he treats Justin the next day that is different to me than the other tricks. Have we ever seen Brian after he has been with a guy kissing him all over his body as he is getting dressed to leave? No. Brian would be tossing the guy his clothes and bitching about being late - not caught up in the moment of not being able to take his hands off the guy - especially after he had already had them countless times! So I get that Brian wanted to make the sex good for Justin because of his virginity, of course, but the scenes the next day are over the top as to Brian's attraction to Justin that are way beyond trying to give a kid a good night in my opinion.

And I wasn't talking about Michael's voice over. I was talking about the DVD commentary and was quoting Hal Sparks, as to explaining why the scene when Brian sees Justin is so dramatically overdone it is cheesy but was done this way to show how Justin affected Brian differently than any man before. And how could Brian not be privy to the knowledge that he was attracted to Justin in a way he had been to no one else before? Since it is his life, and apparently his feelings of attraction towards Justin, he would kind of know that the way Justin was affecting him was different and wouldn't need to figure it out later.


We're going to have to agree to disagree. What you call love at first sight, I call lust and hormones. Yes, it can become love later on and those feelings of desire expanded upon after actually getting to know the actual person. But LOVE? I do not buy it for one second. How can you love someone you know nothing about? They could be a serial killer for all you know. Chemistry and energy are not the same thing as love, which takes actual time and trust and knowing the traits, flaws and all, of the other person and that cannot gauged within 5 minutes.

Why are you trying to take my 102 example of Brian point blank telling Justin he was a one time screw and trying to extend those actions to later seasons Brian who is actually in love with Justin at those points in time? The two cannot be compared. The Brian who pushes Justin away in 102 is not in love with Justin. Even if I did believe in love at first sight, Brian is the last person on Earth I would ever think it of. He's serious when he says he was a one-time trick and that Justin needed to go home. Brian may be contradictory several times throughout the show, but at this point, he has a one time trick policy and has no use for a 17 year old. The whole point of B/J is that Justin eventually broke down the walls and Brian didn't even see it coming. But knocking down bricks does not happen in one night! We see the progression of their relationship over the first season...from one night stand, to feeling a bit protective of, to genuinely interested in Justin's life and well-being, to doing something epically romantic in the season finale. All reflecting Brian's feelings at whatever point they are at.

Again, the only reason I think Brian continues to have sex with Justin is because Justin to him is essentially harmless. He's a kid with a crush and there's no chance Brian will ever develop feelings for him. Of course we all know what happens later and that's Brian's mistake. But he is not in love with Justin in early season 1, just strongly attracted to him. The actual feelings come much later.

So you argue that since Justin stayed around the next morning and Brian was all over him moreso than a normal trick that Justin was special. I still don't see how this points to love? We have both agreed that there is a strong sexual attraction, no denying that. And I could still argue that it was just Brian being nice because he's a kid. Justin told him before they left to the hospital that he had no place to go because lied to his parents about Daphne's. So naturally, he let Justin spend the night and was sexual with him in the morning. Not unlike Brian to be all over someone if he's horny and they're available. We have never seen Brian with any other teenagers though, so this argument in either direction goes nowhere.

Brian sees Justin - Again, you misunderstood. Brian does not know that in the future, he will fall for Justin like he's never fallen before. Brian doesn't do boyfriends. And as attracted as he is to Justin in 101 he entertains no ideas of them ever being partners. Justin is just another trick to cross off the list. He got bored and was feeling the new virgin. The dramatic voice over only lets the audience know that Justin will be different from the start. Brian has no clue about the brick he's about to get hit with.

IDK, maybe it's just me, but the thing I like about B/J is that they fell in love by accident. Or at least Brian did. The chemistry was there from the start, Brian even plays the little boy on the playground who pulls the pigtails of the girl he likes hair, and then they naturally grow closer over time and Brian finds himself feeling things he never imagined or wanted to feel.

I just can't stand the Romeo and Juliet-esque feel the love at first sight theory puts on them. I'm sorry, but blech.


Moonprincess - so as I said at first, we view the possibility of love at first sight very differently, and that is where this discrepancy lies. I don't fault you at all for being a person who that isn't a possibility for, but to judge others who have experienced it as nothing but hormones and lust is quite condescending. You can explain your opinions as to why you don't see that with B/J and that is fine, but to discount when another person explains that it has happened to them is very judgmental. FYI - my parents had "love at first sight" they met (my mother was to be married in a couple of days) spent a few hours together through a series of accidents, my Dad told her she was going to call off her wedding and marry him (she did the next day) and they were planning their wedding a week later - and now they have been married over 40 years. You can say they were just lucky their lust turned into love after they were married when they "got to know each other" (they would tell you different) or maybe you can have some grace for the possibility that two people can experience something the moment they meet and SEE in the other person for whatever reason a connection that is beyond anything they have experienced, and those who have experienced it call it love.

I just explained in another post this idea that Brian doesn't see it coming, is passive in the his romance with Justin, I just don't see, especially as the whole "point" to B/J. Brian is a very willing party to their romance in my opinion - just because he doesn't say the words doesn't take away that all of his actions say otherwise (as Justin states later in the series). And even from the beginning the idea you have that the only reason Brian was repeatedly having sex with Justin was because he had no feelings for him and Justin was safe/harmless - seriously? Brian doesn't have feelings for any man, they are all harmless! He doesn't need to go have sex with some kid to avoid the possibility of developing feelings for the other men that he takes pains to sleep with just once. Come on. And if Brian was "serious" about Justin being a one-time trick, why is sleeping with him again in the next episode! In my opinion, it wasn't because Justin was safe LOL. Brian's words to Justin obviously aren't on par with his actions - there is a discrepancy here - but considering Brian can have anyone he wants without a worry of developing feelings there is no reason for him to sleep with him repeatedly, so the reason his word/deeds aren't matching up is due to something else.

As to the next morning - it would appear we are different people here as well and will have to disagree. All sex is not equal in my experience - and pure lust/sex does not have the 2nd day antics of B/J - especially for Brian. But I am also a person who has separated sex from love most of the time in my life and that is lust - but when you have feelings for someone to me sex/love are intertwined, sex is a very important aspect to a relationship (for most men hate to say it the most important aspect and most men express/receive love through sex, and even some women if you have ever studied the 5 love languages) and sex is an important way you express your feelings in a relationship. So yes, I definitely see how they are sexually together the next day as evidence that there was more than just lust going on.

Have you watched the DVD commentary - again I am not speaking of the dramatic voiceover. I referred to HAL SPARKS, not Michael, explaining why they shot the first B/J scene the way they did to get across Justin was different to Brian than anyone else. You can disagree that that isn't what the scene was meant to portray and it was meant to show Brian was enticed and bored as you see it and that is fine, but HAL SPARKS disagrees with you on this.

And never once did I say in the first moment that Brian entertains the idea of being partners. Feelings of love for everyone doesn't necessitate having fantasies of the future, at least for me, and I think Brian is a very in the moment type of person, but Brian isn't a love-struck school girl who gets a butterfly in his stomach and thinks of marriage. He has feelings for this kid that are very intense, and he enjoys where it leads enough to go against everything he is by continuing to see him, and I don't think Brian likes to think of the future, so I personally never associated Brian's feelings with imaginations of Justin being his partner. So my point is Brian obviously knew he had feelings - he felt them! - but did he know where they were going to lead, of course not, but the fact that Brian wasn't thinking about a relationship from the beginning to me does not necessitate that he felt nothing.

And we are different people, the idea to me of a passive man who falls in love by accident and is wooed over time gives me the bleh feeling, and the idea of him being a guy who pulls Justin's pigtails makes me want to gag. But it goes to show that we can both watch the same series and get completely different impression :)


I was going to type out a long drawn out reply, but we're at an impasse. We are very different people and I don't get your view point in the slightest. And that's fine, but this is going nowhere and I'm afraid I'm going to say something I will regret.


moonprincess- I don't think there is a need for a long drawn out reply. I think through our exchange we both explained where we are coming from, and that is what these boards are about at least for me. I know on other boards sometimes posts do make me rethink things, but they don't have to in order to add to the discussion. I am sure many out there agree with you, and I don't expect my posts to change everybody's minds. An impasse to me isn't a bad thing, we have said all there is to say as to our respective positions, and we move on. We don't have to agree, though that shouldn't lead us to a place where we will say things we regret!

I do get your point of view, I just don't agree with it. And it is fine if you didn't get my point of view at all, we are talking about very ethereal things so to speak as to these characters and it is hard in quick posts for me to state things the best that I could.

Anyway, I didn't mean to upset you. Even at the end of my post when I used the word bleh and the pulling pigtails thing does not do it for me, I didn't in any way mean that as an attack on you personally. Everybody affords importance to certain relational aspects differently (sex is very important to me which is probably why I give more weight to the sexual exchanges than some) and everybody is different as to what they find exciting in a relationship The fact that some like pig-tail pulling and some don't doesn't demean either side, these are personal feelings and I want you to know that though I disagree with you, I do recognize that your opinions also like mine come from who we are as people and I didn't mean to give any impression that I was putting you down for your feelings when I was stating how your feelings made me feel, if that makes any sense, and I really don't want any animosity here.


In my opinion, both moonprincess1788 and briebo1 are right. I'm learning a lot with your discussion, you two have very good points.

I think our feelings about love at first sight have to do with our own experiences. I have a friend who met her future husband when they were in high school, he was a kid who had been transferred. She says she knew he was the man she was spending the rest of her life with the first time she saw him. They have been happily maried for 20 years. She is a firm believer in love at firs sight. I know many stories like this.

But different people have different experiences. In my opinion, there might be some sort of attraction at first sight. This attraction may evolve to sexual attraction or to romantic feelings, maybe even to friendship. If it evolves to romantic feelings, later we say it was love at first sight. If it doesn't, we don't say anything and forget about it.

In my personal experience, the love experiences I had did not begin with attraction at first sight. They begun with friendship first, then evolved to love feelings.

The other reason I'm not a big fan of the expression "love at fist sight" is that it gives a sensorial meaning to the feeling, the expression implies that love happens through our senses, I believe it's more than that. Can blind people have this experience too? How would it be for them?

This is the sign of a great discussion: nobody is totally wrong or totally right. We all have different points of view.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor



Totally agree, fairpenguin. The expression "love at first sight" means different things for different people. Whenever I hear it, I think of instant attraction, those first 10 seconds. People who reported me having this experience said the attraction happened instantly.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


That's pretty much how I feel fairpegnuin. It's not "love" it's attraction at first sight. Chemistry at first sight. Pheromones at first sight. But you cannot love someone you have yet to know anything about, and Brian of all people was not in love with Justin upon meeting him. Intrigued? Perhaps, but as I said before, after their one night, had Justin not continued to pursue him, Brian would have eventually forgotten all about him.

Saying you're in love within 10 minutes cheapens the meaning of love. And I also agree that if it works out in the end that it was good luck/coincidence, and if it does not, then no one ever goes on to say anything more of it.


Hi Fair, it's been a while! reply from Sat Jun 22 2013 21:10:54 post

I'm not sure what people mean when they say "love at first sight".

I don't know why we all didn't use the power of the internet to look this one up. Even I was just spouting off my personal view of the phrase. Here is what wiki says about it.

Love at first sight is a common trope in Western literature, in which a person, character, or speaker feels romantic attraction for a stranger on the first sight of them.

I know that I had this only once (that I recall - ha ha) happen to me in my whole life. It was a guy I knew in church, he had a daughter in the same school as mine and that is all I knew about the guy. We never talked, never exchanged glances, I just knew he was a member of our church family and that we have passed each other at the school. Anyway, long story short, it happened one day and it was electrifying for me because I didn't expect this type of reaction on my part. And I was married! Whoah! All it took was a single sustained eye contact between the two of us that lasted for a few seconds, looking at each other from across opposite sides of a crowded church. It really caught me off guard but I can say that it was all thru the eyes. Then it was over. I have no idea what he felt, if anything (I highly doubt it he would - I am not that attractive to catch a mans eye). I think that it is all about making a connection instantly with someone. Of course, it went nowhere and I barely spoke to him at all after that. I was shy, he was shy, I was married, he was I don't know what but I knew it wasn't going anywhere. This is the one and only time I felt that 'zap'. It was so strange. Joke: maybe it was a 'zap' from God to keep those thoughts out of the sanctuary. Ha....Ha...Ha...?


Hi briebo1, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 12:58:29 post

Thanks for sharing your own personal stories about love at first sight. That backs up what I believe can happen too, although I think it is mighty rare these days. There is too much technology that gets in the way of people getting to know each other the old fashioned way - sitting down and talking or taking a stroll.


Hi Moonprincess,


Sorry, what does this mean?

I'm just not a love at first sight fan. It How can you love without knowing? Lust, yes. Desire, yes? Love? no.

I understand where you are coming from and it definitely makes sense. You may not be a fan, but I have heard that it does happen. I don't know how solid these cases may be, but I've read it in books and seen it in movies and maybe even heard a few real life cases of this. Maybe it is not a black and white kind of thing. Love may come in a whole spectrum gray. I think of love at first sight as something that happened 80 or 100 years ago. Back then it was more of a yes or no kind of thing and you got yourself hitched and lived the rest of your lives together. People that have known each other for just two days and get married and spend the next 80 years together. Maybe this is all fantasy.

Having sex with Justin did not make Brian fall in love with him. At least not the sex they had on the first night. As for Justin, same applies. It's a crush at that point.

We are talking from the perspective of adults and then we have the perspective of a 17 year old virgin, first night on the town, knowing zilch about the homosexual lifestyle. Brian being an older man knew more about life (not necessarily about love, or even if it existed) and for sure we can say that it was not love at first site for him. Justin on the other hand was only 17 and at that age, what do you really know about infatuation, lust, love, a crush, or anything in between any of those. There was something in the way he was looking at him the next morning, just staring and wanting to get closer to him and hugging him. He seemed so somber just looking at Brian sleep. He knew something very important happened to him in his 17 year old mind and it wasn't a crush. This something hit him solid in the chest and I believe he believed it was love for him. This was only hours after one of the most thrilling nights of his life. Nothing before could compare. In his mind, this was it, love. Do you (or anyone else out there) remember when you were 17 and fell in love. It was so awesome and nothing else mattered and when that love was not returned we thought we would just die. The 17 year old mind is just beginning its journey to adulthood and the real meaning of feelings. We just have to see where it goes from here in ep 102.


Well, I am not a believer in love at fist sight in general. But I believe the sort of attraction Brian felt for Justin the first time he saw him was somewhat different from other tricks. Considering that Brian had just had a blowjob in Babylon, I don't think he was necessarily horny at that very moment. So, in my opinion the instant attraction he felt was aesthetic. I think he was attracted to Justin's beauty, youth and innocence.

In later seasons we see Brian taking tricks home, they start kissing and making out in the elevator, and they are almost undressing when they enter the door. With Justin it was different. I may be wrong but I don't think Brian touched Justin in the car on their way to his loft. They came in, Brian took his time, poured water over himself, talked to Justin for some time before making his move. He could have jumped into Justin right away, but he didn't. I guess he noticed that Justin was a little scared.

I agree with the producers that if Justin had never looked for Brian after this first night, Brian would have never thought about him again. This became a love story only because Justin wouldn't give up despite Brian's rejection.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


I really superimpose my own experiences obviously on how I view the B/J relationship, and mainly because of all the characters the character of Brian is the most similar to myself, so it can invade how I see Brian in a way as to how I have responded to similar situations.

At least you acknowledge that Justin was a little different - though to me as I have expressed, the difference I see is a love at first sight connection, which goes way beyond the superficial qualities of beauty, youth and innocence, in that for some odd reason you see a person and they are just magnificent, beyond the superficial, in that you can see who they are in a way that is usually impossible with others. To where someone can KNOW you, really know you, and see things about who you are as a person that others, even friends, may not often see, there is a connection there from the start in SEEING the whole person and loving what you see, which I get see with B/J.

As to my own feelings coloring how I see Brian, in my love at first sight experience, I did brush it off at first and would have had fond memories here and there about the encounter, but would have gone on with my life as if nothing had every happened had I not been really pursued. I would agree that Brian also would have reacted that way if Justin hadn't pursued him, but that doesn't take away from what was between them in my experience. Usually some guy thinking there was something special between us from a one-night encounter would have me running for the hills, but this particular guy I found sweet and innocent, and I thought he was clueless, and was giving weight to our encounter that just was romantic folly, though I knew it was unlike anything I had ever experienced, I didn't want love and wouldn't recognize it as anything more than a great night. And over time this guy proved to me that his feelings were real, though hard for me to take seriously at first, but my initial brush-off of him had nothing to do with my feelings (I had other issues going on and was really closed off), and eventually I gave into the "love" and decided to go with it - but my feelings when acknowledged were the ones that had been there since the moment I saw the guy (and though I found him attractive) were not based on just the superficial, which I obviously superimpose on the B/J relationship, because the fact that Justin pursued Brian and Brian seemed, at least for a while, to not care about Justin beyond the sex, I have been there and done the same thing, and in my life those actions did not negate what I was feeling. For me the big sign is that Brian continued to see him, against who he was as a person in not sleeping with someone more than once, and the fact that he continued to see a guy who claimed to be in love with him! This is HUGE to me! From my experience, that is proof positive of some intense feelings, because for someone who is closed off as to love a person who claims to love you is like nails on chalk board you have to run away from, the awkwardness is suffocating, and for a guy like Brian, or at least how I see him, to continue to see the guy who cries love, there are some serious feelings there because the only way the boy who cries love gets their foot in that door is if Brian (or should I say myself in how I view him) also has some intense feelings too. Justin would have never had a second night with Brian, especially after the love confession, in my opinion if Brian didn't feel something too, and since all we have is there first night to go by it would appear those feelings developed immediately, or at least that is how I see it.


Wow, briebo1! You make some very good points. The way you describe your love at first sight experience was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.

Maybe love at first sight exist for some people. Being someone who does not believe in love at first sight, soul mates and this kind of thing, maybe I would have to experience it to believe it's possible for me. I know it's possible for some people. Who knows, one day...

As for the show, do you think Brian would have looked for Justin after the sex night inspired by love? I mean, if Justin hadn't looked for him immediately do you think Brian would pursue Justin?

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Well I don't believe love at first sight is inevitably followed by a life together and happily ever after. So though I do believe that love can happen at first sight, I am certainly not a believer in soul mates or destiny or "there is one person for you" type notions. I think relationships, including ones that develop from a love at first sight experience are choices, a lot of hard work, and I personally don't feel that "love" is the predominant factor to a lasting relationship (for example if I had some sort of intense love connection with someone who wanted children, and I don't, it wouldn't work out). So though I do believe in fantastical origins to love so to speak and love at first sight connections, I am much less rosy about the happily ever after :)

And no, I don't think Brian would have gone looking for Justin. I think he was happy with his life the way it was and having sex separate from emotion worked for him. I don't see him as "wanting" in his life so to speak, especially wanting a love connection, so since he knew from the start that was where Justin was it seems far fetched that he would have hunted him down. And when you are the type of person that avoids love - you can talk yourself into a lot things and dismiss any sign of love or feelings that you may have (I have lots of poetry I wrote in my twenties about this), so even though I see Brian as having intense feelings beyond the superficial for Justin right away, I would see him like other love-phobic people who would dismiss the night as inconsequential even if their own feelings betray that sentiment, and he never would have pursued Justin. But saying no to Justin when he is pursued, a little harder to do if there are feelings there, and Brian obviously can't follow through on what would be necessary to get rid of Justin (stop sleeping with him just for starters) and he lets himself be pursued by Justin. Some may say he is harsh with Justin - though in my opinion he is just being honest about where he is at with things - but he really never gets harsh in my opinion to truly be so awful to get rid of Justin, and there is something to that, because for a love-phobic person it will usually get ugly if the in-love party doesn't get the memo that you aren't interested, and it never gets that way between B/J. So I do see Justin as pursuing Brian, but Brian also allowing himself to be pursued which I think he did, and if you are a person as I see Brian is allowing yourself to be pursued is a bigger step than I think some may give credit to, and making that step betrays that something more than the usual lust is going on in my opinion.


I think relationships, including ones that develop from a love at first sight experience are choices, a lot of hard work, and I personally don't feel that "love" is the predominant factor to a lasting relationship.

Totally agree, briebo1. I believe in friendship and respect as the most importante factors for a lasting love relationship.

And no, I don't think Brian would have gone looking for Justin. I think he was happy with his life the way it was and having sex separate from emotion worked for him. I don't see him as "wanting" in his life so to speak, especially wanting a love connection.

This is what I believe too. Brian didn't want a love relationship with anybody I think the hateful unhappy marriage of his parentes has a lot to do with his idea of relationships.

Some may say he is harsh with Justin - though in my opinion he is just being honest about where he is at with things.

That reminds me a beautiful song by Rod Stewart:

"You ask me if I love you and I choque in my reply,
I'd rather hurt you honestly than deceive you with a lie."

So I do see Justin as pursuing Brian, but Brian also allowing himself to be pursued.

Yes, although I think Brian thinks he wants to get rid of Justin, and likes to think he's taking action to free himself from the twinkie!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi eoliver, reply to Fri Jun 28 2013 18:35:58 post

I love that quote by Rod Stewart. It breaks my heart and the tenderness of those word are so beautiful. What song is that from?


Hey, luv!!

The song is "Sometimes when we touch":

One of my favorite love songs!!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Do they even make love songs like this anymore? So heartfelt. Thanks for the link.


I'm glad you liked it! This may sound corny, but this is one of my favorites!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


love ballads are not my thing, so I am not really a lyric listener, but those two lines alone were heart wrenching.

since i don't listen to lyrics, i was just wondering if there are any meaningful love songs today. I am guessing Adele and then i am drawing a blank.


I'm not sure! I stick to the oldies, like this, one of the most beautiful love lyrics I know (which has Brian and Justin written all over it, by the way) :

Hey, wait!! Somebody has already thought about that :

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi Briebo1, reply to Sat Jun 22 2013 10:23:16 post

And no, I don't think Brian would have gone looking for Justin. I think he was happy with his life the way it was and having sex separate from emotion worked for him. I don't see him as "wanting" in his life so to speak, especially wanting a love connection, so since he knew from the start that was where Justin was it seems far fetched that he would have hunted him down.

I think Brian was sort of happy about his life at almost 30. I think he was happier in his early 20's to late 20's. I think he is on the cusp of something and even he doesn't realize it. If we had seen his Babylon energy in his early days, I think it would have been more upbeat than what we saw in this episode. He was looking tired and bored by his Babylon night.

He also saw that Justin was in love with him that night and would do nothing to encourage that love because that is not what he wants in life at this moment. He is still the hottest stud of Liberty Avenue, yada, yada, yada.....


Hi eoliver, reply to Sat Jun 22 2013 09:04:35 post

do you think Brian would have looked for Justin after the sex night inspired by love? I mean, if Justin hadn't looked for him immediately do you think Brian would pursue Justin?

What! When did Justin do that???? Anyway, good point. I think Brian would not have gone looking for Justin the next night. Justin was just another trick (a special one though - all shiny and new) and he told Justin he would only see him in his dreams. Meaning, I am not going to see you again. When he dropped him off at school, the sad look on his face was telling me that he knew (because of how he is) that he would never see the kid again.


I think Brian would not have gone looking for Justin the next night. Justin was just another trick (a special one though - all shiny and new) and he told Justin he would only see him in his dreams. Meaning, I am not going to see you again. When he dropped him off at school, the sad look on his face was telling me that he knew (because of how he is) that he would never see the kid again.

Good point. As Deb said to Jennifer, Brian is a heart-breaker. The smart ones wise up. Well, Justin is not one of those!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


What! When did this happen? I am only on 101 ladies, the rest of the series hasn't happened yet.


You have a lot to catch up, luv!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


I know, I know!!!! I have a system going, one page at a time, one episode at a time. It's only time.


Hi briebo1, reply to Sat Jun 22 2013 08:35:15 post

though to me as I have expressed, the difference I see is a love at first sight connection, which goes way beyond the superficial qualities of beauty, youth and innocence, in that for some odd reason you see a person and they are just magnificent, beyond the superficial, in that you can see who they are in a way that is usually impossible with others. To where someone can KNOW you, really know you, and see things about who you are as a person that others, even friends, may not often see, there is a connection there from the start in SEEING the whole person and loving what you see

I had that instant 'connection' too but nothing came of it. Your experience went somewhere. No one will know how you feel until they have walked a mile in your shoes. They may not believe it even after that. But, it doesn't matter, this is your experience and point of view. No one can dispute that or argue about what happened to you. You have been lucky to have experienced such a thing. Not everyone will understand or agree, but that is ok too. We can agree to having different experiences in life, some are easy to believe, some not so much. That's what makes sharing on this board so wonderful. We are talking to different cultures and different people from around the world. It would be unbelievable and boring if we all saw things thru the same colored glasses.



Hi eoliver, reply to Sat Jun 22 2013 05:32:50 post

Considering that Brian had just had a blowjob in Babylon, I don't think he was necessarily horny at that very moment. So, in my opinion the instant attraction he felt was aesthetic. I think he was attracted to Justin's beauty, youth and innocence.

Well said. And as Hal said in the commentary, it was over the top, like a soda commercial. There was steam and halos of light all around Justin. Brian got the shiny new toy to take home. Brian might have had more sexual action before that last blowie before he left the club and didn't really need or want to go one more that night.... until HE came along.


Hi Briebo1, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 11:24:06 post

but was there a love at first sight with Brian and Justin, obviously

I only think Justin fell in love that night. Brian fell into lust (although it was gentle and loving). The way Brian seems (from only seeing this one episode) makes me wonder if he even knows what love feels like. Has he even fallen in love with a man before? We don't know. He sure seems like a crude and heartless man to his friends. I don't think Brian had anything on his mind than he got the grand prize and was going to have so much fun with this pretty young thing. Brian's M.O. would be only slightly be put off track that night because of all the interruptions. From what we see at the club "ten minutes tops" makes me think his encounters are quick and dirty. 'In and out'. The encounter with Justin seemed more special because it lasted the whole night and into the next morning. Brian had no intention of being with the boy again. Brian did have a beautiful night (by the look on his face when he dropped him off at school - a little sad that he would never see him again). That was the plan so he did not fall in love at first sight.

Hal Sparks jokes in the commentary about the moment Brian sees Justin as being a little overdone dramatically like a soda commercial, but explains it was done that way to get across what Justin was to Brian when he saw him, which was this amazingly beautiful object of desire

I remember that. The image worked and drew Brian straight over to Justin. Justin was nothing like what Brian ever experienced before (that we know of). How many beautiful, young, blond virgins do you see on Liberty Avenue? With that smooth skin and red plump lips, it was like finding a treasure.

Brian's initial attraction to Justin and his desire for him was unlike anything that had come before him. That is what love at first sight is

I still am not sure Brian knows what love would feel like, even being as old as he is, he just seems like he has no love in his heart (meaning he seems cold).

and the sex that Brian couldn't stop having with Justin (at least from what Justin said went on all night and Brian said he wore him out) only to continue the moment they wake up in the shower, only to continue to the hot makeout session they were having in putting each others clothes on when Michael walked in (so hot!) - these are not events that occur unless there is some serious sexual chemistry, they couldn't keep their hands of each other, and sexual chemistry like that is most often a sign that there is more going on than just lust

Hot is the word for all the action they had. Beautifully choreographed and lit made it all so magical. For Justin it was love because he was 'feeling' gentle love-making from Brian but that doesn't mean Brian was in love with Justin. He just knew that he had to take things in a softer direction to complete the deflowering of this boy. It also helped that this boy seemed eager to go and a quick learner to be more than a one trick pony.


Hey luv - I actually haven't been on the boards for awhile until recently, and I have been reading your comments to my posts, and I like and appreciate all of them, pretty much agree with you on most things, and think you have a great sense of humor :)

As to this last post - I have to say does a tree make a sound when it falls in the woods? Because that seems to be part of the issue you have with my idea of there being LAFS for Brian that was something way beyond lust. It would appear part of your argument is that there couldn't be any love because Brian probably doesn't know what that feels like. I think you would agree no one would know what love feels like until it happens to them, it is something that startles you that you can't quite wrap your head around the first time especially. But just because Brian has a hard time connecting with feelings or understanding them, if there were any feelings of love, his not being able to identify or understand them would certainly not negate their existence.

I completely agree that Brian had no intention of ever seeing Justin again. I guess to some that does appear that obviously he didn't have any feelings of love for him. But my romantic life has been in the past very similar to Brian's, I suffered from a lot of the same issues, one not wanting love or intimacy of any kind and getting all of my gratification from sexual without attachment. And I had a love at first sight experience, and the guy was my Justin not hiding his feelings of love at all and came off as very naive and young of heart, and the next day he had plans for us to see each other again, and I had to kind of laugh because I had no intention of seeing him again! But there was something between us, I had just had one of the most intense sexual encounters of my life and that was saying something, and it wasn't because the guy was great in bed, there was this energy between us that transported us to another world it seemed like, where time wasn't a factor, where the room around us just seemed to dissipate (and I was sober, which for me at the time wasn't all that often which really made it shocking), and what seemed like an hour turned out to be six, it wasn't the usual lust sex by any means, it was something way different, we connected in a way I can't explain. But still with my intimacy issues and self-protection I had no intention of having it go any further than that one night. So I look at B/J through the lens of my experience - when a person has some serious intimacy issues and doesn't want love just because they aren't planning a future immediately doesn't mean love isn't there.

Now this was hardly the first time where a guy wanted things to move forward with me beyond casual sex. And that usually would make me run for this hills, have to be a little harsh, it would kind of make me cringe inside that I often would behave in ways I would regret later in getting rid of them but the act of them pushing me would really piss me off and sometimes it was hard to control my reaction in that kind of uncomfortable situation. But for some reason with my Justin, it was different. I cared about him from the start in a way I didn't care about others, his pursuing of me didn't upset me or make cringe on the inside or make me angry, it was actually kind of endearing, which took me by surprise. I was so jaded at the time that endearing was actually a turn off to me sadly, but it wasn't with my Justin. All of the usual feelings I would experience in being pursued for "more" didn't surface, in fact I was appreciating and finding myself attracted to things in my Justin that I usually wasn't even attracted to. Now of course I didn't give in for awhile, baby steps were needed, but from the first day of meeting him he was different from everyone else, he brought feelings out of me from the beginning that I didn't think were possible - like mainly not being completely freaked out and uncomfortable and even angered by his pursuit. I view Brian through this lens of my own experience, it is probably why I like the love story so much because parts of B/J's love story mimic some of my own life in a way or at least in the way I read into it. Now the fact that from the moment I met my Justin my contact with him made me different, made me feel differently than I usually would, he had an incredible impact from the day I met him, and I consider that love at first sight which doesn't happen often in the wrecking-ball-on-my-life kind of way my Justin had on mine, which I also see Justin having on Brian, and it is hard for me to see that as a casual encounter that grew to something more, I see it as in my own life as love, even though it took me a while to even acknowledge or accept it.



You know I think it depends on whether or not one thinks it's possible to feel "love at first sight." I myself have gone back and forth on the idea but I do think that there is a lot of merit to what briebo1 has said in regards to Brian experiencing it with Justin.

I think it all boils down to the difference between Brian's conscious and subconscious mind. He did NOT know Justin and getting to know him and grow a quality of trust and depth of feeling had to have happened over time. However, if ever there was an argument for "love at first sight" I would say it was Justin and Brian or at least as briebo1 has said, how it was portrayed upon their first glimpse of each other and their ever after (on the show) inability to stay away from each other.

I think Brian felt something so deep, intense and visceral for Justin from first sight that WAS more than sexual lust and a passing fancy to get into his pants. He appears to be momentarily stunned as if he is glimpsing some sort of heavenly apparition. I also do believe that this scene shows us that Justin was MEANT to be much more to Brian from the very first moment... the need and desire for him went almost beyond the body and was so intense that it almost couldn't be classified or categorized as it was like nothing Brian had ever experienced... and probably was unlike what many of the relationships around Brian seemed to be experiencing.

However, I do agree that Brian wasn't pretending to deny these feelings in the first half of season 1- it was that he was actually not even AWARE of these feelings on a conscious level for quite a while into the season (I always think the King of Babylon episode is where it all really hits him). Brian's feelings for Justin did appear to be immediate and almost instinctive in nature. Looking back gives us hindsight to say, was it love? It very well could have been. Did he know it? No. Did he feel it? Yes, but it was buried under so much denial and emotional gunk that he was not even aware. He believed on a conscious level that Justin SHOULDN'T mean anything more to him, therefore that must mean he didn't and therefore he wouldn't treat him as anything more than an amusing kid. He was able to without any acting or effort at all to project surface apathy and annoyance about him. He did allow him to stay around more and more telling himself all along he just enjoyed f@$king him and that he'd kick him to the curb when he was good and ready. While some believe this time spent together allowed Brian to get to know Justin, let him in and thus fall in love with him slowly, others may believe that this time allowed Brian to gain more awareness of his repressed emotions and subconscious feelings- feelings that struck him from the moment this kid walked into his life.

Does love at first sight exist? Who knows really, if it does then it certainly did the moment Brian and Justin laid eyes on each other for the first time. There is something spine-tingling about the possibility that two separate bodies and souls could possess some natural connection that from the moment they learn of the other's existence they instinctively respond to the need to fit together.


Are you suggesting that Brian is in love with Justin at first sight but is not aware that he is? What!? If one wants to use this argument then all those deluded(in my opinion) fans out there who insisted that Brian and Michael actually loved each other and only thought they loved their respective partners is equally valid. No there is little if any canon to support such an idea. But neither is there canon to support that Brian loved Justin from the first time he saw him either.

The early episodes make it clear that all the pursuing is in one direction, Justin after Brian. Brian merely tolerated Justin in the early stages. And his throwing him out after the burglury and having to be persuaded to go after Justin when he went to New York, suggest he may not have even been that fond of him at that point. At any rate, Brian's actions here don't exactly scream love, aware or not.

One can go ahead and say that every action Brian takes and everything he says is not as it seems when it doesn't jibe with what one thinks it should be, while at the same time accepting anything that supports your ideas at face value. But with these rules, I could say that Brian and Michael are in love, rack up a few examples to support this, and reject all the overwhelming evidence to the contrary as Brian and Michael not being aware of their true feelings. And as ridiculous as the idea of Brian being in love with Michael is, there is actually more "evidence" for this than there is for Brian falling in instant love with Justin.

But about this particular epidsode, I see lust at first sight. And I don't think it's too much of a spoiler to say that Brian does later fall in love with Justin. And Brian is indeed spellbound by Justin in this early scene. But it is only lust. Love often begins as lust. But when this happens it doesn't retoactively transform the first meeting of mutual but purely physical attraction into something else. Brian does appear to treat Justin with more care than he seems to treat others. But he was a young virgin and Brian knew it. To suggest that Brian would treat some other inexperienced teenage boy any different would suggest that Brian is conssumate @@s hole. Even I think more of him than that. And while Brian did offer Justin more curtesy than the usual, he also told him that he had "had" him and to go home. And it wouldn't make sense to say that the curtesy was real but the sendoff was Brian not knowing his own feelings. It's not possible to have it both ways. Not and be credible.


Oh dergil to be honest I'm really not interested in having a discussion with you about my opinions that goes on and on and on with you drawing out every line of what I say and dissecting it. Really I know some people like it, but I don't. It gets tiresome, tedious and pushes me away from this board. Sometimes I don't get time to come to this board very often and it can be very off-putting to feel as though you have to vigorously defend everything you think or feel. Some people have opinions that differ from yours that may put a bee in your bonnet, and you really need to just deal with it. No, there is not "canon" that tells us one side or the other with certainty about this, that is why it's called AN OPINION. And why must you bring Michael into every post? I didn't mention him once.

You have no right to call anyone deluded, no matter who they are fans of and I don't understand your incessant need to jump all over every post that suggests something deeper between Brian and Justin than you are willing to consider.


I hope you are not suggesting that I have a problem dealing with those that have an opinion different from mine. I do get a tad bit annoyed when a poster suggests that I have a crush on Hal Sparks or calls me a lawyer. But that's ancient history. Anyway, most opinions on this board are different from mine. And I am fine with that. And I don't think I jump all over every Brian and Justin post. In this thread alone there are at least half a dozen B/J opinions that I did not "jump all over" I chose your post because it delt with a lot of what looks to me like conjecture. And was interested in the use of conjecture to make a point about whether Brian and Justin was a case of love at first sight.

Don't think I bring Michael into every post. I do spend most of my time talking about him because he is my favorite. And since I am the only Michael fan on this board right now, all debates over that character seem to be between me and just about everybody else. And even then I usually only speak of him when someone else brings Michael up first. I was hesitant to use his name here because of my "rule" to keep him out of conversations not pertaining to his character. But there were(and still are) some qaf fans who really believe that Brian and Michael love each other and are just not aware if it. And this sounds a lot like when you say Brian is in love but not aware of it.

I thought I said "in my opinion" fans of a Brian and Michael pairing are deluded. But if that is not good enough, let me apologize to any B/M fans out there for calling you deluded.

Well I certainly don't want to put you off this board. So I won't engage you in any more discussions about Brian and Justin unless I completely agree with your opinion. However, you may feel free to answer any of my posts whether you agree with them or not. I like the discussion, whether everyone agrees with me or not.


I don't have any desire to only engage people who agree with me and have always welcomed discussion and differing viewpoints. I enjoy that in fact. However sometimes it feels like because you see yourself as this supposed "lone wolf" on here with your opinions like you have this duty or mission to keep it from becoming all starry-eyed for B/J fans by tempering some posts with your idea of good, logical sense to the contrary. That's not necessary.

I don't see why it matters if something seemed to you like "conjecture." Yes, dergil you do seem a little bit lawyer-ish and I get turned off of the feeling that I need to lay out my evidence and defend it when I make a simple post stating my feelings and opinions about a tv show. It feels like it moves beyond discussion for the simple pleasure of exchanging viewpoints and enters into this realm of cross-examination. This is why I've been hesitant to really engage in the marathon discussion threads even though I have a lot of ideas I wanted to share. I love discussion but am not crazy about the idea of anyone's opinion and unique interpretation of an episode being answered with a "what!?!" And I realize that I might be the only person here who feels this way, as I know that others readily welcome it.

And you do bring Michael into an overwhelming percentage of posts that you make, even when he wasn't a focal point of discussion to begin with.


Most people here, including me, enjoy your posts and your enthusiasm for the subject. Even the posts I dissagree with. So I certainly hope you will continue here. And as I said before, you will have no more conflict or discussion over Brian and Justin from me. Hopefully looking forward to reading your thoughts on the qaf characters here on this marathon.



IA fairpenguin!


Hi Fair, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 21:09:04 post

I hope both you and katiedyd hang around for the entire length of the marathon ! I enjoy all of your posts despite your very different opinions.

I agree! I just don't like it when it gets to be too much like a fight like what was happening on the Gale board. It got too mean for me.



Hi Fair,

Yes, that troll (I hate that term though, plus it reminds me of those little dolls that had neon hair that stood straight up and they looked so freaky). I bet she/he has been banned for life from the boards because it has been a long time. It did get pretty brutal over on the Gale board with her/him there. That person claimed to have personal connections to Gale and his family and knew a lot of dirt on them. I am glad that person is gone and the board is a safer place to be now.

No news on the Gale board is not good for him. He is sliding down the starmeter scale and almost about to fall off the chart (thanks to the people over there that keep track of those numbers ).

I have never watched BB. I guess the people on the boards there reflect the type of show it is. Come back and frolic in the land of rainbows dear.


I think that it's very sad that one person ruined the whole flow of the Gale thread and discouraged people from commenting there (That must be why it probably hasn't been very active this year). It's so depressing to hear this "person" was trying to dish dirt on him and his family. People can be so damn malicious. The worst part is they don't give one single fuuq about what they do.


It could have all been b/s anyway. Just a person that liked to stir the sh!t. 'It' could have been banned, got tired playing the game, maybe got threatened with a lawsuit by the Harold clan. Maybe that person passed away because of all the negative energy in their body.

Sure it made it more active but it also made it a more toxic place to be. Reality now is that Gale numbers are going down. I am a big fan of his so don't get me wrong, but he doesn't roll out the charm for his fans and he has a bad habit of being a no-show at events for reasons unknown sometimes.

The day I met him this past June he was up and down with his moods. Nothing drastic, maybe he is just shy or something. You can't change a persons basic personality and this is maybe all we will ever get from him. I am still his fan though.



Well having very large amounts of hate in your body can be toxic, so...

Maybe that person passed away because of all the negative energy in their body.

Had no idea you met him. :)

Yeah I did hear reports about him not being very communicative, and had been very quiet during the panel (The only time he'd mutter something is to respond to the fans' questions).


Yes, I got to meet Gale and the other Folks in June!!!!!! First time ever. I was going to link you up to my reviews from the Gale board, but they are GONE!!!!! Why is Gales board only one page long and gets cut off in a late June thread???? My QAF board is at least 8 pages long and Randy's board is at four pages and goes back to October 2011!

Who makes the rules here on how long threads should stay up or how long a board can be. I have seen other boards here with many more pages. I am shocked that the news of the LA Convention has fallen off his board.

Answers anyone out there on how this all works? Does Gale's people have anything to do with how long things stay up or fall off. I know this is a little O/T, but I didn't expect that thread to be gone.

I actually think that a lot of times he be signing up for these cons, and don't even be wanting to go.

So, are you saying that he signs up for these things but doesn't really want to go? Why would he do that to his fans? Or the promoters?



Who makes the rules here on how long threads should stay up or how long a board can be. I have seen other boards here with many more pages. I am shocked that the news of the LA Convention has fallen off his board.

Answers anyone out there on how this all works? Does Gale's people have anything to do with how long things stay up or fall off. I know this is a little O/T, but I didn't expect that thread to be gone.


I'm an archive freak, and there's nothing that I dislike more than being kept from seeing certain things that were posted in the past. The pages that were there 3-4 months ago are history now, which bugs me so much.


Not every thread dissapears because it falls off the board, especially on the Gale Harold thread. Noticed several threads missing even though the last post was much earlier than some of those remaining. It looks like somebody is deleting them.


Well I wish they'd stop.


Well I wish they'd stop.


Ok, I am going to call it on the professionals out there doing this (the star, the agent, pr people, etc.) because the thread doesn't represent the star well or the thread upsets the star for some reason.

As for archiving, since the new look of IMDB, my threads that I thought I saved can not be read anymore. Boy, if doesn't put a bee in my bonnet and a stick up my ....


Summamabeetch!!! It will identify if the poster was the one who deleted the post or if the admin from the board did it. Good catch dergil! The 'Gale People' must be mighty touchy about what is out there about him. But, I guess the true feelings and feedback from the fans about the convention was a little bit too much for the thread to remain on the board. Grrrrrrr! Shoot, I thought it was a great thing to leave up as a memory of the event, good or bad. Some people could not attend and this was all they got were the words of the fans that actually were there.

Did anyone out there save that thread by any chance? Whaaaaaaaaaaa



What does this mean? Are the "Gale people" his rabid overzealous fans on the board, who can't bare to have the slightest unpositive post exist to the extent that they will do away with the whole thread? Or is it Harold's professional representation, although one would think they had better things to do with their time.

Remember the convention thread. There were very few critical comments as I recall. But it appears that any is to many. Also remember the very detailed and comprehensive account you gave of your experience at the con, as well as the appreciation by other readers for your efforts. Hope you have a backup of that post, though it sounds otherwise.



I mainly remember this term from when I would read Gale's board a while back. I don't know who these people are, fans or his paid staff, but the term kept being repeated. All I know is that I have heard the term often enough that it sounds something like 'Men In Black' so to speak of his watchers that peel things off at random. Random meaning that the convention thread is gone and when the vicious fighting was going on, that stayed on the board and ran it's long ugly course.

I am sure there are others like Lemonbars or StellaDallas who could answer this better than I can. They seem to have more insight into the business in general, I am only guessing. And, Gales numbers are still dropping. I don't know how IMDB runs and there is also a pro version with extra information that the non-pro people don't see.

You know I have said a few slightly negative things (but my own opinion none the less) about Gale, but I am still his fan. I only want what is best for him in the long run. Being an actor that is not at the top of the heap must be a very challenging lifestyle and I really don't want it to take a horrible toll on Gale personally. No matter how he is to his fans, I only want him to be happy. Being in turmoil of any kind is an awful place to be and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Hey, good news - I did save my comments and a bunch of the other comments on the thread. Thank goodness. Part is in Word doc form and others in screen caps, but at least I have something.


Glad to hear you've saved some of the comments. Hope this includes the wonderful recap of the LA con last summer. If so, maybe it should be reposted on Harold's board under your own thread, thereby making it harder(I think) for someone else to delete.


That's a good idea. Post it again to let them know that they can't just eradicate everything like that so easily. Whahahaha!

Seriously though, I really wanted to read more on the con because I didn't get a chance to go. And i didn't get up to reading through the thread because I had been busy. But the moment I'm finally ready to read it, it had been deleted. :/


Your wish has been granted. I didn't post the other peoples posts that I captured and gave them an invite to add to the thread if they wished. I felt it wasn't my right to re-post their words. I captured them only as a memory of my very special trip because others had their own memories from different perspectives than what I witnessed. I missed some panels while doing something else at the same time. Big shout out for the DVD. For those of you that didn't get to go, buy the DVD for a glimpse at what you missed. I got to see some of the stuff I missed and am glad I purchased it.


Happy to see it back. Now the more recent visiters to that board will have access to it. Maybe I missed something, but still don't recall what was so objectionable with the original thread. Anyway, you should have a bit more control over this post. Hopefully anyway.


Yeah, me too, I don't remember the thread and or if there was anything negative on it. My memory is so horrible and that is why I have to screen cap or copy and paste everything with a special memory to it.


Have read what some gh poster said about algorythms and such. And don't know if the LA con thread fell off the board or was deleted. However, I did notice that one and possibly more threads dealing with the Cologne convention went missing even while others with far less recent posts remained. So it can't always be imdb's fault. At any rate, we have this one back, and that's a good thing.


dergil, your keen powers of observation (or just remembering things ) are astounding! So, this is leading me to point my finger at....

This is a controlled eradication of a particular content. Dunn-dunn-dunn-dunnnnn The mystery continues!

Well, you say we have 'this one' back, but it could vanish also. I think I have some of the 'power' to keep it up there, but 'others' could find a problem with it and take it down In any case, we just need to have it filled up with the other memories that are out there for those that missed the event the first time around.


Well having very large amounts of hate in your body can be toxic, so...

Maybe that person passed away because of all the negative energy in their body.

Had no idea you met him. :)

Yeah I did hear reports about him not being very communicative, and had been very quiet during the panel (The only time he'd mutter something is to respond to the fans' questions). I actually think that a lot of times he be signing up for these cons, and don't even be wanting to go. But for some reason, he does anyway.


I also agree with fairpenguin and moonprincess. dergil, I don't really think you're alone in your opinions; in fact, I'm noticing that we agree on many things so far (except for our favorite characters), so I'm also looking forward to reading your thoughts throughout the marathon.



Hi clofa, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 22:46:15 post

I am glad to hear that dergil is not a 'lone wolf'. Hate to have people standing alone on their beliefs. Haven't read too much of your input this time around clofa, but looking forward to it. Playing catch-up here and got a long way to go.


I think Brian felt something so deep, intense and visceral for Justin from first sight that WAS more than sexual lust and a passing fancy to get into his pants. He appears to be momentarily stunned as if he is glimpsing some sort of heavenly apparition. I also do believe that this scene shows us that Justin was MEANT to be much more to Brian from the very first moment... the need and desire for him went almost beyond the body and was so intense that it almost couldn't be classified or categorized as it was like nothing Brian had ever experienced... and probably was unlike what many of the relationships around Brian seemed to be experiencing.

Brian was beyond mesmerized, just as I was, watching him discover the guy that would go on to become the love of his life. The scene is just magical, and meaningful.

I believe to a certain extent, that it was maybe love at first sight. It doesn't necessarily have to mean that he had fallen head over heels in love with Justin in that very moment, but judging by that striking look he had on his face, I knew from that moment that it was going to be more to this story than just the sexual aspect of it. In fact, I wouldn't even be this much enthralled by the B/J relationship if it was just about how many times they could get each other off.


Very thoughtful post katiedyd - and I agree with you.

I was mulling this over yesterday afternoon, and I think from what I have read (and I hate to generalize but I will try) that we have a camp that sees Brian with no feelings for Justin at first, but then because of Justin's persistence he develops feelings for him over time. And the other camp, which I am in, which thinks Brian immediately had intense feelings for Justin he had never felt before (is that love can be a separate discussion and I think is incredibly subjective based on our individual life experiences) and over time he learns to acknowledge his feelings to himself and to Justin, which of course grow stronger over time but were there from the beginning.

I have already explained many reasons why I feel there were feelings from the beginning - but in knowing Brian I have a hard time thinking he had none at first. I don't think Justin would have had a chance in hell of working his way into Brian's heart if there wasn't something very intense there already - Brian is so closed off that to let anyone in the person would have to be different that everyone else. I don't see Brian as being able to be pursued by anyone if he truly didn't have feelings for them - they wouldn't have a chance no matter how hard they tried. I just can't see Brian breaking down and THEN developing feelings because some kid just wouldn't give up hounding him.

The only way I see the character of Brian breaking down to let someone in is because the feelings are ALREADY there and so intense they can't be ignored (though that doesn't mean he has willingly acknowledged them). I think Justin obviously pursued Brian - but he allowed himself to be pursued, and was a very active party to the dance he and Justin were doing in my opinion, and he wasn't that hard to win over (in actions at least - expressing verbally how he felt is another animal). I mean Brian is the guy who says from the get-go he doesn't even sleep with men more than once - and I still laugh at the line in Deb's kitchen where Michael is angry Justin has showed up looking for Brian and makes the comment about Brian screwing him once and Justin pipes in - "Not just once!" which is coming up in the next couple of episodes (Justin knows Brian is into him, right after that waiting in Michael's room for him to come, knowing he would come, knowing they would get all hot and bothered the moment Brian showed up - Justin does not act like a guy who is unsure at all about how Brian feels about him in these early scenes, he is confident despite Brian's comments, and I think he has every reason to be because he HAS Brian, we see this). Brian wouldn't be sleeping with this kid on the regular if there weren't some intense feelings there. His actions with Justin go against everything he claims to be. Brian knows what lust is, he gives into it daily, but this idea that just because Brian and Justin had an intense sexual attraction means that the feelings they had for each other from the beginning were nothing but lust is absurd to me, there are different types of sexual attraction, there is lust, and there is the life-changing all-consuming can't ever get enough of this person sexual attraction which Brian and Justin had from day one and I think is possible to experience on day-one, and that kind of sexual attraction goes way beyond lust in my opinion.

And I agree there is something spine-tingling about that kind of connection, maybe that is why I want to see it that way and have seen B/J that way. In my 1st love at first sight experience I was introduced to a guy in the middle of a conversation with another person, my mind was occupied and I shook his hand and quickly said hello, and in the moment I was about to turn back to my conversation with this other person and a rush of electricity went through my body like I had never felt before from this guy, the energy between us was off the freakin charts like I had never experienced before, and then I turned back and actually made eye contact with the guy and I was so taken back from the electrical shock so to speak, and it was all over. So I think there can be a natural connection and spine tingling (as you aptly put) meet of two people that instantly respond to each other for truly unexplainable reasons, and that type of romance is hot in my opinion and experience. But the idea of chasing after a guy who isn't into you and he finally breaks down to develop feelings for you, not so hot in my opinion, but to each his own.


Hi Moonprincess, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 10:49:42 post

but why do (some) people believe, or want to believe that Brian was in love with Justin instantly?

Because love at first sight is ohhhhh, so romantic. I think Justin was in love that night. For Brian, it was different and special for him, but being just another trick, he knows it will end the same way all the others do.

The two words I take away from this experience is protective and want. Brian did feel a certain sense that he would be protective of the boy, but that isn't love in his book. He didn't bang him but was gentle with him. He also knew that he wanted to have that boy that night. With all his experience he could read what Justin needed and wanted for it to be the experience he wanted to give him ("I want you to always remember this moment"). There was no love that smacked him upside the head that night, but we shall have to wait and see what the next chapters bring us (I know, I am in pretend land. La tee da tee da).


Hi clofa, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 10:31:24 post

I don't think Brian was in love with Justin at all at that point.

I don't think he was at that point, but something about Justin did get to Brian that night because of the way he was being so different from what we saw so far in ep 101. It must have been something because he was sympathetic to his plea that he had no ware to go if Brian was to leave the loft. He probably could have told him to wait there until he came back. Brian also brought him along to a very important event. He could have told him to wait in the lobby of the Hospital. It wasn't love, but it was something.


Hi briebo1, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 07:30:23 post

I think Brian was overwhelmed in seeing his son, I never got indifference.

I think Brian was overwhelmed. Remember how excited he became during the phone call while stroking Justin. He was totally focused on the particulars of the call. He was definitely interested in what was happening and then he was running around the loft to get his clothes on and calling Michael that they got to get to the Hospital PDQ. If he was indifferent he could have continued with what he was in the middle off with who he was on top of and gone to the Hospital in the morning. He definitely wanted to see his son.

And who could forget that adorable picture Michael took of Brian holding his son and that smile that we almost never see. A smile full of wonder and joy if you ask me. He also WANTED to hold his son too.

I think Brian was kind of blindsided as to emotion, fear, confusion when he saw his child - leading into the emotional rooftop scene

It was all too much for Brian. Having a virgin that night might have stayed in his memory for a number of days, but to become a father on that same night... it was too overwhelming for his system to handle so he ran up to the roof to get away from the madness that obviously came slamming down on him when reality hit that he had a son. And why the roof? Why not just run out of the Hospital? Was he really tempted to jump? Could he have just run out to the nearest bar and get blitzed?


Clofa - I think we are on the same page to an extent to Michael being one of if not our least favorite character, but I am curious why you started to not like Michael in the rooftop scene. For me, I did like him in the rooftop scene and didn't like him in almost every other scene (except he did have me laughing out loud with the "butt" guy). What about him on the rooftop made you dislike him? Just curious, maybe I have missed some things :)


What about him on the rooftop made you dislike him? Just curious, maybe I have missed some things :)

It's the way he talked to Brian that annoys me. If my friend is nervous, scared and may have some regrets about something they did, I don't go and tell them, "yeah you *beep* up and now you're stuck forever and you might as well kill yourself because there's no way out!" That's how Michael's reaction seemed to me in that scene that I'm surprised that Brian didn't really jump after that!



OK Clofa I get that. I wasn't too thrilled about Michael's attitude at first really either (though I think it was understandable because he was most likely really worried and people don't often act perfectly in that state) so I forgave him easily for that - but when he got up on the ledge! I was impressed - that to me showed what a good friend he was and it made up for his frustration with Brian before to me completely. Or maybe Michael just impressed so much me cause I have a fear of heights :)


Hi clofa!

I would say that maybe it is a guys way of talking to each other. I work with mostly men and they talk rough with each other to get things settled. Could be that women don't understand a mans method of talking to another man in a crisis. I too really was afraid Brian would jump, but it looks like Michael and Brian knew how to communicate. Maybe Brian had to be slapped in the face with the reality of the situation of either jump (Michael was probably almost 100% certain that he wouldn't) or accept what life has brought him, fatherhood and some added responsibilities in life.

I have seen guys say "yeah, you phuqt up, but man up and fix your sh!t". They cut to the chase and don't mollycoddle them. Guys can be brutal to each other and then hugging and saying thanks for talking sense into them the next moment. Go figure. I certainly wouldn't have talked to Brian like that. I probably would have tried a more soothing approach, and that would have probably irritated the hell out of Brian that he would tell me to get lost.


Hey clofa reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 04:25:36 post

Thank you, eoliver for starting the new marathon!

You are absolutely right about thanking eoliver for starting this up again and I too want to add my kisses to your kisses to send the love.

We have been waiting and she got the thing rolling again for the love of the show!

Being the only fan I knew in RL, I would have gone insane if it weren't for these message boards.

I was like that too. There is so much homophobia in the world and even in my workplace (my best girlfriend there) that I had no one to talk to about this fantastic show. I somehow felt like I was keeping a dirty secret just because I had no one with an open mind to talk to about it. Thank God for the Marathon and the message boards in general (Gales too). Then I had an outlet for all my feelings and questions about QAF and the gay lifestyle in general, which I knew so little about.

Then just coming here and talking to like-minded people was a great relief that I could be free to talk about my secret. I swear, no matter how I try to speak up or for the LGBT community, people still think they are sick or living a sick lifestyle. It is very frustrating. Now we are all here on the boards, with love about our Folks and real people like them.

I thought Melanie's bitchiness toward Brian very understandable

Agree totally. What a constant battle.

However, I was "deceived" by Lindsay that first episode

Not me! She seemed shifty from the get-go. With her facial expressions talking to Brian about the choice of a name (it doesn't even have to be decided on right then and there) to coaxing Mel out of the room to get her something fizzy with ice so she could be alone with Brian. Yeah, what a snake.

I think that scene where Justin names Brian's son was just to show Brian's indifference (or his attempt to look indifferent).

Like most parents to be, they plan in advance on the choice of a name. Either keep it between Mel and Lindz (which they did discuss prior to the birth) or include Brian ahead of time and not let him make the deciding vote at the spur of the moment and then let Justin really decide on what to name the kid. At that point, everything is a mess and they should have slept on it and decided on it the next day. Sheesh, what writer came up with that name? That is such an uncommon name now. Maybe more like a pet name. Again, no offense to the human Gus's of the world.


Thanks, Elizabeth, for your great analysis of the first-ever ep of this great show! I also came upon it very late; I started watching only a year ago, June of 2012. I stumbled upon a video of Brian/Justin on YouTube, and it happened to be the end of S2 ‘bowling’ episode, where Brian confronts Justin, and the extremely sexy make-out, almost-sex scene afterwards. Smoking hot! I had to investigate further, and it turned out that someone had posted the entire series on YouTube, so I dove right in and was, shall we say, obsessed! The powers-that-be ended up deleting the videos (copyright infringement, etc.), so I splurged and bought the whole series on DVD (thank goodness for used DVDs on Amazon Marketplace!). I’ve been obsessed ever since!

My impressions of this very first episode: I’ve watched the series 3+ times all the way through, and my first impression of Brian/Gale in this episode is, my goodness, he looks like a baby! He aged very gracefully over the whole five seasons, but boy oh boy, did he look young in this Pilot episode! They styled him a bit younger, too, and I love how his hair is a bit more spiky/messy than it eventually became. And wow, is he the whole package! When he brought Justin back to his loft, stripped down, and poured water over himself (I still wonder what that was about!), my jaw dropped to the floor. Gale is exactly my type: tall, lanky (but not too thin), muscular (but not too pumped up or cut), long legs, long torso, cute little behind, beautiful feet (I never was into feet until I started watching this show). And those beautiful hazel/brown eyes, those beautiful lips! I could go on and on about him, but I don’t think there’s ever been a guy, on any show or in any movie, that does it for me like he does. Anyway, I’m getting drool on my keyboard just thinking about it!

I ended up loving Justin, but he definitely comes off much more immature than even later in S1. I like how Randy played him: immature but a bit cocky, a boy who knows what he wants, but is a little afraid to go and get it. I like how he babbles a bit in Brian’s loft (I LOVE the loft… it’s practically its own character!). And who wouldn’t want their virginity taken in that way!?

Mikey… well, a lot has been said here about the character of Michael, and I generally like him, but watching this episode over, I can see how obsessed he is with Brian, and how put out he is by Brian wanting Justin around. And, Hal hasn’t aged a day. He pretty much looks the same at the end of the series, than he did in the very beginning. I think he’s very cute, and I love his snappy brown eyes. But it he is a bit whiny at the beginning.

I’m not a huge fan of “The Lesbians” (although I generally like them), but I don’t like how unsympathethic and ‘butch’ they portrayed Melanie in the beginning (isn’t Michelle Clunie gorgeous!?). Lindsay didn’t change much throughout the series. The Brian/Lindsay exchange was very sweet, and one of my favorite moments between those two characters (and they had quite a few sweet moments throughout the series).

Emmett… LOVE! I just love his character, who grew quite a lot throughout the series, while still remaining his own self. And I also love Ted. Not too much to say about them in this first ep.

And, although it’s generally recognized that Justin ‘named’ Gus, he didn’t really name him. He just chose his favorite of the two names that Mel and Linds threw out there.


Brian pouring water all over himself was indeed a sight to behold. It didn't make any sense, but who cares. Harold seemed a bit skinny to me, even the show brings this up later. But Brian carries himself very well here. So well you almost want to re-evaluate your own ideals about masculine beauty to correspond with the body of Brian Kinney. And this scene illustrates that confidence really can be a big part of sex appeal.

On first viewing of this episode, I also thought the private scene between Brian and Lindsay was kind of touching. But even then there were strong hints of her wanting more from Brian than she could ever have. And on later viewings of this scene, I could only feel pity for Melanie.

Guess I was one of those who said Justin named Gus. Did realize that he chose between two names. But since he did made the final decision, I (perhaps incorrectly) considered him to be the one that named the child.


Speaking of such, I've always wondered why Brian poured water on himself.


I've always wondered that too! He couldn't be trying to impress Justin, Justin was a sure thing. Who pours water on self? You're the one who will have to clean that up with mop later! If he was feeling hot, he could just have taken a shower!

I'm very happy that we already have a group of marathoners! And the discussion is going very well. It's normal that we disagree in some points, but this is what makes the discussion so rich, multi-faceted!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Hi eoliver! reply to Sat Jun 15 2013 18:45:52 post

I've always wondered that too! He couldn't be trying to impress Justin, Justin was a sure thing. Who pours water on self? You're the one who will have to clean that up with mop later! If he was feeling hot, he could just have taken a shower!

He wasn't trying to impress Blondie with the water pour. Just him standing there breathing was impressive enough. Brian did what he felt like doing, wherever he felt like doing it. He couldn't very well of carried on a conversation from the shower. It would not be so sexy to tell the boy "come into the bathroom while I take a shower because I am hot". Have the scene shot in the bathroom? No, no, no. Brian was obviously loaded just by looking at his loft and probably had a cleaning person to clean up anything and everything (a guess) so what would he care about water on the floor. Plus, he was high as a kite and was dropping his clothes as he went thru the loft. A jacket tossed on the couch, a shirt pulled off and dropped on the floor, a shoe here, a sock there, a jock-strap flung to the side so water on the floor was all part of his drugged up mind not caring what he was doing. He was not being tight and orderly at the moment.


A jacket tossed on the couch, a shirt pulled off and dropped on the floor, a shoe here, a sock there, a jock-strap flung to the side so water on the floor was all part of his drugged up mind not caring what he was doing. He was not being tight and orderly at the moment.

Oh, I wish we could see Brian mopping the floor the following day!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


dergil - I didn't get the impression that you or any of us has said Justin actually named Gus - what woman would let a stranger name her son? Justin was asked his opinion by Brian, Lindsey already wanted the name Justin chose, in the end obviously Lindsey named her own son. I think when you or any of us here are using or have used the word "named" it is in reference to him being asked his opinion, and because Justin later refers to himself "naming" Gus to Brian and then to Mel/Linds, not that anyone really feels that Justin decided the name for Lindsey - hopefully none of us will have to split hairs over this terminology in the future I think we are all on the same page as to Justin's contribution in the naming process.

I have to say I have always liked skinny men, the uber muscular types often aren't my thing though I can be attracted to that, but I tend to fall for a lot of "skinny" guys - so Brian's body was right up my alley. But I agree with you that his confidence was a big part of his sex appeal for me, and yes, confidence in general is a big part of what makes someone sexy or being comfortable in their own skin. Which Brian definitely was - I think the water was part of this to a degree. I always imagined he was maybe kind of hot, and like someone said why wouldn't he just take a shower, but being "messy" with the water (I immediately thought you are getting water all over your beautiful floors!) is kind of being in the moment sexually to me where we all may have knocked something over or had something we should clean up due to a mishap in the throws of foreplay, and in the moment when you just say forget about it because you are too caught up in what is going on, I kind got that vibe in this scene, that he was too caught up with what was occurring with him and Justin to take a time-out for a shower (and at this point that might have been a little overwhelming for Justin to participate in comfortably) and he had that in the moment I don't care about the floors thing going that is so hot to know that nothing can distract him from Justin, and the confidence in that he doesn't care that it kind of makes him look a little odd just dumping water over himself, those elements to me make the water scene kind of hot, though there does seem to be little sense to it and maybe I am reaching here. I have to say I am a little torn here on even those reasonings, because whenever I see it I also get a slight impression that Brian may be trying too hard, that he may be trying to look sexy and purposefully, and over-the-top unnecessarily, pours water over himself to be "sexy" (I mean even from a commercial there is something universally sexy about water cascading over anyone). I don't like that impression and don't like the idea that Brian was consciously trying to look and be sexy for Justin (I like more confident Brian who knows he sexy no matter what he does and doesn't even think about it), but I can't help but have a part of me feel this way whenever I see it, but then I dismiss the thought.

I also agree with you I pity Melanie a bit too, which contributes to my dislike of Lindsey. I do find the first scene with Linds and Brian touching, at least I used too, but maybe now I am so jaded on Lindsey that I don't enjoy it as much anymore and I get annoyed just watching her fawn all over Brian, but I didn't have strong feelings about this in my earlier viewings that I do now.



I wouldn't view the duvet in the same light as the water because he was on the phone when that happened, he wasn't wholly in the moment with Justin at this time. And since he had already been distracted from the moment in taking the phone call - and hearing about the birth for the first time - and he told Justin specifically NOT to cum, well I just don't see the duvet scene as the in the moment type of sexual encounter I thought the water scene may be. And I say MAY because I am really not attached to my interpretation at all and am open to new ones.

I really like the idea that it didn't literally happen and the heightened reality thing which you are right is so QAF and they are usually able to distinguish their heightened reality with the amazing camera work and effects that were definitely in that scene. I like that interpretation - at least better than the other one that nags on me that Brian was trying too hard!

I only have one problem with it. Remember when Justin is going through his party/depression phase later and he comes home and dumps water all over himself just like Brian, and this is definitely not a heightened reality moment. I always got that Justin was throwing back and almost parroting Brian's behavior from episode one. I don't know maybe the events are completely unrelated, and though I really like the heightened reality interpretation and see evidence for it, this scene makes it harder for me to believe it never actually happened.


briebo 6:41:33,

I remember Justin apeing Brian by pouring water over his head. Which not only goes against the fantasy idea, but suggests that this is an action Brian has performed more than once. Also doubt Justin was Brian's only audience. When Ted tried to live out his fantasy to be Brian Kinney, he also copied the water bottle move. Something Ted could only do if he had seen it, or had been directed to do so by Brian himself.

As I see it, the water thing is just something Brian does, albeit with more drama that most others would. But even if Brian did do this to impress Justin, I don't see it as trying to hard. It's just part of the presentation.


I'd like to see Brian mopping the floor afterwards!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Maybe. But wasn't there mention of a cleaning lady later in the series?


Yes, there was! In Season 2 Justin told Daphne that they had a cleaning lady. The same conversation when he told her they took showers together to conserve water.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Yep, and also in season 3, the day after Brian threw an orgy in his loft.



YES! That too. I wonder whether this cleaning lady comes (!) twice a week and what kind of things she finds in the apartment!

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor



Hi Fair, reply to Thu Jun 20 2013 04:32:25 post

I realise the way I think of it is very subjective and don't expect others to have the same perception. I'm not saying that Brian and the water didn't happen at all, but maybe in reality it was simply that he drank some water in a hurry and some dripped onto his body, but here's the thing: I don't think this is a moment that should be forensically picked apart.

Well, leave it to me to pick it apart like a Thanksgiving turkey. LOL.

Here is another take on what might happen on any other night that he comes home (maybe even alone). He's hot, he is sweaty, he's had a 'hard' night. He gets into his loft and all he wants to do is cool down fast. Off comes the clothes and shoes and he goes straight for the frig for some nicely chilled water. Ahhhhh, that feels so good and he pours it over his head to cool him down even more. Nice. When he finally gets to the bathroom to take his shower, he is already naked and then wants to take a hot steamy shower to sooth his body down from all that movement at the club before he climbs into bed to pass out into a deep sleep.

Did ya'll miss that episode? Oh, that's right, it was only in my head.



I believe Brian was so high off of the drugs and excitement that night that he didn't even care what he did. He was even juggling and doing handstands at one point. Not to mention, he had left the loft a total mess the next morning. His furniture and everything else was in disarray, clothes scattered everywhere, chairs lying over, etc. You think a sober Brian would throw his expensive jacket haphazardly on the floor like it was nothing? I think not. So, I guess the same would go for that water he poured all over himself. Just too high to even care about it, and maybe like someone else said, he was pretty hot temperature wise. And that could be why he immersed himself in all that water. Though I never will fully understand why Brian did that with the water. it's puzzler really LOL.

I do agree that the scene may not be as real we as (Or at least I) think. That it may very well just be Justin's exaggerated outlook playing tricks on the viewers.


Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick.

Fair, I see what you are getting at and you have some very valid points... it's just too bad they are all wrong. KIDDING!

Let's just take this a little further, shall we? If Brian started out with a 32 ounce bottle of water and consumed 8 ounces of that when he left the station (the refrigerator), how many ounces of water does Brian have remaining in the bottle? That's right - 24 ounces! The problem still remains that Brian is still a thirsty and a very hot, hot man so he drinks another 8 ounces of water. There is only half the bottle of water left to cool himself down with. If my stunning observation skills are correct, it appears he pours 4, maybe 6 ounces tops over his head. He shakes some of it off after it has had adequate time to saturate his silken locks before the water starts to travel, ever so slowly down his smokin' hot torso. The life saver here is that he still has his 100% cotton jeans still hugging his waist and the water collects at the waistband, therefore avoiding ruining his hard wood floors. Problem solved. Class dismissed. Sorry, I had to make this sound like a math problem from elementary school. Ah, I have had my fun for the day.

Anyway, also in the special edition of episode one, Gale says that Brian has this almost manic obsession about how he is going to come across to people by acting like he doesn't give a phuq about what he is doing (like tossing an expensive leather jacket carelessly aside or getting water on the floor).

I agree with you that Brian didn't need to 'impress' Justin with any performance. Brian was in his place and he just did what he felt comfortable doing and wanted to do what he did, strip off all his clothes. He didn't care if he was doing it in front of a stranger. I described it as a performance because I was watching it and so was Justin. Brian wasn't 'putting' on a performance, just being free and doing what he wanted. The performance part of the night came later when he was doing handstands and juggling (Justin tells him he is not very good). Now that part I would sort of call showing off to Justin.


responce to fairpenguin 5:54:31,

Surprised that you believe Brian pouring water over his head didn't literally happen, as you are one of the few here who has seen the U.K. version. The water bottle was also done with Stuart, but without the flash, glamour, or slow motion.

And while qaf did employ fantasy, I don't think it was done in the prom scene. Brian is a terrible dancer at Babylon but competent at ballroom style. Seems impossible, but it's not. Ballroom is a series of learned steps. There is room for individual flair, but there are still rules. Club dancing is based entirely on emotion and personal interpretation. So it's not beyond the pale that Brian was at least an acceptable dancer at the prom but a poor one at the club scene. Actually Brian usually doesn't even try to dance at Babylon, he just sways.


Completely agree - I do not think the ballroom was fantasy AT ALL. Even later when Daphne and Brian were trying to help Justin remember Daphne confirms what we saw at the prom as a reality in her own recollections. I wouldn't say Brian is a terrible dancer at Babylon though - I always see him as being on a different plane at Babylon in spending most of his efforts surveying the crowd like a predator with prey, that he just isn't focusing his energies on dancing, and when he does dance with Justin or Michael it is more about connecting with them in the moment than actually focusing on dancing. I get the impression that Brian doesn't go to Babylon for the dancing and therefore doesn't shine in this area, but I wouldn't go as far to say that he is a terrible club dancer, I imagine if he tried he would be good at it like everything Brian puts his mind to. I think Brian, like a lot of people, has a basic understanding of some ballroom steps - and the music made it very easy to do those steps to - and though the ballroom dance was well done, I didn't see it as so good that it was unbelievable that a novice could perform it.


Hi Briebo, reply to Mon Jun 17 2013 08:33:26 post

I wouldn't say Brian is a terrible dancer at Babylon though - I always see him as being on a different plane at Babylon in spending most of his efforts surveying the crowd like a predator with prey

You described that perfectly! Priorities man! He was mostly there to capture some hot guy to take to the back room to service him. He's such an animal. Yummy.

when he does dance with Justin or Michael it is more about connecting with them in the moment than actually focusing on dancing.

Yes, I noticed that now and when they do dance, it is in close proximity to one another. They are connecting. With the tricks, he sways or walks into their line of sight, they make eye contact and then off they go to do their monkey business.

I think Brian, like a lot of people, has a basic understanding of some ballroom steps - and the music made it very easy to do those steps to - and though the ballroom dance was well done, I didn't see it as so good that it was unbelievable that a novice could perform it.

I remember having those classes in grade school so long ago, but it was never that elaborate. Brian did what??? Right now, I am going to imagine Brian on the sly, having made the decision to go to the prom, rented some Astaire and Rodgers vids to get a little more of the moves down. When he walked into the prom he looked excited and nervous at the same time. He knew this was going to be a romantic moment for Justin and he planned to knock him off his feet with whatever he did that night. The best night of his life.



Hi fair, reply from Mon Jun 17 2013 05:54:31 post

I don't think of Brian pouring water over himself as something that literally happened. I think of it as "heightened reality" - another way of putting us in Justin's shoes. When I first saw Brian do that I remember finding it sexually intimidating (he's stripping at the same time) while simultaneously thinking what a physically beautiful man, which is pretty much what Justin would have been thinking. The water was a way to accentuate that body.

Well, this brought up an interesting point of view so of course I had to investigate this in detail for the sake of my fellow Marathoners. Have you ever watched the bonus edition of episode one? I never watched it until just recently and it has cast and crew giving their POV on scenes and one of them is the water scene. Hal mentions that Brian "pours water, slow motion on himself....and suddenly, Brian is the soda commercial".

It sounds like it really happened. So, I continue my investigation into the matter, my finger ready to hit pause in an instant to capture any evidence of drying off of said beautiful body as the scene plays out. Brian empties the water onto his hair and around his face; it continues to flow in rivulets down his torso. The camera goes from Brian, who shakes his head, sending droplets flying, back to Justin and continues this back and forth a few more times. Each time I see Brian's' body, the water is still there. He is never dry, even as they come together and Brian reaches down into Justin's pants to grab him, Brian's hair is still quite wet, really almost soaking. Justin even touches Brian's wet hair with his fingers in a stroking fashion. Even Brian's back is wet.

*Results may vary upon viewing and depending on how many glasses of wine you have consumed up until the point of viewing this particular sequence.


Hi dergil! reply to Sat Jun 15 2013 11:59:47 post

Brian pouring water all over himself was indeed a sight to behold. It didn't make any sense, but who cares. Harold seemed a bit skinny to me, even the show brings this up later. But Brian carries himself very well here. So well you almost want to re-evaluate your own ideals about masculine beauty to correspond with the body of Brian Kinney. And this scene illustrates that confidence really can be a big part of sex appeal.

Oh baby, he let it all hang out! Having confidence in your own body IS a big part of sex appeal. 'Brian Kinney' even has a posting in Urban Dictionary I don't necessarily agree with all that is there, but you gotta be someone special to end up in some dictionary. Scroll down and 'Gale Harold' has a pop-up box to him too. Well, well. He was so yummy to look at with absolutely nothing on. The slow-mo shake of his water drenched head with hooded eyes was just too sexy to behold. Jaw drop!!!

As for being a bit skinny, that was because Gale was poor. Didn't he have to scrape around in his car for gas money to get to the audition? He filled out later with a steady paycheck.


As for being a bit skinny, that was because Gale was poor. Didn't he have to scrape around in his car for gas money to get to the audition? He filled out later with a steady paycheck. []

That's one remarkable story when you think about it. I mean he has definitely come a long way from having to scrounge for gas money in hopes to make it to an audition, to now. And once he'd gotten on QAF, from that moment on, he was actually able to live more comfortably. Not just survive.

Gale's first audition story is truly a humbling one.


I stumbled upon a video of Brian/Justin on YouTube, and it happened to be the end of S2 ‘bowling’ episode, where Brian confronts Justin, and the extremely sexy make-out, almost-sex scene afterwards.

It's amazing, KatrinaW, how many of us were hooked into the show by Brian and Justin love story! It's the only love story that touches me deeply.

I’ve watched the series 3+ times all the way through, and my first impression of Brian/Gale in this episode is, my goodness, he looks like a baby! He aged very gracefully over the whole five seasons, but boy oh boy, did he look young in this Pilot episode!

He really did. Although I think justin was the one who looked really Young to me. He looks 15 or younger. Randy was 22 at the time but really looked like a baby.

Gale is exactly my type: tall, lanky (but not too thin), muscular (but not too pumped up or cut), long legs, long torso, cute little behind, beautiful feet (I never was into feet until I started watching this show). And those beautiful hazel/brown eyes, those beautiful lips! I could go on and on about him, but I don’t think there’s ever been a guy, on any show or in any movie, that does it for me like he does. Anyway, I’m getting drool on my keyboard just thinking about it!

That was a perfect description! I never noticed his feet though! lol. But I noticed his hands! He really is perfect. I wish I could see him in person. Well, I still plan to go to a QAF convention one day. I don't care if Gale is 60 by then. He'll always be the most attractive man I've ever seen!

I ended up loving Justin, but he definitely comes off much more immature than even later in S1. I like how Randy played him: immature but a bit cocky, a boy who knows what he wants, but is a little afraid to go and get it.

Totally agree. I love Justin. His courage has been na inspiration for me. My heart hurt every time someone treats him badly.

I’m not a huge fan of “The Lesbians” (although I generally like them), but I don’t like how unsympathethic and ‘butch’ they portrayed Melanie in the beginning (isn’t Michelle Clunie gorgeous!?)

She sure is. They softened her up a little in later seasons. She is a very strong character.I hated her in S-1 because she was very mean to Brian but came to like her in later seasons.

And, although it’s generally recognized that Justin ‘named’ Gus, he didn’t really name him. He just chose his favorite of the two names that Mel and Linds threw out there.

I was very surprised that Melanie agreed with his choice. I thought she would put her foot down to have it her way. And I wonder why Brian asked Justin's opinion, considering that he barely knew him.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Like many others here, I was show lured to "Queer as Folk" by random video clips of Brian and Justin. And originally came to the show to get more of their story. In the early days of viewing, I had some degree of single-mindedness about this couple and cared mostly for the Brian and Justin relationship. But this would change very early in the first season, as I quickly came to have just as much appreciation for almost all of the qaf characters.

Most tv pilots tend to be unmemorable. Pilots have the burden of laying out the premise, explaining the characters relationships, and usually serving as an origin story while still trying to sell the show to the networks. And when a pilot does get picked up, adjustments are usually made. This renders the pilot, when it can be used at all, into being an unremarkable and awkward fit with the rest of the show. But this is not the case with the qaf pilot. The look and feel of the show, as well as the relationships between the characters is already there. And there are a ton of memorable images to be had. Of course this show used both this and the next episode to serve as their pilot, and that surely served as an advantage. But still, the first eposode of qaf is one of the most remembered of the series. And that's a very rare thing.

The reason I believe that the first ep. is so memorable are all of the images and scenes that stay with you. And many of these scenes from the first ep would be among the most remembered from the entire series. In fact, these scenes and images so dominate the first ep that the whole thing seems like a grouping of said scenes tied togethter with the plot decidedly in the background. Not that this ep. is short on plot, it's just hard to notice among all the spectacular visual imagery that's offered up. Not that anyone here is complaining.

Of the shows most memorable scenes, the moment that Brian first spots Justin is the most visceral. We get a quick zoom-in of Brian's face. It's the first really good look we get of Brian, and god is he beautiful. The way this is shot, focus on Brian starring intently at Justin, focus on a mildly annoyed Michael looking at Brian, focus back on Brian as he gets right up in Justin's personal space, leaves no room for doubt this an historical meeting here. Well, historical for the show anyway.

The hospital rooftop scene, where Brian pulls the first of his many drama queen antics, is unquestionably one of the most memorable scenes of the show. The visual where the camera moves up and we see Brian and Michael and the street below, as well the accompanied music is just about perfect. It shows the close relationship of Brian and Michael, with Michael fearfully going up on the roof to calm Brian down, then trusting Brian enough to allow his best friend to hold him out toward the edge. This scene has the mood of an easy warm summer night celebrating the birth of Brian's son, but it also hints that changes and adjustments are coming. The rooftop scene is one of the most iconic scenes of the show, probably due to the combination of stunning visuals, emotional power, perfect music, and the overal mood that is conveyed.

After all the build up, Brian and Justin's first sex scene would have to be something incredible. And it does not dissapoint. Brian's character manages to successfully tread the line between jerk and sweeheart. He is easy with Justin but still manages to be egotistical enough to say " No matter who you're with, I'll always be there". The sex itself is both graphic and romantic, with an apparent emotional connection between the two of them. Unlike Justin, Brian's interest almost certainly only lasted as long as the act itself, but it did seem to be there for a moment. And something I will be saying a lot, the music is perfect here. Like the scene itself, the music is slow sexy, and sultry, and it mimics and enhances what is going on onscreen. There is a lot of criticism of this show's use of music giving the love scenes a music video feel. And while I concur with this to a large degree, I think it works well here.

Some of the lesser (in my opinion) scenes I now have a slighly different take on after viewing the whole series. One of these is where Brian and Lindsay are alone together talking about their new son and the future in general. Never was overly impressed with this conversation. After all, I didn't come to this show for lesbians and babies. But I was initially a little bit touched by the closeness of these two. But knowing now just how hung up Lindsay is on Brian, every viewing of this scene makes me more annoyed at Lindsay. It's now getting to the point that I find the whole thing loathsome, and comtemplate using the ff button. My "favorite" part is when Brian asks Lindsay if she needs any fanancial help with the baby and she says "We'll be alright". Yeah right.

My opinion of the scene where Brian drops Justin off at his school in the "newly painted" jeep hasn't changed much. But what one poster said in this thread does confirm what I had long suspected. That Brian was driving as he was because he was trying to get draw attention. Something else I've always suspected is Brian yells that he will kick a certain students a**. Judging by the students reaction, the word may have been originally planned to be something other than kick. But the idea of Brian threatening to rape a teenaged boy might have been too much.

One scene I like better than before is when Justin first comes back to Brian's apartment. The famous visuals, like the moment Justin closes the loft door, the water bottle and the camerawork when Justin walks over to Brian, lose little of their luster after repeated viewings. One thing I like better is the dialouge. Lines like "Tylenal is what they give you when you're allergic to everything else", might seem mundane. But it somehow makes Brian Kinny, with his beauty, expensive loft, and overall apparent fabulousness, seem like a real person. And it's just not the sort of discussion you generally hear in tv or film.

Other Random Things (format admittedly stolen from real reviewers)

Love the florescent pink shirt Michael was wearing while yelling "Who you callin f@gg#t". It was an easy laugh, but I liked it anyway.

Liked the comparison of Michael trying and failing to get over sexual frustration with porn to Brian having the real thing.

It's the first of many times that Brian answers the phone in the middle of sex. This is a trait that will stay with him throughout. Brian will always allow a phone call or knock at the door to interrupt sex.

Michael's would be trick is not only not embarrassed, but is actually proud of his fake appendages and the deal he got on them. Perhaps the guy is right. Once stalker trick was actually in the apartment in a state of undress, Michael probably would have went ahead despite his early dissapointment had they not been interupted by the phone call.

Emmett is introduced as sort of a camp character. But even here you can get an idea that he is more that just a stereotype.

Ted complains about his lack of action yet dresses in a manner that makes him look even older and less attractive than he could be. Early signs that he really does want to fail at romance.

This is how I see ep1, as a series of scenes that are entertaining and memorable. But aside from the rooftop scene, one thing you don't get is a lot of information about the characters and how they relate to one another. This doesn't make the ep bad, just imcomplete. But since this was originally supposed to function as one half as a whole, this is to be expected. Still, to me the first ep of "Queer as Folk" was the best first ep of a televion show ever.


Excellent review, dergil27. I feel the same way about the pilot. I was totally hooked after watching the first episode. The story sounded real for me; the characters looked like people I would hang out with. The scene that definetely made me want to watch all the seasons was the roof-top scene. I desperately wanted to know how the Brian character would develop, and, of course, what would happen with him and Justin.

We get a quick zoom-in of Brian's face. It's the first really good look we get of Brian, and god is he beautiful.

Yes, it is. In the previous scene Brian was in the darkness of Babylon and then in the back room. Once you see the face of God, you don' go back.

...focus back on Brian as he gets right up in Justin's personal space, leaves no room for doubt this an historical meeting here. Well, historical for the show anyway.

Certainly is. I believe the next time Brian will be so close to Justin in a conversation is when he ditches Justin and makes him cry ouside his building

The rooftop scene is one of the most iconic scenes of the show, probably due to the combination of stunning visuals, emotional power, perfect music, and the overal mood that is conveyed.

And he wonderful choice of song: PROUD"

Brian's character manages to successfully tread the line between jerk and sweeheart. He is easy with Justin but still manages to be egotistical enough to say " No matter who you're with, I'll always be there".

Brian was so high, and yet, he was sweet and careful with Justin, considering that was his first time. Oh,I wish my first time had been so sweet...

One of these is where Brian and Lindsay are alone together talking about their new son and the future in general. Never was overly impressed with this conversation.

I think the producers wanted to "sell" the show as addressing both gays and lesbians, so they gave L&M a little space here. But I think no lesbian romance could obscure Brian and Justin's love story. Anyway, Melanie's obnoxiousness ruined any sympaty I could have for them.

My "favorite" part is when Brian asks Lindsay if she needs any finantial help with the baby and she says "We'll be alright". Yeah right.

I really believed that Lindsay and Mel would totally support Gus wih no help from Brian. That didn't last in the next episode they will ask Brian to sign a life insurance. That's crazy!

This is a trait that will stay with him throughout. Brian will always allow a phone call or knock at the door to interrupt sex.

Except in 215 when Michael calls Justin at 4 am to talk about the Rage comic book and Brian says "Nightie, night, Mickey!" and hangs up. Unfortunately that was also the day Justin fell asleep during sex.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Thank you eoliver. Probably won't always have the time to speak of my thoughts at such length on every episode, but do enjoy it when I can.


Thank you, dergil, for offering a new (to me) perspective about the pilot (and pilots in general).

It's the first of many times that Brian answers the phone in the middle of sex. This is a trait that will stay with him throughout. Brian will always allow a phone call or knock at the door to interrupt sex.
Yes, and the outcome is never good, I wonder why he never learned his lesson!

Love the florescent pink shirt Michael was wearing while yelling "Who you callin f@gg#t".
I really thought it looked good, accentuating his tan. Whenever I watch that scene, I feel qaf-nostalgic, I'm not sure why.



Thank you clofa,

It's true. Almost anytime Brian picked up the phone in those circumstances he wasn't happy at what he heard. The news that his son was born being an exception, though he wasn't particularly happy even at that time.

Since you've mentioned Michael's tan, this scene makes me nostalgic too. Possibly do to the "summer" atmosphere. Because after the first few episodes of the first season, nobody from the original cast would sport much of a suntan ever again.


Sorry dergil for tacking onto your post, just didn't want to get lost in almost 100 posts for Episode 101.

Review 101 1 of 5

Hello to the new Marathon! Just got back (ok, one-two-three weeks ago) from the LA Convention and I am raring to go on our new adventure. So I am going Straight to Number One….. Ok, scratch all that because RL got in the way and I am slow as sh!t. Even though I had good intentions of being on top of my game this go around, it looks like I am the worst student in the class and need to go to detention for not turning in my homework on time. *hangs head in utter shame*

Straight to . . . Number One of Season One that is. I purposely don’t watch the Episodes until it is time for a review, so it has been a he11 of a long time since I have seen Episode 101 of this show. Probably sometime in mid 2010! After I watched the series multiple times thru, I discovered the Marathon the first time around late in Season 3. So here I am, just put in the disc and am listening to Straight to . . . Number One by Touch & Go for at least 20 minutes as I dance in my chair with my arms up moving to the sultry beat. I love this song. Ok, now it is going on 30 minutes. For those of you that met me at the con, knock that visual right out of your head and here we go.

* * *
Oh, the intro is cheesy with the dancing men and psychedelic effects across multiple screens and I much prefer the opening sequence in the later seasons. I feel that it took at least three episodes to get the kinks (the other kind – filthy minds) out and for the cast to run on a more natural vibe. After all, they were just getting to know each other as people and actors and we were just being introduced to our Folks. Give it time; it gets better. It also feels strange to be writing these reviews as if I don’t know what is coming next. I want to keep it that way, but forgive me if I have a lapse here and there and give away something coming down the road.

I really love the club music and this show introduced me to so many new artists and fantastic songs. The energy in the club makes me want to go to one because it looks so fun. I am not a clubby so I don’t know if this is an accurate portrayal of clubs in 2000 or is it just a portrayal of a gay club in general? Of course, there won’t be half naked go-go boys at the straight clubs, but for those of you out there that have actually gone to a Babylon type club, is this how it is? The guys in costume (did ya see the guy with two glowing red hearts on his pecs and a few with those same hearts on their very special places ) from mini police uniforms, pretty sailor outfits to girly type sequined skirts to those luscious, tight fitting barely there briefs and thongs! Hot, hot, hot. And, those bodies , some firm, muscular and tight to the almost feminine build with long, lean limbs. I love the way the male body moves when they dance like this but I can’t imagine females dancing in this animalistic and sexy way. They are giving it all up and screaming ‘give it to me baby’ so it is no wonder with this type of body language that the back room is hopping (or humping).

At only a minute and 20 seconds in, we get the voice-over of Michael, who introduces us to the world of gay nightlife with some little facts (it’s all about sex, 28 seconds versus every nine seconds, etc.) and I thought this was a great way to start the show before we actually see any of the main characters. According to the fans that this show generated (mostly older women), this was a whole new world for me to experience, so this little intro was fun. Hal was perfect in his delivery with his comedic timing and facial gestures. His voice was pleasant to listen to and I wondered what the face looked like behind it. The story he is telling draws you in and his tone stays steady or lowers just a touch as he describes finding the most beautiful man that ever lived . . . until tomorrow night.

The song switch to Let’s Hear it for the Boys seems to be a cool way of introducing our first three of the Folks. It sends us into a more light-hearted moment as our three fun guys at the bar are described briefly by their personalities. Michael is the semi-cute boy next-door type. His mouth is full and kissable and his eyes are dreamy. That little smirk and eyebrow lift he gives is so playful and shows his personality right away. The Emmett and Ted characters could not be more different from each other. Em is a free spirit and out and proud in his hot pink sheer top with tangerine leather pants. Ted on the other hand looks nerd like with his drab brown polo shirt and high-neck Hanes white undershirt showing way too much above his opened collar. It is nice to hear in this very first episode that Ted has the biggest heart and you can see it in his large, soulful brown eyes. He is the type of guy that gives his heart freely and gets it broken many times over and Michael knows how great a friend Ted is. He loves him and shows it as he lays his head on Ted’s shoulder affectionately and then gives the shoulder a sweet nose nudge.

Now we get introduced to the stud of the crowd. The music changes to the throbbing beat of a new song and the camera zooms in to Brian. The color in the room is no longer bright, but shadowy blue. We are moving into the night world of a man who can get any guy he wants, anytime he wants. Brian Kinney. His face is confident without looking arrogant as his steely gaze bores into his next conquest. The deal is sealed as they exchange looks and Brian grabs his prize by the waistband of his pants and drags him into the backroom.

The backroom is bathed in a reddish orange glow of the heat being generated there and deep shadows that show us just enough of the action going on there. Michael runs into a friend, Todd, who is doing well. Michael finally finds Brian and we are purposely given a clear view of his beautiful, sweaty face as he is about to get blown. Brian has to give the man his number. What number is that Brian? B L 0 – W J 0 B ?

The three friends are waiting out side as two ‘ladies’ sashay by and Emmett gives Bruno (the most un-ladylike name for that glorious figure) a complement that Ted does a double-take with: “Not everyone can wear tangerine”. Well, Bruno and Em can sure pull it off with confidence. Ted knows how the Mikey and Brian show works; Brian gets to party while Mikey stands by to chauffer his friend home.

Mikey has an admirer but Mikey is not interested in anyone else except a special someone. Ted knows what Mikey is all about and stands up for his friend because he knows that Mikey needs to move beyond waiting in the wings for a ‘certain someone’ and get his own needs met. Needs that a ‘certain someone’ is never willing to give Michael. You can see how Ted feels about this injustice in the sarcastic tone of his voice and encourages Michael to go for it. Michael re-thinks the Big Bad Wolf as an option for the night.

* * *
The music and scene changes to show a beautiful young man in profile with the perfect seashell ears, nice small nose, and lips that are asking to be nibbled and sucked. His mouth is hanging open because he can’t believe the sights that he sees. He is terrified as he looks around at a world he is clearly experiencing for the first time and trying not to look too out of place. He is blond, cute as a button, and wearing the wrong outfit for a night out in this town. He is wearing an outfit straight from a Sears catalogue or LL Bean. Plain, vanilla, bland. The camera pans around him in a slightly jerky motion that suggest how his mind must be racing as he absorbs the sights. Men dressed like women, men touching men in intimate ways, and hot guys everywhere and he doesn’t know what to do so he lights up a cigarette to maybe draw in some courage and perhaps look a little older as he ventures off the curb and makes a splash into the world that awaits him. Stepping off the curb and into that large puddle seems deliberate. He is leaving his ‘clean’ world with careless abandon and steps right into that dirty puddle of water with his clean Nikes. Blondie doesn’t seem the type to be this careless because of his dress to be messing up his shoes in a dirty puddle. He would have jumped over it to cleaner ground. But, his cares this night are out the window just by making the decision to venture into new territory, his usual (just going by his appearance) caution and rules are gone. He decides to just go for it and heads for maybe the most ‘regular’ guy around to ask some questions. The lyrics in the background are playing “I’ve got a deeper love” suggesting Blondie is clearly here on a mission and all his senses are heightened by what is swarming all around him. As he crosses the street, passers by bump him and the music gives a sharp hiss with each contact. He is electrified and terrified at the same time.

The man is clearly pleased to see this beautiful young thing approaching him and looks him up and down. He gives him a rundown on the types of people in this world; twinks, leather, snotty conceited a$$holes, but stops as he tries to seize the opportunity to have him for his own. With that first touch to the neck, Blondie knows he is way over his head and leaves.

Brian exits Babylon, a members only club, so it must be a cut above the rest I assume by the sign by the entrance. Darude’s Sandstorm starts to play, a sandstorm that perhaps will change their lives. Brian drapes his arm around Michael, his wingman, and Michael stands up to the cuts that Emmett and Ted throw at Brian. Brian doesn’t do the same for Michael by saying that anyone would look hot to Michael. Michael takes it in stride, like this is how their relationship works and on they go with their night.

And, that’s when it happened, when HE came along. At what point did Blondie unbutton his shirt to look slightly hotter? Brian spots him right away, like an angel coming thru the yellow steam cloud rising up from the street. This is a different kind of plaything for Brian. He is captivated by what he sees as Blondie leans casually against the pole. Even though the night should be over, Brian has other things in mind and Michael is not too happy to see his friend deviating from their perhaps regular the plan.

Brian and Blondie lock eyes and the connection is instantaneous for both. Brian knows what he is doing as he moves into Blondie’s personal space. So close, yet not touching. I can imaging Blondie’s pulse picking up at seeing this gorgeous man. Those full lips, which are perfectly defined and ready to kiss, suck, devour. His hazel eyes confident yet still soft that you can’t help but be drawn in to their depths. His physique is like a fine Roman statue, long flowing lean lines, an elegant neck, firm jaw and a perfectly etched masculine nose. He knows his power over men and uses it on this nymph of a boy.

Blondie tries to remain cool, like he knows his way around by naming off the names of the joints that were just rattled off to him. He is a quick learner. Brian knows better and captures his new toy with ease. Funny how they both lick their lips within the next few sentences. Game on, they are both interested in taking things farther. Blondie has the most perfectly shaped bow shaped pink lips. He is beautiful and pure looking. Blondie hops in Brian’s Jeep with no hesitation and only has eyes for Brian as the others stand by looking in disbelief as they all get ditched. Michael looks the least pleased of the bunch.

Michael brushes off the Big Bad Wolf as he gets into the front seat of Ted’s car and slouches into a sulk because of what Brian did. He is in no phuqing mood.

End of part 1



Wow BrightMelody09! I freaking loved your post telling me that you loved my post. I will do my best to keep y'all entertained.



Hi Fair Thank you, thank you. The one thing I liked picking up this time around was when Justin (or Randy - ha ha) played with Brian's (Gales) ear. It seemed like such a Randy thing to do and not a newbie having his first experience. Or maybe I am reading it all wrong.



Luv, thank you so much for doing this. Reading your review is such a treat! I'm enjoying it (I saved your posts on my phone to read it wherever I am, I'm reading part 3 now, lol) almost more than I enjoyed watching the episode because I'm always hungry for more of the show and alas, all I can do is re-watch it again and again and again... At least, with your review, I can feel and see "new" things that either I had never noticed or never thought about. I also LOVE your sense of humor! Thank you!



Aw, shucks, that was sweet of you to say. I just made a reply to Fairpenguin about Justin/Randy playing with Brians/Gales ear during one scene. I never caught that before and like catching something new with each viewing and also from other posters because I miss a lot too. My eyes are absolutely glued to my set watching this addicting show. I wonder why....


I had actually noticed Justin playing with Brian's ear a few months ago. The first couple of times I had watched their first sex scene, I surprisingly hadn't noticed it before (and I'm a stickler for details). But I guess when you keep playing something over and over again, you're bound to discover a few things.


Delightful review, luv, as always.

I really love the club music and this show introduced me to so many new artists and fantastic songs.

Me too! I became fan of some of the bands and singers I knew in this show for the first time. [cooldance1] But in my case, I've never liked clubs, I mean clubs with loud music where people dance. Actually, I don't like club-dancing either. I prefer places with low soft music, where you can sit down and chat with your friends.

I love the way the male body moves when they dance like this but I can’t imagine females dancing in this animalistic and sexy way. They are giving it all up and screaming ‘give it to me baby’ so it is no wonder with this type of body language that the back room is hopping (or humping).

Ah, in my next life, I want to come back as a gay man! How else can one have access to such beautiful men??

Ted on the other hand looks nerd like with his drab brown polo shirt and high-neck Hanes white undershirt showing way too much above his opened collar. It is nice to hear in this very first episode that Ted has the biggest heart and you can see it in his large, soulful brown eyes.

Someone says in season 2 that [spoiler] Ted would score big if he was straight. I agree. He would make some girl very happy. [/spoiler/

The backroom is bathed in a reddish orange glow of the heat being generated there and deep shadows that show us just enough of the action going on there.

Oh, I can't believe, luv, ho wonderfully you work your wording. You should be a writer, you're amazing.

The lyrics in the background are playing “I’ve got a deeper love” suggesting Blondie is clearly here on a mission and all his senses are heightened by what is swarming all around him. As he crosses the street, passers by bump him and the music gives a sharp hiss with each contact. He is electrified and terrified at the same time.

What a beautiful description of Justin, luv. Blondie has no idea the mess he's puting himself into!

Brian and Blondie lock eyes and the connection is instantaneous for both. Brian knows what he is doing as he moves into Blondie’s personal space. So close, yet not touching. I can imaging Blondie’s pulse picking up at seeing this gorgeous man. Those full lips, which are perfectly defined and ready to kiss, suck, devour. His hazel eyes confident yet still soft that you can’t help but be drawn in to their depths. His physique is like a fine Roman statue, long flowing lean lines, an elegant neck, firm jaw and a perfectly etched masculine nose. He knows his power over men and uses it on this nymph of a boy.

I wonder what made Justin accept Brian's offer immediately. He had no time to think. Maybe because Brian was so beautiful? Well, Brian certainly recovers quickly from a previous sex experience. He had just been with a trick and is already ready for more sex?

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


Review 101 2 of 5

* * *
Up at Brian’s place, Brian enters and tosses his expensive leather jacket carelessly aside (I hear it hit the floor, but later we see it hanging on the corner of the couch). Blondie is in a daze and needs to be told to shut the door. He turns and slides the door shut and at the same time is looking scared and not sure if he is doing the right thing going home with this stranger (they haven’t even exchanged names yet) and about to do who knows what in that loft, but he is determined to go thru with it anyway. The music stops so we have nothing to distract us from their conversation. Brian pours his bottle of water over his head and the water trickles down his body as Blondie follows every delicious drop as it slides down that body. For the love of God, have you no thought to your hard wood floors or are you only thinking of your hard wood? Brian is high and offers Blondie some Special-K. Blondie’s nerves cause him to make small talk as Brian continues to remove his clothes slowly, putting on a delicious show for the . Brian has no inhibitions about showing off his body in all its glory. He is also coming to find that this young man has very little or no knowledge of his world as they continue their conversation and the answers coming back are comical. This boy is very green.

With the last piece of clothes being pulled off of Brian’s body (the 2xist jock strap), new music comes in and punctuates what must be Blondie’s increasing pulse rate at seeing a naked, beautiful man in front of him. You Think You’re a Man by Full Frontal; how appropriate as Brian spreads his arms in a Jesus Christ pose to see if the boy likes this God like figure standing in front of him. So, are you coming or going? Or, coming, and then going? Or, coming and staying? Yes, the boy definitely likes as he robotically removes his jacket and tosses it in the same careless fashion as Brian did but he probably doesn’t give a rats @ss where it lands at this point. The camera focuses on Blondie’s full red mouth that is slightly open and then Blondie walks across to Brian because he cannot resist this man in front of him.

Blondie gets to Brian and it looks as though Brian cups his package because he makes a very small opened mouth gasp. Brian starts to nibble at Blondie’s neck and Blondie is in a dream state as Brian kisses him passionately and undoes his pants. You think your man, but you’re only a boy. You think you’re a man, you are only a toy. Brian’s tongue darts out ever so slightly to brush at Blondie’s lower lip and then the passion continues between hot kisses and one very sweet soft kiss. Brian starts to remove Blondie’s shirt. The lyrics suggest that Blondie is only a toy to Brian on this night. He will have fun with this untouched young thing to his hearts desire. Blondie believes he will become a man on this night. There is no turning back and he is burning with desire for this tall handsome man as he gives in completely to the moment, running his fingers thru Brian’s hair and taking whatever Brian gives.

* * *
Is Ted driving a Volvo convertible? Kind of fancy and better than Brian’s Jeep I would say. He must have a good job or knows how to manage his money well. The Big Bad Wolf has followed them in his tiny cute convertible. Michael has a change of heart (or something a little lower) and smiles an invitation to the Wolf after Emmett’s encouragement.

* * *
Back at the loft, Blondie’s clothes are scattered about the bedroom area and we see Brian astride the boys body. Blondie’s toes are flexing and curling in reaction to what Brian is doing to him. I wonder what happened between the previous scene by the kitchen to having them both naked on the bed. There was some meandering about because the clothes are tossed from end to end of the bedroom. I can’t imagine Brian going from the kitchen to getting on the bed and straddling the boy. I can imagine more fondling and kissing to take full advantage of this piece of cherry pie. He knows the boy is inexperienced by the answers he has given early on. I believe Gale said behind the scenes that he (Brian) was going to imagine all the fun things he would do to him (Blondie) or something like that. The rascal.

Brian is stroking him slowly, wanting the night to last. This is not something he gets on a regular basis I would guess, someone this inexperienced. Not jaded at all and Brian is loving playing with the boy. His strokes are bringing Blondie closer and closer to coming and Blondie is panting and groaning from the lovely feeling of Brian’s hand stroking his k0ck. It is a delicious feeling and he wants to have his release, but Brian wants to draw it out and tells him to wait. “I’ll try”, he says sweetly. Brian has a naughty grin, as he knows he is pushing him to the brink. Blondie has to tell him to stop because he will do whatever this beautiful man asks of him, including holding back something that he has been waiting for. Something that sent him out on this night to fulfill an urge that he couldn’t put off any longer. Blondie looks a little well endowed by the length at which Brian is stroking him. And, is Brian a lefty or is just using his left hand and arm to cover the naughty bits?

Brian begins to question him on what he likes to do in bed in a hot soft voice. Tell me people of the board, does a boy of his age have no clue as to what goes on in a gay sexual encounter? Did he not look at filthy (just a term folks) magazines and read any books on the subject? Wouldn’t you think he would have some idea of what could kum of this night? “This is fine” he smiles sweetly up at Brian. Young straight boys look at Playboy and smut magazines and have some clue as to what they hope is in their near future. Young girls read “romance” books to get some idea of what’s ahead for them.

“Oh, I like to watch TV, play Tomb Raider.” Brian is having a good time toying with Blondie. The camera switches between Brian’s shadowy blue tinged face with his sultry voice asking specific sexual questions to viewing this glowing angel on the bed under him, cast in warm light answering with the exuberance of a kid.

Saved by the bell. Brian automatically goes back to stroking the boy as he has his conversation on the phone. It is really important by the tone of his voice and I assume that with his agitation his stroking picks up speed as the news from the caller gets more intense. Blondie’s toes are curling, his eyes are squeezing shut, and he is gritting his teeth to stop himself from coming. No matter how much Blondie taps at Brian to stop, remembering his instructions, Brian does not notice and Blondie goes over the edge with an opened mouth shout, and to the side, and onto Brian’s shoulder, and onto his precious duvet. Thank you very much.

Blondie is apologetic and tries to explain that this type of fluid does come out in the wash. The person on the phone wants to know what that noise was. “Just some kid. What’s your name again?” “Justin.” Ok, now at least we have a name for this young man and evidently, they exchanged names earlier, but it is not important for Brian to remember names. Justin looks crestfallen that Brian doesn’t remember his name. Or maybe he is embarrassed after he just shot his load all over the place and Brian seems so disappointed in his lack of restraint. Justin looks away and his face is covered in darkness suggesting the total nosedive in mood and Brian shakes his head perhaps thinking; what has he gotten himself into. Could it be that he is disappointed that he will not get a chance to finish with the boy???

* * *
Back at Michaels place, things are heating up, but his chattiness seems to come from a man who is not completely interested in getting it on with the Big Bad Wolf. Maybe he is nervous. He is sort of into it as he kisses the guys neck with soft, open mouth kisses and I like when his eyes close to show that he is getting turned on after all. Michael is a nice looking man - the clean-cut boy next-door type. The dark hair, big doe eyes, and pert nose are very nice. BBW doesn’t give a flying phuq what Emmett’s back-story is and just wants to get down to business. I don’t think that Michael is that type of guy. The kind that hits and runs just by what was said earlier, that it has been way too long since he has gotten laid. Casual sex is not the same for him as it is for Brian.

I can’t believe the BBW is wearing that rubber butt. I guess it could lure a man to you because of the appearance, but what does a man think when he finds out he is actually fondling a piece of synthetic @ss? BBW doesn’t seem to be ashamed of it at all and is actually sounding kind of happy that he found this wonderful piece of fake enhancement to his I guess flat behind. On top of that, he is also wearing a false basket. This is false advertisement and I would be bothered if I found out that the man I was fondling came with accessories and was not the real deal. How do you remain in the mood after finding those things? Well, I guess Michael has lost his mood because he jumps at the chance to join Brian when he calls.

Why is it so surprising to Brian that Mikey has someone with him in his apartment at night? Does Brian know all about Mikey's love life or lack thereof that he is pleased as punch and encourages him to phuq the sh!t out of the guy. Is this implying that Mikey is a top? I think he knows that Mikey is not a rampant sex fiend like he seems to be and knows it has been a long time for Michael since he had sex so as his best friend, he wants him to have his fun on this night instead of getting picked up for this all important errand. The spell is totally broken in the ‘parts department’ at Mikey’s and he is totally ready to take a pass on this false @ss to got with Brian.

Back at the loft, Brian is in a hurry to get dressed, flying clothes at Justin to get him out of his place so he can rush off. I don’t know why the image of Brian carrying tall boots looks strange in my mind. For some reason, he doesn’t seem like a ‘boot’ kind of man. More like Vans or something more casual on a night out on the town. But, on going back to the beginning scene in the loft, he does have to pull off his footwear and as he tosses them to the side they do sound substantial and not just a lightweight sneaker hitting the floor. You know what, scratch all of the above, I guess boots are practical in colder climates. I just live in a ‘Vans’ type of climate.

Brian’s closet looks strangely empty, like he just moved in. Does he only hang shirts in there? I see a few items, probably shoes to the far right highlighted behind the closet doors and that’s it. Also, what is that unfinished lit up space beyond the closet? And the flimsy looking folding screen panels off to the left looks out of place. Maybe in this first episode they didn’t have time to finish all the details of sprucing up an expensive loft to its full potential.

Justin is sliding on his underwear and lets it slip that he still lives at home with his parents. Uh-oh. How old are you? Brian is not that alarmed and continues to get dressed as he moves about the room. Do you notice as he buttons his shirt that he is one button off making the shirt hang in a lopsided fashion? As Brian asks Justin how old he is, with each answer be passes to the next panel of the wall of his bedroom area, and they exchange glances. A definite step by step to Justin’s real age. Justin’s answers become less and less sure sounding and Brian is smirking more and more with each of Justin’s answers. A side note, suddenly Brian’s sleeves are both rolled above the elbow, nice and tight. That was quick. I love the way Gales mouth moves when he says ‘bull-sh!t”. Not quite balanced with a little tug toward the right side as he smirks saying it. The countdown ends at seventeen and it doesn’t seem to bother Brian too much.

I like how Brian sits down right beside Justin on the bed, like he feels comfortable with him already that they can share the same space in a non-sexual setting. I doubt that Brian would do this with other men. He seems the type to use them and dump them and have no further thought of them after the sex is over. Yes, it gets soooo tedious getting your d!ck sucked. He is rolling his eyes and inwardly laughing at the stories this boy is trying to pass off so he doesn’t seem so young and inexperienced. When Justin admits that this is sort of his first time, Brian’s voice softens and he gets a far-away look in his eyes. Randy looks so young here with that cute haircut, angelic face, and rosy red lips. Justin looks offended when Brian tells him he is kind of young for this. Justin does not want to be thought of as ‘young’ in front of Brian. He really tried from the first moment that they made contact on the street to seem older than he really is. Brian is blunt but not unkind though when he says this to Justin, so the moment passes quickly.

This next part is also a surprise for me when Brian starts telling Justin the intimate details of his first time. I can’t imagine him sharing this kind of personal information with his casual phuqs. Watching his ambivalence in the back room getting sucked off was all that he cared about and then he was off to meet his friends. Ho hum, yum yum. He even treats his ‘friends’ bad as he blows them off to find their own way home. Not the most caring person in the world and that’s why his softened tone is special as he shares his story. Plus, shouldn’t he be in a hurry to run his errand? To think that at 14 he did it with ‘an old perv’. Ha ha. Another admission is that he tells Justin that we are probably all scared our first time. He knows that Justin is trepidacious about being with him on this night and he says it with sincerity. Then he gets up and says but, I don’t remember it anymore with a tightening of his jaw muscle. Like he is shaking off something a little ‘off’ about that memory or maybe is not sure why he has just told his story to this boy.

End of part 2


Review 101 3 of 5

* * *
Michael is waiting at the curb in another ‘boy next door’ outfit. He is a cutie. You brought him?! Michael is not please at all to see Blondie again and this brings back what he said at the beginning… And that’s when it happened, when he came along… Michael has certainly taken a hearty dislike of the boy. Worse yet is that he has to hop in the back seat when Blondie has replaced his place in the front. He rolls his eyes as they drive away and you can tell he is p!ssed.

* * *
The music starts in the previous scene at a fast pace and continues as all three of them run down the hospital corridor. Brian and Michael take turns at being in the lead as they rush around obstacles in the hallway. Michael and Brian are having a good time chasing each other, like old friends do when they are horsing around, grabbing at each other periodically. At one point, Brian grabs on to Michael, perhaps to slow him down as he looks over his shoulder to make sure (eh, who knows for realz) Justin is following because they both make eye contact with each other.

Ok, I guess by now we are pretty sure what this is all about seeing that Michael was holding a camera at the curb, keeping a firm grip on it as he runs thru the halls, and as he finally burst into the hospital room, that this is one of those camera worthy events; yes, the birth of a baby!

I see Michael being more excited at the event being the first one thru the door with a slightly petrified Brian in second and a breathless and clueless Justin bringing up the rear. Ok, I don’t think the writers had anything in mind when they selected the wardrobe for our three guys (maybe, maybe not), but I find it interesting that Michael is in the exact same color of blue as Justin’s jacket, Brian is in all white – with his shirt buttoned correctly now, and Justin is in a combination of blue and white. Is Justin’s outfit, as seen here pointing out his coming into Brian and Michaels world? Does the ‘3’ above the door mean anything about the three men entering the room and their future? Do aliens exist? What came first, the chicken or the egg? All of these are staggeringly important questions my friends.

We still don’t know what exactly awaits the three guys as they enter the room because they are blocked off from whatever is happening in the hospital bed by a wall of lesbians who all turn around at the same time to give our guys a ‘what are you doing here’ kind of glare. But, as the sea of lesbians part, the music is no longer there and we have sound of whooshing wind, the winds of change. The camera zooms to Brian’s stunned face with a radiant, hero worship looking Justin behind him in the doorway. We now know what this is all about as we see the new baby and its two mothers at the hospital bed.

OMG, did you see the number of the room right behind Brian as he walks into the hospital room??? Number 7! What does that mean? The he11 if I know, but that was the address of Michaels place as posted on one of the columns outside his building! Ok, OMG, getting back on track, Brian now looks happy to be seeing the baby, his son, and walks toward him in awe. Obviously, the ‘mother’ is happy to see Brian, but the other mother is not so friendly. Hum, we have some tension going on here. As he walks toward the bed, he gets some unfriendly looks from the other lesbians (do lesbians not like gay men?) but he only has eyes for his son. OMG!!!!! The contractions started around 7!!!!! What is going on? Never mind, lets get back on track. . . Blond mother is subtly trying to get her chosen baby name of Gus to get picked over the other mothers (Mel) choice of Abraham with a little finger point and look on her face. You know she does NOT want the baby to be called Abraham. Michael is silently happy to see Brian’s reaction to the baby but gets a slight jolt when Brian overlooks Michael to Justin to get his opinion on what the baby should be named. Again, he is bypassed this night in favor of this new kid. Obviously, there were introductions at some point because Michael now knows the boys name even though Brian is still having a hard time remembering it. Michael says it with a little sadness in his voice. Of course Brian has to be crude and explain that Justin is the one at his place when they were on the phone and he had just shot his load all over him at the moment. Ewwwww, from the lesbians in the room. Snarky Mel makes the remark that both Lindsey (now we know Blond mommy’s name) and Brian each had an infant that night. Brian is getting sassy with that comment about Justin sucking on his t!ts. This is just for shock value but I think Justin is getting the impression that there might be more in store for him tonight with Brian. Good ol’ Mikey takes a sweet picture of Brian as a new dad. Gale looks so beautiful in that picture. Such perfect lips.

* * *
I guess all that new daddy stuff was too much for Brian because he ends up on the roof of the hospital for a much-needed smoke break. The only one to follow him is of course his best friend. He sees Brian’s mood and tries to make light of the situation and at the same time try to take a dig at Justin. All the lesbians making goo-goo talk about the new baby (Justin). Michael tries to get inside Brian’s head by talking about the baby and being a new dad trying to reconnect with his friend on this most important day. Brian has a different frame of mind now, the overwhelming thought of fatherhood, of time ticking away, of him getting older. The birth of his son is some sort of marker for him, he is no longer a ‘free’ man, but actually has an obligation to another living being. Mikey is not making it any better by reminding him that this didn’t have to happen if Brian had only listened to his advice instead of being swayed by Lindsey’s flattery. Now he is stuck with a kid – for life! It must be scaring the sh!t out of him because he goes all drama queen on Mikey and jumps up on the ledge of the roof.

I have a scary feeling that Brian may be just a little bit (really little) ready to jump at that moment, his panic looks so real. He turns to the only man he can truly count on, Michael, and reaches out his hand to him. Michael is concerned for his friend, takes his hand, and joins him on that ledge. I guess he would risk being up there with his friend to help him out in this moment of crisis. He can’t NOT help him. My big question is why does Brian put Michael in front of him, closest to the edge? Good friend or not, don’t put him in the front of you just because you want to end your life. To the side would be fine. His friend is up there with him now and Michael has to grab onto Brian’s thigh for support. He closes his eyes and hopes this crazy moment passes and he knows he is the one most likely that can bring Brian down off that ledge. Michael wants’ to know why he always has to be Lois Lane. Ok, that did it and the tension is broken.

As Hal turns around to grab Gale, he takes a stumbling step. Yikes! I see no wires and really believed that they had no safety system in place when I first saw this scene. I heard one version that they were up there without a wire and then later I read that they were wearing a cable for safety after all. Whew! Michael hugs Brian and Brian returns with a tighter hug. The song playing in the background what have you done today to make you feel proud? I guess it would be that Brian became a dad. They affectionately kiss and the moment of panic for Brian is over. There are still so many answers I don’t know the song continues, but for Brian and Michael, their friendship is still strong and Brian is now a dad. He will have to come to terms with what to do next. Michael is happy for him in all sincerity.

* * *
Well, some things never change. “Phuqed him” as they pass an orderly or nurse on their way back to the room. Brian is still Brian and Mikey still gets to hear all about his sexual exploits. And, after all that rooftop shenanigans, Brian is still taking drugs. What time is it? Past two in the morning, because that was the last time I heard from the Big Bad Wolf. Let’s just guess that it is around 4 A.M. for sh!ts and giggles; what a life!

Mikey tries to talk some sense into Brian about going home because he does have some responsibilities now that he is a dad. Or, that is the way Michael would approach fatherhood. Brian just purses his lips and walks on like he never heard a word that Michael just said.

On his way to Lindsey’s room, Brian passes Justin having his palm read. She says he is very creative. Well, he makes friends really fast. “That’s true, I want to be a cartoonist or a computer animator” when I grow up. Brian walks by and pulls him by the ear like he is a naughty school boy and looking at how wide Justin’s mouth stretches open at the pain, that may be just what Brian wants. Hey, that is just the way it looked when I put it on pause for heaven sakes. He tells Mikey that he will meet him out front. Michael gives him the thumbs up signal. Everything is A-OK, running just the way things should be between the two friends again. Can it get any better than that?

This next scene just makes me cringe because of the bad acting by Gale and Thea. This is one example of the actors just needing time to find their groove in this show. I don’t know, it just seemed super sappy with the dialogue and all and Brian is just all over the place with his moods. Joyous at being a father. Up on the roof because time is ticking away and he wants to jump. Walking down the hall like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Now he is in the room being tender/sweet/supportive/suggestive/emotional/silly. It was just a bad scene and the dialogue was stupid. IMHO.

Ok, lets take another look, shall we? It is sweet though as Brian looks down softly at his son, gently stroking his sons cheek. “Sweet dreams Sonny-Boy, first night on earth.” Clearly, Lindsey maneuvers Mel out of the room so she can have some alone time with Brian. She should have just come out and said that she needed to have a few moments with Brian because now it just makes her look sneaky. There is clearly no love loss between Brian and Mel. He is glad she has left the room. As Mel walks out, the clear view of her butt looks terrible. Those are some ill fitted jeans and I suspect are actually men’s pants to emphasize her more masculine role in the partnership with Lindsey.

I know she just had a baby and all, but at least she could have brushed her hair a little. I guess it adds to the impression that she had a rough time with the delivery so it has its purpose in telling a story. Foolish Brian jumps on the bed next to her and she has to caution him to be careful. He is like an unruly teenager that does whatever he wants (like wheeling into the room in a hi-jacked wheelchair). The scene seems like an exercise from a theater training class with those odd lines that they are feeding each other. “Well, here we are, Ma and Pa.” . . . “It’s pretty scary, boys and girls.” . . . “You think it’s too late to return it?” . . . “I guess it means we’re finally grown-ups.” . . . “Don’t say that Wendy, we’ll never grow up.” Ugh, this should have been written better or at least without those lines. The tenderness they show for each other is evident, Brian really does care for her, and she is very close to him emotionally. Evidently, they did have a physical relationship in the past (which wasn’t half-bad). Why bring this up now? Were they both bi at one time or just experimenting in their youth? Lindsey seems to have enjoyed herself more than Brian did though. Or it seemed like she may have been the instigator of more of these events and Brian only ‘took advantage’ of a few if he recalls.

It seems as though they each came from not so good homes or consider themselves a mess. “Hell, if our parents could phuq up, so can we.” I guess this just takes the tension out of the air a little because they both laugh at that. Clearly, Lindsey is afraid at being a new mom and Brian tries to alleviate her fears by showing his support by saying he will help them out financially, that they don’t have to worry. I believe at this moment he is sincere and wants to be a good father to his son. That kiss that he gives her seems to come as a reflection of those past sexual events between them. It doesn’t quite look like a tender, caring kiss to a new mommy but has a little sexual undertone to it. Mel walks in and sees this and is p!ssed. She shakes a rather large pitcher of ice to break the moment and announces “ICE” as if to cool off the scene before her. Brian and Lindsey both break away, looking a little guilty.

End of part 3


Review 101 4 of 5

* * *
Tick, tick, tick. I really don’t think this is a noise that the baby made but a continuation of Brian’s thoughts about him getting older. Of course a baby can’t talk straight out of the womb and what Brian probably heard was the baby making sucking noises and in his drugged state he translated it to the words of ‘tick, tick, tick’. More for me meaning that he may have taken more than one dose of E before they left the hospital. The guy is flying high.

Brian is loopy in the back seat and as usual, Michael is driving his friend home, but this time he is not alone. Michael adjusts the mirror to get a clear view of Brian as he nuzzles and plays with Justin. I’m just teaching my kid the alphabet. What kid is he talking about? He is talking bubbles. Brian could be talking about Justin in his drugged out state of mind, but it is clear that Justin doesn’t really care that the man next to him is not making sense. I’m going to phuq you. I’m going to phuq you all night. The sound of a zipper being yanked down, Justin starts to pant and Brian dives into his crotch. Justin’s eyes are closed and he is in ecstasy by whatever Brian is doing to him. Michael obviously doesn’t like this and violently makes the car swerve to get Brian to back off the boy. “Oops, I didn’t want to hit the doggy.” What’s the doggies name; Jealousy? Michael still is trying to get rid of Justin and asks ‘Boy Wonder’ where to turn. No such luck because Brian springs a pop quiz on the boy and the boy answers correctly to Brian’s delight and Michaels exasperation. Justin’s response is so confident and sure compared to how he behaved with Brian earlier in the loft as a trepidacious young man .I don’t like the way Brian tells Justin; “Good Boy”. It makes him sound like a dog. Brian starts kissing Justin passionately. I tell ya, Gale is the best kisser.

* * *
We are back at the loft and at the amount of sweat on both their bodies; they must have been up to some extreme physical activity. We don’t even know what has made Justin break out in such a sweat, we have to leave that to our imaginations.

They are both in shadow with the glow of the blue lights behind them to highlight the action going on. Justin has his mouth open, panting with desire as Brian kisses him from his shoulder blade down toward the center of his back. Brian licks at the beaded sweat down his spine and stops (that we see) at the top of his luscious @ss. Justin rears his head up and lets out an open mouthed ragged gasp. He is so stunned by what just happened (that we don’t see, shucks) that his eyes can hardly focus. “Now you know what ‘rimming’ is. Oh, well then, lets have another helping of that. Pleeeezzzzzzeeeee. Justin continues to pant and tries (oh, the poor dear) to overcum his ordeal as we hear tiny kissy sounds in the background as Brian continues his magic.

* * *
Oh boy, Michael is pi$$ed. The camera is shooting in an upward angle, focusing on Michaels angry face with that larger than life cutout of a superhero behind him. Like Brian’s spirit is hovering above him, always. Not even a superhero can calm him down. Poor Emmett, it seems that he is used to listening to Michaels problems and is a compassionate soul for his friend.

Michael is more mad at Brian than Justin at this point. But, Michael doesn’t exactly tell the truth here. I think he just needs some sympathy and understanding from someone at the moment. Brian didn’t beg him to go with him to the hospital, Michael was more than willing to ditch the BBW because it wasn’t turning out as he expected with all those false parts, killing the moment. Brian in fact encouraged him to phuq the sh!t out of the guy. Emmett has a keen memory on his friends love life and knows exactly how long it has been since Michael has had sex. Michael is upset because he just wants to be wanted. And not just by anyone, but specifically Brian, though a stand-in will do in a pinch. I can see the hero worship that he has for Brian, they have a tight bond, and to be dumped on the side and disregarded on this very important night by his best friend hurts and he is furious.

With all the emotions that Michael has been thru tonight, he is restless, angry, and horny. Good ol’ Em comes to the rescue with his new video; Schindlers Fist. It all takes place in a prisoner of war camp, kind of like Michael being held prisoner by his feelings for Brian. There is no escape, just punishment. Michael starts the video and it seems like his mood has greatly improved just by the thought of getting off watching the movie. But, then it the dialogue is so silly, Michael just rolls his eyes at it and turns it off.

Funny how well decorated their apartment is compared to Brian’s, which looked half finished by the set designers. I think that is because what was happening in the loft was not about the surroundings, but the two people having their intimate moment viewed by us. At Michaels and Emmett’s place, it is a home that is lived in and the surroundings tell part of the story of their lives. Lives that are established and comfortable and homey.

* * *
Put your legs up . . . on my shoulders. Brian is giving Justin a quick lesson on how to “do it”. We are back in the shadowy loft bedroom and the two men are in profile so we can see everything that is allowed to be shown. The sweat continues to glisten on their bodies as they continue with their activities. Justin is nervous, but he seems to have complete trust in Brian. Justin is making eye contact with Brian, but who knows how much Brian is actually seeing thru his drug-hazed mind. He is not sloppy by any means, but we know how loopy he was in the car. Did the drug effects wear off at this point? Brian seems calm as he talks Justin thru his first time with a low, slightly husky voice. It sounds so nice and soothing. It is working, but Justin is still nervous and brings up the topic of safe sex and Brian is nice enough to be there to give him a one on one demonstration on how it’s done. Brian has everything ready, including a towel for the messy cleanup. He is a pro at this as he rips open the package and spits out the piece of foil wrapping. Put it on me . . . Slip it on my d!(k. And indeed, we see a d!(k. Am I imagining this or do I see Gales erect pen!s jutting out and resting on Randy whatever? Sure, it is covered by the c@ck sock, but it really looks defined. Maybe I am just penusilating. At some point we also see Randy’s beautifully wrapped chestnuts.

Justin bites his lower lip as he puts it on Brian. Oh, the attention to detail is brilliant in this scene, let me tell ya! Don’t forget product endorsement (KY jelly). Randy’s face, especially his skin and his lips are so beautiful. Randy really does look like he is experiencing a ‘first time’ with a slightly worried look on his face. Justin asks Brian to go slow, and he does. Brian grabs him around the thighs and lifts him for a better angle. The camera moves from Justin’s face as he gasps in pain with the first penetration, his fist clutching the sheet, toes flexing and he is panting and alternately crying out in pain as Brian continues with his movements. Does it always hurt? . . . A little bit. But, that’s a part of it.

Despite the pain, Justin wants to continue and follows Brian’s instructions thru it all, never taking his eyes away from Brian’s gorgeous face. Brian looks like a predator with a slight sexy sneer spreading across his lips as he tells Justin that he wants him to remember this moment, always, no matter who else he is with, Brian will always be there. OMG, what a thing to plant in his head at a time like this. There is no doubt that Justin will always remember this moment, his first time. This seems more like it is Brian ego talking.

Brian continues to push in and then captures Justin’s mouth in a devouring kiss. I am sure that took away some of the pain. Justin plays with Brian’s ear (I never noticed this before, so sweet) and things continue to heat up and Justin is really starting to get into it as he grabs Brian’s back and then runs his fingers thru his hair and finally he kisses Brian back. The background music is subtle and I can’t understand the lyrics, but there is no need, it just adds to the pace at which our lovers are moving and gives a sultry feel to their rhythm. Fade to black.

* * *
Beep, beep, beep. Did Brian have the presence of mind to set the alarm before passing out last night? They probably had only a few hours of sleep. Brian flops over onto Justin to shut the damn thing off and lays back with a heavy sigh. I am not sure Justin got much sleep because he looks like he has been up for a little while, just watching Brian with wonder in his eyes. He wants to touch him and reaches out little by little until his arm is completely across Brian’s chest. Brian unconsciously seems to want to snuggle with the warm body that is lying next to him and wraps an arm around Justin. Then reality strikes and wants to know What the phuq are you doing here? Justin is in some kind of daze because he looks so calm answering Brian’s questions. I think he is still feeling the afterglow of last nights events. Brian, what’s the problem waking up to such an angelic face with those adorable lips? Huh???

Jesus Christ! What the he11 happened? Maybe this explains some of the profuse sweating on their bodies? Or not. When did they/or just Brian do all this foolishness and wrecking his living room at the same time? I think it happened after they got back to the loft because Brian was pretty high in the Jeep ride home and had lots of energy to get rid of before turning it down a few notches to get to what Brian said he was going to do to Justin while he was in the Jeep, phuq him all night long.

It was that phuqing pig Anita. No it wasn’t Brian, it was you and your overdosing on drugs. You should know by now that you should only take drugs that are prescribed by a physician, or recommended by a reliable pharmacist.

Everything is a little foggy, but Brian insists that he remembers EVERYTHING as he has a certain look in his eye, looking at Justin. Justin’s look is like “please remember that we made love last night. Nope! Brian still can’t remember the boys name, which makes Justin feel again that the night was not as important to Brian as it was for him, which is a blow for him emotionally.

Brian really is in rough shape if he can’t even be sure where his shower is. I know it is a joke, but I believe he overindulged in a bunch of things last night and is barely holding it together as his memory comes and goes. Or comes and stays. Or came and went. Justin goes to take a shower and Brian draws the sheet back to leave the bed. Ta-da, we are presented with a full on flash of Gales splendid package, all wrapped up, nice and tight. Holy smokes! How many pauses have I made on this one snippet of film because I can’t believe I am actually seeing the whole shebang. Or, ‘he’bang. This kind of programming was all so new to me back then, so my eyes couldn’t believe what I was seeing and my jaw dropped to the floor. Oh well, this first episode was a first of many to come with jaw-dropping moments.

Gale walks completely naked across the room and you can see how skinny this man is. I believe he was a ‘starving artist’ at the time (the story goes that he had to scrounge for gas money in his car to get there), so with time and a steady paycheck, he can put a little more meat on his tall frame. From an overall view of his messed up living room the camera zooms in fast with a whooshing sound added to kind of slap him in the head back to reality. Brian listens to the answering machine and that side profile of his face is gorgeous with that just-phuqed hair and opened mouth red lips. Phuq! I have a baby. . . . Two babies. Brian turns toward the sound of Justin yelping in the shower in pain. This time we get a gorgeous front view of Gales face. Justin must be raw from all that action his virgin @ss got last night.

End of part 4


Review 101 5 of 5

* * *
OMG, look how Michael fell asleep on the couch last night. There is a carton of milk (hope it is empty), a knocked over box of Cap’n Crunch cereal, and a big empty bowl on the table. Emmett needs his milk and Oreos and Mikey needs his cereal to fall asleep. Such boys. Can anyone say ‘tooth decay’? And, he left the lights on. It must have been one he11 of a sugar crash.

Michael awakes to the sound of a car alarm and goes stumbling to the window to see two teens vandalizing Brian’s Jeep. Kind of ballsy of them to be using a crow bar to smash up the car and spray paint who knows what on the passenger side of the car with witnesses in full view. Michael comes flying out of the apartment building in his light apricot Babylon tank and torn oversized sweats and chases the kids away. Geez, Michael is a cutie. I love his haircut on that boy-next-door face. It suits him. Plus, he has a little bit of muscle action going on in his shoulders and arms.

Did Brian really lend the Jeep to Michael? I thought Michael had to take it home being that Brian was too drugged up. Did Brian expect Michael to leave the car and then call for a cab? Either way, the news is not good as Michael squats in the road and we get one last look at the damage caused as the light falls out of its place from the front of the car. I guess the cameraman had to crawl under the car to get that shot.

* * *
Brian must have a splitting headache by the way he is holding his head as he walks into the bathroom. As he sees this vision before him, naked and water running down his body, the headache is not so much of a concern anymore. The blood starts to flow to another area of his body as he walks into the shower and joins Justin.

This is another piece where Gale is not delivering his lines so smoothly. They seem a little robotic. Gosh, sometimes he is believable with his delivery and sometimes not. That is what is so irritating to me during these first episodes of the show. The acting is not consistent. Could it be nerves? A bad day? Didn’t rehearse enough? Cheesy writing? For this one, I want to go with cheesy writing.

This image of Justin is a little in slow motion as the water runs over his head and is similar to the image of Brian at the start of the night pouring water from the water bottle over his head and shaking it in slow motion in front of ‘Blondie’. This is a reverse take, but has the same effect now on Brian. Brian’s eyes drift down Justin’s body and he decides what he wants.

For someone that said he remembered everything, his memory sure is spotty. Why is he jumping on Justin for not reminding him that he has a kid now? What’s worse is that he can’t even remember what his sons name is. He shouldn’t have made that statement that he ‘remembered everything’ because evidently that is not true.

What I find interesting in this scene is that Brian automatically begins gently washing Justin’s body. This is a kind of thing that you do with someone special in your life, not to a boy you just phuqed for the night. I can’t imagine Brian doing this with other guys just from watching his ambivalence toward the man at the club and the comments his friends make about his sexual activities (getting your d!(k sucked can be so tedious). He seems like a phuq um and leave um kind of guy. But, that is just my first impression in this first episode.

As he washes Justin, running his hands across his back and shoulders, we see the waterproof makeup that Randy has to wear to cover the tattoo on his left upper arm. There is a slight mismatch in the color, but it is close enough. Justin starts to grill Brian’s role in getting Lindsey pregnant and Brian surprisingly answers his questions with patience. He could have just said that it was none of his business to speed things up in the shower. Wasn’t there a rush to get Justin home? Justin seems a little jealous and grossed out by the whole process. The camera focuses on Brian’s hands as he gently rubs the bar of soap over Justin’s skin as they talk. The hand-held camera gives this scene a more intimate feel.

Why did Justin bring up that his mom sometimes wishes she never had him? What place does this have in the moment except as something to fill in for what Brian says next? Brian saying that it is because Justin’s mom is stuck with this annoying brat for the rest of her life. Justin looks sad and Brian’s comment doesn’t help, but he brushes it off and asks if Brian is going to raise his son. He purposely provokes Brian by saying that Melanie could do a better job at raising Gus. He gets a slap on the @ss for that. The line Don’t get smart, or I’ll have to spank you. sounds a little too proper coming from Brian’s mouth. I could imagine him saying Don’t be a smart@ss. and then just slapping his @ss.

You up for one more? Well, that was quick. Justin seems to have picked up the game pretty quick and has learned to flirt with Brian to bring on a response. Let’s try something new as Brian turns Justin around quickly and shoves him up against the glass shower wall.

* * *
Michael rushes up to Brian’s apartment building at 6 Ross Street as we see the name above the doorway. He yells for Brian and there is no answer so he goes up to the apartment to find the place a total disaster. As I slo-mo around the place, it there a sheet of plastic on the floor next to the kitchen or is it a piece of carpet. If it is plastic, what were they doing? I know that in the British version the same sort of mess happened at that apartment but I don’t remember much of the details there.

Michael finds Brian making out with his boy toy, which he doesn’t especially like seeing. Brian is nuzzling Justin’s neck as he tries to pull up Justin’s underwear. This is another thing I can’t imaging Brian doing. It is sort of tender act. As Justin turns toward the side with his underwear fully on, it looks like Justin is packing wood. And how sweet that Brian wanted to make sure he sent the young lad off with a ‘nourishing, high protein breakfast’. Does that mean that Justin sucted him off? And, why does Brian do the “it’s great” in Mikey’s ear and make him get all silly? I guess Brian is just in a super mood this morning and is passing on the love.

Justin is finishing getting dressed and takes time to snag Brian’s 2xist jock strap and shove it in his pocket. What a memory to have of a remarkable night. His first time, the birth of Brian’s son, Justin choosing the name for the baby, and the morning is still not over. Michael tries to give Justin some heat to hurry up, but Justin doesn’t seem to be phased at all by Michaels harsh tone. He only cares about what he has done and carrying the memories with him.

As they walk out the building door, it seems like Justin asks Brian a question and he responds with She said don’t be late. What is Brian talking about and who is the ‘she’ he is talking about? He stops dead in his tracks as he sees the damage to his vehicle. Brian raises his voice to Michael and Michael raises his back to Brian in argument. Justin laughs because they both sound like his parents fighting. Well, OK then, let’s take the child to school. Brian asks Justin if he cares being seen in the vandalized car. Phuq no. You know he does because you can see it in his face but he wants to impress Brian.

* * *
Brian come tearing around the corner of the street that leads to Justin’s school. Did you see the speed limit sign? It was 40 maximum – in a school zone! Kind of high isn’t it? Brian is making as much of a commotion as he can by swerving left and right, honking his horn, and almost taking out a few students along the way. I think that was a stunt driver as he made that sharp turn right before the stop. The drivers hairline doesn’t look like Gales. I am sure Hal and Randy are securely buckled in, but they needed a professional to do that kind of maneuver safely. You can see blips of Gale behind the wheel as they drove down the street, but for that last move it couldn’t be him so as to keep the other two safe.

Funny, Brian calls Justin Sonny Boy just like he called his son the same thing last night. What is the meaning of this people as pertaining to this first episode alone? Michael and Brian both fake being Justin’s mother and father to add to the embarrassment and it works; Justin is sinking lower and lower into the back seat.

Some wise@ss jock makes a crack at Justin and without hesitation, Brian steps out of the car and stands up for him. Again, why? He just met the boy. Justin is so stoked that Brian told the jock off and sent him running with his tail between his legs. Michael on the other hand is horrified and covers his face with his hand. That jock must be harassing Justin at school, but maybe he won’t anymore. Justin is even more in awe of Brian after that and wants to see him again. Brian has no reason to see Justin again and keeps his comments vague. Another sweet move is that Brian straightens out Justin’s shirt and jacket, like a father does to a young boy or as someone who cares for him. Justin begs again to see him. I’ll see you in your dreams. knowing that that is the only place he will meet up with this boy again. It’s over. Brian almost looks sorry that he is not going to see Justin again. His words are soft and tender. Justin is heartbroken at the answer. Michael looks away because he has probably seen this happen before and feels sorry for Justin.

Justin walks up the steps to the school to meet his friend who is in a panic as to where he has been. All Justin can say is I just saw the face of God. His name is Brian Kinney.

* * *
Brian is still driving like a maniac thru the streets with that bright pink F A G G O T spray painted across the side of his car, drawing attention and honks. Michael is glad to finally have gotten rid of the boy. Brian doesn’t feel the same way, but his attention is on the people staring at his car. He doesn’t care and screams it out at the top of his lungs for all to hear. There is nothing wrong with him, it is THOSE PEOPLE out there that are crazy. He honks his horn repeatedly and he and Mikey have their arms in the air in a salute to not giving a rats @ss about what people think.

End of part 5

Sorry for making this so long. I will try to keep my next posts shorter to try to meet the deadlines and join in the fun as it happens and not be following the party.



The attention to detail and thoroughness of your recaps/reviews continue to be astounding. Reading the recap of the episode is like watching it again. almost better actually. As you catch so many things that many of us miss. Will need to go back and watch this ep again, armed with all the details mentioned here that I somehow just didn't catch. Such things as the the glowing red hearts on the go-go boys, and Ted's undershirt showing way too much. I knew there was something off about Ted's ensemble besides the obvious, but never quite put my finger on it before. No his fashion faux pas stands out clearly. Other things, such as the change of lighting as Brian is introduced, I did notice. But the detail here as to how the lighting and music set the tone of the moment as well as Brian's demeaner, goes very deep into the scene.

Appreciate the attention you give Ted. So many fans, present company included, often give short shift to his character. But his place as part of "the gang" is affectionately explained. And his attentiveness to Michael, already apparent here, is also remarked upon.

Love the way Justin is introduced, though not by name as we don't actually know this yet. Nice touch that. The blond boy, as well as the surroundings and the protagonist's probable thoughts are vividly recreated. I don't share your belief that Justin is a sublimely beautiful creature, but still enjoy the recounting of his entrance into this new world.

Mention of the background music by name, such as "Proud" and "You Think You're a Man" aid in remembering those famouse scenes. Scenes in which the music is as much a character as any of the actors.

The idea of an open mouth as a sign of receptiveness in both Brian and Justin is a good observation. But it does take me back to psych 101 class.

Good point about Justin's total ignorance of gay sex. Just find it hard to believe that he knows less than the average fourteen year old girl.

Another good point is the different approach to casual sex between Michael and Brian. Michael wants to actually talk with his potential sex partner first, while Brian seems barely interested in exchanging names with his. This is an important difference, and has a baring on both of their storylines throughout the series.

Also like the way Brian's dismissive treatment of Michael, and the way he takes his friend for granted in touched upon. So often fans of this show, particularly those here only or mainly for Brian and/or Justin, fail to notice when their favorites treat others poorly.

About Lindsay's hair. Yes she really would look like this or worse after delivering a baby. First time viewing this I remember thinking that this was the first time I had seen an accurate visual potrayal of a mother who had gone through hours of labor.

"Wall of lesbians". That's just funny, also a very apt description.

Enjoy hearing you figuratively crap all over the Brian/Lindsay scene. Not so much because I agree with your assessment of the scene as poorly written, though I concede you may have a point. But it has more to do with my lack of tolerance for Lindsay's already obvious desire to keep Brian in her life, and her using this connection partly to that end.

Like nearly everything else in this review, the first big Brian/Justin sex scene is also lovingly and expertly detailed. But the "major cast genital watch" was a welcome and fun extra.

To list all the details and their significance that appear in this recap could fill a whole other post. But for one example of many, the bowl and box of CapnCrunch cereal box left by a sleeping Michael. Says so much about Michael's childlike nature in a small moment in little time.

I am actually fine with the long post. Rather have it good than have it fast. And if you need five posts or even more to fully express your interpretation of this show, then go right ahead and write five or more posts. And it's better to have too much than too little. But when it comes to good reviews and thoughts pertaining to "Queer as Folk", there's no such thing as too much.

There really are no adequate words to describe the unequaled detail and thought that has gone into this recap. It is vivid and comprehensive. To read it is as close as one can probably come to experiencing the episode without actually viewing it. And considering how many things mentioned are overlooked by some of us viewers, it's almost better than an actual viewing. Almost.


Thank you dergil for your kind words. I am afraid I went overboard in this first episode and as I re-read it, I seem to be repeating myself on how beautiful and gorgeous the actors are. I will try *crosses fingers* to tone it down in the future. What a total fan-girl I am.

The attention to detail and thoroughness of your recaps/reviews continue to be astounding.

It's a sickness really. But, thanks anyway for the comment.

Appreciate the attention you give Ted. So many fans, present company included, often give short shift to his character.

I love the Ted character. He really is a sweetie in my eyes and part of that may be because of Scott who is also a very personable person in real life. Ted also had some of the most hilarious lines too in the show. Kind of a deadpan type of humor, my favorite kind.

I don't share your belief that Justin is a sublimely beautiful creature

Eh, whatever floats your boat. He sure put the wind in my sails. But, Brian completely capsized me.

Mention of the background music by name, such as "Proud" and "You Think You're a Man" aid in remembering those famouse scenes. Scenes in which the music is as much a character as any of the actors.

I can't believe how many of the songs (the titles, the artists, and the lyrics) matched so well with the scenes and the emotions happening within the story lines. The music crew did a fantastic job and grabbed stuff from so many artists I never heard of.

The idea of an open mouth as a sign of receptiveness in both Brian and Justin is a good observation. But it does take me back to psych 101 class.

Please, tell me more. Very interesting.

About Lindsay's hair. Yes she really would look like this or worse after delivering a baby. First time viewing this I remember thinking that this was the first time I had seen an accurate visual potrayal of a mother who had gone through hours of labor.

I don't mind her looking a little messy if she had indeed JUST given birth, but I think it had been a little bit of time since Gus came out. Enough time for her to get herself tidied up to put on a pair of button up pajamas instead of the typical hospital gown and Gus was already in her arms, bundled up nice and snug (so, gone thru inspection and ready to be with mom away from the nursery). Also, if it was only a small group of family, who cares, but she had a ton of visitors in the room. She should have at least raked her fingers thru her hair and pushed the loose strands out of her face. A nice ponytail would have been appropriate, simple and clean after all that sweating during labor.

But I see your point as for an 'accurate' portrayal of a woman who had just given birth. Hollywood so often curls the hair, adds the blush and lip gloss to give an inaccurate picture of real life events like what you really look like after you have been pushing for hours upon hours of hard labor.

But the "major cast genital watch" was a welcome and fun extra.

My pleasure.

Rather have it good than have it fast.

Yes, that's what she said.

And it's better to have too much than too little.

I know gurlfriend, I know.

There really are no adequate words to describe the unequaled detail and thought that has gone into this recap. It is vivid and comprehensive. To read it is as close as one can probably come to experiencing the episode without actually viewing it. And considering how many things mentioned are overlooked by some of us viewers, it's almost better than an actual viewing. Almost.

Oh, that is the sweetest thing to say. I mean it. Your whole post warmed my heart.


Appreciate the attention you give Ted. So many fans, present company included, often give short shift to his character

I love the Ted character. He really is a sweetie in my eyes and part of that may be because of Scott who is also a very personable person in real life. Ted also had some of the most hilarious lines too in the show. Kind of a deadpan type of humor, my favorite kind. []

Ditto! He is definitely one of my favorites out the whole bunch. He may have been "old reliable Ted", but he was also very lovable. More so , I felt a lot of empathy for Ted.
I feel that he was the most relatable character on the show because, Like him, I've definitely had my fair share of feeling insignificant over the years. After all, not all of us (or most of us, for that matter) have BK & JT's phenomenal confidence levels.

Don't get me wrong. Sometimes Ted's self-esteem problems bordered along the lines of severe/ridiculous (For instance, during the whole crystal meth addiction storyline), and I was soooooo glad that he had finally developed some confidence about himself, later on. But overall, he was a pretty good character whom I appreciated. As I did all the others.


Of all the characters that I would like to meet in real life and maybe be friends with number one would be Ted and Emmett would be number two. They both seem the most balanced of the bunch and reliable. Although everyone has their own flaws, these two I would love to have as friends.

On a side note; I am not sure how many of you have seen Episode 101 Special Edition. I don't know how I missed it and just watched it with the staff and actors commentaries. Interesting. I don't know when they taped this, but Gale looks heavier (the steady paycheck helped ) and Randy had a little beard on his chin. Randy made a cute remark of having to run in place in between takes on the sex scenes to give the impression of being out of breath and it being hard work - much like real life. Or something like that, he was kind of mumbling and there were no closed captions on this.


Randy made a cute remark of having to run in place in between takes on the sex scenes to give the impression of being out of breath and it being hard work - much like real life. []

OMG, really? I've never seen the commentaries (But I'm dying to) before. That sounds so hilarious! I'm picturing Randy running naked in place right this minute, LOL. Seriously though, that is the most funniest image that has popped into my head all day.


Well, I didn't have THAT image in my mind until NOW. I bought the box sets season by season and it is in the bonus section of disc one of season one. I remember seeing bits and pieces on Youtube, but I don't know why I didn't watch the complete episode until now. No, wait, I do know why... because I just had to watch the next episode, and the next, and the next.....

Peter did say that they sat around during lunch in bathrobes so maybe the jogging in place was in a robe too.


Hi dergil! reply to Fri Jun 28 2013 11:30:18 post

Great first review and I am glad you have joined the party!

Like many others here, I was show lured to "Queer as Folk" by random video clips of Brian and Justin.

It seems like so many of us found Brian and Justin and QAF thru YouTube that they deserve some kind of credit for exposing us to bits and pieces of their lives. For those of us who never watched it while it was actually airing, I don't think there would be this big of a following today if it weren't for those video clips. People are still discovering the Folks 13 years after the first show aired. Thank you YouTube!

Most tv pilots tend to be unmemorable. Pilots have the burden of laying out the premise, explaining the characters relationships, and usually serving as an origin story while still trying to sell the show to the networks. And when a pilot does get picked up, adjustments are usually made. This renders the pilot, when it can be used at all, into being an unremarkable and awkward fit with the rest of the show.

I never thought of it like that. You summed it up well and I think that ep 101 did a very good job of putting in A LOT of information, in an interesting way that grabbed us as an audience and we wanted to come back for more. We didn't get the full story (like Mel and Lindz) but I think the writers laid out the core characters that would hook us and it did. For those of you that watched it live, did they show ep 101 and 102 back to back the same night?

I saw 101 as not awkward at all and it blended smoothly with the episodes that followed. I am assuming that the whole season would pretty much be mapped out ahead of time before shooting so that they had a direction to go but made tweaks here and there along the way if story lines had to be adjusted a tad here and there.

The look and feel of the show, as well as the relationships between the characters is already there. And there are a ton of memorable images to be had.

This first episode was full of vivid visuals and sounds that had me not believing what I was seeing on a cable show. Was this going to continue? The camera movements, the club music, the dialogue were perfect to me – I was hooked. The characters were explained with just enough tenderness or bluntness or anywhere in between that each of our Folks stood out in my mind as an individual that I already knew. Plus, they were all unique in their own way.

The reason I believe that the first ep. is so memorable are all of the images and scenes that stay with you. And many of these scenes from the first ep would be among the most remembered from the entire series. In fact, these scenes and images so dominate the first ep that the whole thing seems like a grouping of said scenes tied togethter with the plot decidedly in the background. Not that this ep. is short on plot, it's just hard to notice among all the spectacular visual imagery that's offered up.

Well put and I haven't looked at it like this before but you have a good point. They were little bubbles of activity floating above a subtle plotline beneath. The scenes were so strong by themselves, 'pushing' a plotline in front of those incredible scenes would blur some of their magic for the audience.

Of the shows most memorable scenes, the moment that Brian first spots Justin is the most visceral. We get a quick zoom-in of Brian's face. It's the first really good look we get of Brian, and god is he beautiful. The way this is shot, focus on Brian starring intently at Justin, focus on a mildly annoyed Michael looking at Brian, focus back on Brian as he gets right up in Justin's personal space, leaves no room for doubt this an historical meeting here.

Brian and Gale are very intense people. Gale is a really great 'face' actor and his face is indeed gorgeous. Gale could be goofy at times, but when he got into the skin of Brian, he was liquid sex. He was smooth in everything that he did. For me his most expressive features are his eyes, and you are right, his gaze was so intense as he focused on Blondie that everything around him didn't matter. All thoughts were out of his head as he headed over to this sweet piece of candy.

Sadly, you could also see the deflating of Michaels attitude as his mood crashes as he is witnessing what he knows is not the usual 'prowl' that Brian goes on. It was played out with deliberate steps to have the evening go his way. This boy had to be handled differently than his other more experienced tricks. And Michael has no choice but to witness it all. He knows Brian at 'work' and this would not be a time to interfere.

The rooftop scene is one of the most iconic scenes of the show, probably due to the combination of stunning visuals, emotional power, perfect music, and the overal mood that is conveyed.

I agree. This scene was so powerful and it could have taken us in any direction. The wind was blowing, the height of the building as Brian stepped up on that ledge had me holding my breath praying that he wouldn't jump or slip off the edge. The writers wanted to elevate our heart rates to its peak before having Michael come in and bring calmness to Brian's swirling emotions. Brian could be so many things at this moment, but which way would he decide to go on from here.

After all the build up, Brian and Justin's first sex scene would have to be something incredible. And it does not dissapoint. Brian's character manages to successfully tread the line between jerk and sweeheart.

He did ride that line very carefully, but he knew or at least suspected that the boy would want a more romantic first time and Brian knew how to take him there. Even though Brian seems like a jerk by just abandoning his friends, he is a different man in front of this boy. All that mattered was how he was going to have Blondie in a gentle way, almost to the point of tenderness with those sweet kisses and wanting to do it face to face to make it a more intimate moment for the boy.

The sex itself is both graphic and romantic, with an apparent emotional connection between the two of them. Unlike Justin, Brian's interest almost certainly only lasted as long as the act itself, but it did seem to be there for a moment. And something I will be saying a lot, the music is perfect here.

Yes, he was 'there' for a moment during that first gentle thrust and gave the boy time to adjust and relax before Brian was turned toward meeting his needs and the thrusts became more powerful and heated. Blondie followed his lead though and matched Brian's passion as they progressed.

After all, I didn't come to this show for lesbians and babies.

Me neither.

Something else I've always suspected is Brian yells that he will kick a certain students a**. Judging by the students reaction, the word may have been originally planned to be something other than kick. But the idea of Brian threatening to rape a teenaged boy might have been too much.

You may be right because didn't he add "tight little virgin @ss"? Kicking won't ruin an @ss but a good brisk phuq would.

One thing I like better is the dialouge. Lines like "Tylenal is what they give you when you're allergic to everything else", might seem mundane. But it somehow makes Brian Kinny, with his beauty, expensive loft, and overall apparent fabulousness, seem like a real person. And it's just not the sort of discussion you generally hear in tv or film.

Well, I guess that just makes him like the average Joe underneath all that exterior confidence and sex appeal. It gives us a hint into where he came from, Average America (so far).

Liked the comparison of Michael trying and failing to get over sexual frustration with porn to Brian having the real thing.

I thought his frustration was because it was such a corny movie with actors with terrible voices and awful lines that made him roll his eyes. I know he was frustrated in general at about how the whole night turned out, but I think he was going to take Em's advice and give himself a pull and a tug but the movie wasn't doing it for him. It would have to be something really hot to take his mind off Brian.

It's the first of many times that Brian answers the phone in the middle of sex.

Oh, really? Heck, if I was in that bed I would have pulled the phone jacks out and turned all cell phones off and stuffed them under some cushions or in a drawer. Brian acted as if he was polishing a shoe instead of a piece of anatomy. How could you turn your attention away from your sex partner? So rude. Grab that phone and throw it across the room. Well, this is just me in Brian's bed in my fantacy world where I had some control over what happened (including that he was into girls ).

Once stalker trick was actually in the apartment in a state of undress, Michael probably would have went ahead despite his early dissapointment had they not been interupted by the phone call.

I think he would have too. Brian was going to be busy for the night and Michael might as well get laid. But, when that phone rang and he had a chance to be with Brian again, there was no way he would want to spend any more time with fake parts stalker man. It probably would have been an average experience anyway.

Emmett is introduced as sort of a camp character. But even here you can get an idea that he is more that just a stereotype.

He is a stereotype on the exterior only. He has a sharp mind and quick wit. He is not your average flamer with no brain. He gave Michael some pretty great advice that night and calmed him down too.

Ted complains about his lack of action yet dresses in a manner that makes him look even older and less attractive than he could be. Early signs that he really does want to fail at romance.

Yes, he feels substandard and unattractive and therefore plays the role. How can he pull off 'sexy' when inside he feels like a nobody?


Thank you luvmesomegmh,

Yes, Brian and Justin do deserve credit for bringing a lot of fans to the show, particularly in the later years. I personally grew tired of their romance fairly early on. However, I'll still admit I'd probably never have made it here without them.

Don't think I ever gave tv pilots much thought, or at least didn't put it into words, til I reviewed this pilot. And having had more time to reflect, the qaf pilot episode is still by far the most accomplished I have seen.

Not enough can ever be said about the eyecatching visuals and stunning individual scenes in this episode.

Think "little bubbles of activity" (love that), floating around in the main plot is a great way to describe the action.

Agree that Gale Harold is a great "face actor". And this was a talent that would be required of him often while playing Brian Kinney. As so often what Brian said and what he truely believed were in conflict. Also thing Sparks is a good nonverbal actor as you can see briefly in the "Brian spots Justin" scene.

Would not change anything about the rooftop scene. And agree that the timing and tension added to the atmosphere and the mood to make it all so encredibly memorable.

We were seeing more of Brian's softer side during his first sexual encounter with Justin. Something that would become more a apparent as the season progressed.

Have to say, every time Mel or Linds came on screen, time seemed to slow down, a lot.

Think Michael's frustration was due to how the whole night went. He's ditched by Brian at Babylon. The trick Emmett talks him into inviting in isn't as bountiful either front or back as was advertized. But even that was interrupted by Brian. And while Michael wasn't pushed by the wayside at the hospital, he had to share Brian's attention with a complete stranger. Not to mention driving Brian and Justin home with the two of them practically going at it with him right there. After all that, would any porno have been sufficient to do the trick?

The way Brian would always interrupt sex to answer a call was a strange trait I always liked about the character. Sex is clearly very important to him, he definitely likes it a lot, a whole lot. And one gets the idea even this early on that Brian is very good at it. Yet with all this, the phone will still take precedence. Must have been quite irritating for his partners.

Despite the shortcomings of "parts department guy", he was still interested in Michael. Which for him counted for something. Also think the cliche that even bad sex is better than none at all would hold here.

And agree that Emmett and Ted are already who they are even this early on. And there is more to both of them than the obvious.


Hi Katrina, reply to Fri Jun 14 2013 14:11:48 post

I also came upon it very late; I started watching only a year ago, June of 2012.

The power of this show never ends! Can you imagine people still 'finding' it 5 or 10 years down the line? Not every show can claim this kind of following or immediate attraction to the Folks and the stories thru all five seasons. It grabbed me the same way and I lost lots of sleep because I just kept saying, one more episode, then I will go to bed.

my first impression of Brian/Gale in this episode is, my goodness, he looks like a baby! He aged very gracefully over the whole five seasons, but boy oh boy, did he look young in this Pilot episode! They styled him a bit younger, too, and I love how his hair is a bit more spiky/messy than it eventually became.

And, he was 29 or 30 when he started with the show... I never realized until you pointed it out that he did look young in this first episode and didn't notice the spiked hair either. CLUB BOY!!!

And wow, is he the whole package! When he brought Justin back to his loft, stripped down, and poured water over himself (I still wonder what that was about!), my jaw dropped to the floor. Gale is exactly my type: tall, lanky (but not too thin), muscular (but not too pumped up or cut), long legs, long torso, cute little behind, beautiful feet (I never was into feet until I started watching this show). And those beautiful hazel/brown eyes, those beautiful lips!

Gale was the whole package for me too. Ditto to what you said about all of his attributes - he is exactly my type too. You noticed his feet too? It is such a plus when men have attractive feet. I knew a guy whose feet looked like Fred Flintstone - not good at all.

About him pouring water all over his head, I think it has something to do with drugs. In later eps, didn't they have guys fainting because of some sort of new drug that hit the clubs and they were over-heating (dehydration)??? Dancing, taking drugs, wearing leather, and being physically active would want to make you cool down. But, this was his place where was free and comfortable with his body to strip in front of Blondie plus put on an enticing show for him. Brian knew his moves and the power behind them. Blondie could have left after the strip show and Brian would have just went to bed. He gave the "are you coming or going" speech and at that point, his world would not have come to a screeching halt if Blondie bolted. Brian seemed absolutely calm and ready for whatever life dished him.

(I LOVE the loft… it’s practically its own character!)

Interesting notion and I like it. Not only did the characters evolve, but the loft did too with its changing decorations and furniture.

Hal hasn’t aged a day. He pretty much looks the same at the end of the series, than he did in the very beginning. I think he’s very cute, and I love his snappy brown eyes.

He was a cutie-pie in this first ep! 'Snappy' brown eyes... adorable.


I don't think the dance at the prom never happened. Just that the scene we saw is fantasised to a degree ie not exactly what literally happened. It depicts what Brian and Justin are feeling, and maybe exaggerates the negative reaction of Justin's class mates a little.

I tend to agree with this: I think we're seeing the prom dance through Brian and Justin's feelings and not as it happened in reality. They felt like they were the only ones dancing, that everyone was looking at them and that the song suddenly began when they hit the dance floor... but I think that while they raised eyebrows and got most people's attention, it must have been felt in an exaggerated way.



On first viewing it seemed like the whole dancefloor clearing was an overreation on the part of the students. But this was a private school in Pittsburgh. So upon furthue reflection, the student's reaction doesn't appear to be that hard to believe.


Agree dergil - I didn't find how the students reacted to be hard to believe at all. And Daphne later stated that "mouths were dropping" so her memory was that there was some intense reaction from the crowd. Daphne also tells Justin when she and Brian were helping him remember that they had the "whole dance floor" to themselves. Because Daphne confirms, in detail, the events at prom that correspond to exactly what we see on screen to me this whole idea of it being a heightened reality and not what happened is proven completely wrong, there is no way to get around her memories as somehow also being just in her head.


I believe that everything happened as it did in actuality, and wasn't just a figment of Brian/Justin's imagination. I don't really know if I believe that, because these events were proven with Brian's flashbacks, and Daphne's recollection's. I mean, unless Daphne was fantasizing as well...


Agreed. Not so much an exaggeration of B/J's imagination as it was normal fare for American TV to do everything over the top!


One thing that I think is unbelievable in that prom: no photo cameras? No vídeos? I find it hard to believe that they had a high school event without one single picture. I've always thought that it would be so cool if someone there had taken a picture of the prom dance, so Justin could have a souvenir of that wonderful moment. Maybe that could help him to remember.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor



My take is that Brian was temporarily bored with his tricking lifestyle, saw innocent/nervous/pretty Justin, and thought he would try something completely different.

Interesting theory, fairpenguin. I think we all agree that Brian saw something different in Justin, he was somehow different from other tricks.

"I'm not antisocial, I just can't stand people." Justin Taylor


That's what I also believe.
