Help with a movie

I vaguely remember a movie with a guy lying under a sheet with only his head visible. He wakes up, the sheet is pulled back and you see that his body has been replaced with a computer, all blinking lights and stuff, like his head was grafted onto this machine.

Not 100% sure it was on Movie Macabre but it aired in the same late night time slot in the early 80s. Maybe someone knows what movie this is. Thanks.


The movie you are thinking of was indeed on Movie Macabre. It is an anthology film where actors sit at a dinner table and tell tall tales. The guy who loses his body and becomes a head attached to a computer lost his limbs to a kung-fu type master who also is missing his limbs. Also in this movie one of the actors at the table had a child with a demon. It is really a bizarre but likable campfest. The movie is Joel M. Reed's BLOOD BATH. It is important when searching for this movie to include "Joel M Reed" because there are apparently a lot of products with this title. It has been released on DVD but not as an Elvira's Movie Macabre version from SHOUT! Factory. While I love this charming little anthology film, it certainly loses some of its fun without the Elvira commentary between scenes. This happens to be one of my favorite Movie Mac episodes. I have been pushing for this one for a while. If you get the chance, drop shout!factory an e-mail and tell them you would like to see this released as well. I hope this helps!

Scott AKA Dreary :)


Wow thanks! I've been wondering about this for years whenever I get to thinking about something I watched as a kid in the early 80's. :) I'll check it out and send an email to Shout requesting this one.

There's another movie I've been searching for that might be a Movie Macabre too. I thought it might be "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" but I watched this and it just didn't ring a bell like I remember.

There was a scene with a woman alone at night in her house, maybe in the kitchen, and these short people or creatures in black break in. I thought they were wearing masks and when she pulls one off they have pig like faces. Does this sound at all familiar? I know there's a Movie Macabre episode The Pigs but from what I've read those were just regular pigs not walking people with pig faces.

- update -
I just got the title from another person. It's HOUSE OF THE DEAD (1978). It's on YouTube. Watching this late at night as a kid, it was such a scary scene. Of course the over the air reception made everything slightly fuzzy and probably made it seem much worse. Great to finally know the names of these movies from years ago.


I remember watching "House of the Dead" as a kid on late-night TV. Good to know is on YouTube, I'll check it out again.


What was the name of the movie where this nurse goes to take a shower and while she's in the shower, the water suddenly gets extremely scalding hot, and when she tried to turn it off, the water started coming out full force and wouldn't stop. I don't remember the rest but that scene was really scary!!!


Since this subject line seems fairly new, I figured I'd ask about my vague childhood recollection regarding an Elvira film. Must have been this series.
It actually really disturbed me as a grade schooler, this piece I remember as:

Guy at back of a house or barn, wearing either a long (trench) coat or rain jacket.

Ghostly figures come towards the house. I think maybe on horseback.
He fires some shots from a handgun.
Scene cuts to other character(s). This guy comes across the previous guy, laying on the ground. Memory is a bit foggy here, my recollection is that the man is not quite dead, and I think he may be covered in blood on his coat.

Ring a bell? It's why I came to this page in the first place. Never watched this show regularly, but that stuck in my mind and for some reason it was a television death that really affected me for a few weeks after I saw it.
Thanks ahead of time for any answers or guesses.


I'll tag-team on your post.Sorry don't recall your movie. I'm trying to remember a movie ,English where the father ruled his family with an iron fist.The son works with him .The wife and daughter sick with his dinner on the table ,attitude kill him.They enjoy a second of freedom,when father comes back from the dead ,as awful as ever. They're bonkers at how daddy came back.I don't know if the actor was Sir Ian MC Kellen

I just got the answer myself ,looking up someone's Favorite Horror Actor's .There was the late actor Michael Gough,aka: Alfred ,latest Batman movies.who appeared in "The Corpse"in 1971.
