MovieChat Forums > Caillou Discussion > Why is everyone bitter towards this show...

Why is everyone bitter towards this show?

I used to watch it and loved it. Of course I was nine, but it still entertained me. My four year old niece watches it and loves it. Just because it's not teaching our children how to learn math or their abc's, it's not horrible. It's teaching kids that it is okay to act like regular kids. It gives the parents some pointers, too. Chances are, that even if kids don't watch this, they're going to act like this anyway. It'd demonstrating normal behavior, and his parents aren't afraid to play with their children and it doesn't ashame them. How many parents do you know who would actually play hide and go seek with their child anymore? Or read them stories before bed? Or let them help out with things instead of just telling them to go and watch TV until whatever you are doing is done? Face it; parenting has gotten worse in the last ten years. I've watched it. My parents aren't exactly what they used to be either. They raised me and my twin sister perfectly, but they can't do it again, which is why my niece has a hard time. This show isn't at all bad, and you people need to understand this. If you don't like it just because it doesn't satisfy you from entertainment, that doesn't mean your child can't watch it either. Not all shows are meant to teach children to be modled citizens. I grew up on my parents way, and I'm not interested in any drug problems, drinking problems, smoking, and I am not sexually active. And I'm sixteen years old for crying out loud! In fact, I am proud to say that the niece I am raising everday is watching Caillou and learning that any bad situation can be overcome by everday solutions. It's taking normal behavior that all kids go through and bringing solutions up to solvem the unwanted behavior. I approve of this show 100%.


I agree with you! I find it that people are too hard on this show! Its just a cartoon! get a grip.


It's the fact he is a whinny little brat and his parents give in to him so easy, that teaches kids that you can get your way by acting like him. His parents don't even use a firm voice when dealing with his tantrums they either try negotiating with him or say sorry to him like they are ACTUALLY apoligizing to him.


His parents are very patient but I'm not sure I'd say they always give in.


What is wrong with saying sorry to him? If they would be more than happy to give him his way, but its just something they can't do right now, they are probably sorry that can't. So they say sorry. If my kid wants to go outside, but I just can't take him out right then, I'll tell him I'm sorry that I can't take him out. I had to relight the pilot light on the hot water heater. My son wanted to take a bath, but the water hadn't had time to heat up. I wished I could have given him a bath right then. But I couldn't. So when I told him he couldn't have one, I told him I was sorry.

It shows kids that you aren't telling them no just for the sake of telling them no. On the other hand, if he wants to play in the street, I'm not sorry that I can't let him play in the street and don't feel bad at all. So I'm not going to apologize for that. Nothing wrong with apologizing for saying no to your kids. It just depends on the situation.

Most of the things Caillou wants to do aren't things he shouldn't be doing. Its just things that may not be possible at the time.

"I want to go to the park."
"I'm sorry, Caillou. We can't go to the park right now."
"Why not?"
"Because its raining."

Its stuff like that. I've never heard him ask if he could play with fire or anything.


I would gladly let that whiny little twit play with fire.


*sigh* Please tell me what episodes you are reffering to. I don't recall there being any moment where the parents apologize.

His parents don't even use a firm voice

You are completely wrong there. Cailou's mom was being firm when she was trying to get Cailou into the bath, when Cailou yelled back at her and more.

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U MUST ONLY WATCH THE EARLY EPISODES!!! I watched the new ones and he didn't misbehave once. He also only acted sad when he didn't get his way.


The reason we're critical of it is that it teaches kids to behave poorly. The show is designed with a story arc format intended to teach kids a lesson, but kids that age (3-5) cannot follow a story arc, so they just act the way Caillou acts. Also, the parents never discipline Caillou. So watching the show doesn't help kids to know what is appropriate behaviour and it doesn't help parents to do their job in a healthy and useful way.


i dont apologize to my kid for something that isnt my fault. I'll apologize if i accidentally bump into them when im carrying something heavy or sit on their foot when i sit down on the couch. But I will never apologize to them for a decision that i as a parent make. In this show, all they do is apologize to him. "I'm sorry we cant go to the park today cause its raining" Its not the mothers fault its raining, so i dont see any reason to apologize.

Now, if she told him they could go and then forgot while doing other things, then yeah i would apologize because i told him we would and then i forgot.

And also, everyone is just way too polite in this show. Even perfect strangers that he has never met before are so polite to everyone. I have lived in a lot of places and i have never lived somewhere like Caillou lives. Everyone is quick to apologize and say You're Welcome and Thank You. Not everyone everywhere is like that. And i think it gives a bad representation of what life is like outside of school or your own home. The way people all act to each other on the show made my daughter think that everyone is so nice and there are no bad people. So she thought it was ok to talk to strangers. Again, because from watching the show, she thought everyone was nice and polite. She just turned 5 and it took me a month to get her to quit talking to strangers. But she never did before she started watching this show. Maybe she didnt believe me when i told her there are bad people out there that arent like mom and dad.

"I'd fight Gandhi."


Caine, many of the things you address here are personal issues you yourself need to work very hard on. You're trying to teach your kid some of the WRONG lessons.


can't follow a story arc? My 3 and 6 year old follow story arcs just fine...and there's nothing wrong with this show, my kids love it, and I don't see him as whiny as you portray him to be. He throws fits, what kid doesn't? If you don't like it, don't watch it.


I believe there are two different "versions" of this show. We watch the "newer" episodes (where Caillou is less baby-ish and goes to Playschool) on the Sprout channel with our 20 month old daughter. She loves it. It is a calming show and Caillou's behavior is fine. He says "please" and "thank you" all the time.
I have seen a different version of Caillou on our local PBS channel (the episode was made earlier and there was a different person voicing Caillou). He was definitely more babyish and whining in those versions.
I think the people who are complaining about the show are watching the older versions.


I think you're right.

I love this show - at least on Sprout. I do wish they'd show more episodes, because I've seen every single 1 on Sprout at least 20 times.

I was wondering why everyone is so nasty about it? So we have picked up some at the library that are older. 1st off, I hate the PBS "puppet" thing. It bothers me generally because it really has nothing to do with Caillou, and also logical questions (I know, it's a kid show, but still) like "why is Gilbert, a live animal, talking with toys which should be non-living, just as in the cartoon?"

But outside those issues, I can see why people think the show in the past was "bad". I don't think it's THAT bad, but Caillou - and his parents - aren't as likeable and wonderful as they are in the "reformed".

I like the reformed show. I like that the kids and people are all nice. That way maybe the kids will emulate the good rather than the bad.

Comment on my young 2yo: He LOVES "Caillou" as far as Sprout is concerned. But sometimes, showing him the older DVDs - he gets upset. I think the characters are more disturbing to him than the new.


"I was wondering why everyone is so nasty about it? "

Because it makes them feel better about being bad parents.


Same here, my 5 and 2 year old old have been watching the newer ones in sprout since they were born and I must say I can't find a single flaw in the show, the parents are firm but not too strict, they help him through problems, and Caillou seems like a normal four-year old to me who constantly learns new things. I like how Caillou often sets his sights on doing a specific activity but stumbles onto another he doesn't care about at first but learns to adjust to it and ends up enjoying that activity so much he forgets about the first activity he wanted to do. One day, we stumbled onto an older episode where Caillou was a huge brat, his voice sounded a bit different, and he actually grabbed his little sister roughly! I was like "is this the same Caillou?" and then I realized it was from an earlier season and that must be the reason people bash this show but they really toned him down, now his brattiness seems timely.


This show is a conspiracy of America's enemies to destroy generations of males. No more competitive sports. No more soldiers protecting us. Instead, weak, worrisome, spineless "men" would be in place, all-too-ready to capitulate in the face of any challenge, foreign or domestic.

Enjoy the end of the United States.


I think the later episodes got a little better about not letting the little boy get away with things.


I think this show must have drastically changed in the last couple of years it was made. I haven't noticed any tantrums, bad behavior, or bad parenting.

America...Land of the free, because of the brave.
A Marine's Daughter


Because Caillou is a whiny little monster.


Well I hate watching barneys wiggles or whatever ..teletuvbies. This show is okay. Limit their television


People who bash this show have only seen this in it's early years where everything they accuse the show of having is correct BUT the show had drastically improved in the later ones. The Caillou that my kids are familiar with show an adventurous and curious 4-year old boy who often gets into little jams but through help of his parents and teachers gets through it. He's actually pretty likable and his little heart seems to be in the right place most of the time.
