MovieChat Forums > Caillou Discussion > Like him or hate him;

Like him or hate him;

And assuming you're old enough to read, it's the latter. But the fact is that now that I have a four year old of my own, I can tell you that he's the closest thing on television to a realistic four year old.

Generally good natured and docile, but can spiral into tantrum mode at the drop of a hat, and then back again the moment the conditions are to his or her liking.


I actually like him, in the current ones that is. In the old ones he was a certified brat who got away with things, in the more current sprout episodes he is more curious, imaginative, a bit sensitive, and all around more fun-loving to people around him such as his parents, grandparents, students at his school, and sister (okay, maybe not his sister but he occasionally has soft moments).
