
What's the deal with all this redubbing, does that happen to all British kids shows in America? I saw that Robbie the Reindeer was redubbed in the US with Britney Spears doing one of the voices, how awful!


Yep, I hate that, too. I have the album, which features all the original voices, but on the TV, I can only watch the American redubbing, which just doesn't have the same flavour. Even the "A Christmas To Remember" DVD that I bought replaced the British voices (except for Lennie's band, thankfully). But then again, it isn't just a one-way thing: The Backyardigans also got a new dubbing when it was exported to the UK. Can you imagine that?

Now that they released the first Little Robots DVD in Brazil, I'm afraid to buy it. I just *can't* watch the Little Robots speaking American. Rusty will always be Morweena Banks and nobody else!


It is an odd thing to do - I'm sure audiences would rather see things in the original wouldn't they? Some very strange decisions are made in television.


The virus is starting to infect movies as well. I still don't understand why they felt the need to redub "The Magic Roundabout" with celebrity voices. I think it might have done better with the original cast. They even dubbed over Jim Broadbent!!

Oh well, I guess we'll never know...


Ok So as weird as this sounds.... in England they dub american cartoons with english voices!!! I was just there and my two year old was watching Clifford and sure enough British accents...not sure why they feel the need to do this. The only thing I can think of is they don't want 3 year olds speaking with accents of another country?



Oh god, you just reminded me of that horrible movie. I'm american, and the pop culture references in "Doogle" (Shudder) made me think I was watching "Meet The Spartans"...


Not only do they redub the voices (whick is stupid), but they change some of the words! I can understand some words that aren't commonly used in the US (rashers=bacon, rubber=eraser), but in one episode they helped a family of hedgehogs, but called them porcupines!! They were *obviously* hedgehogs, too.



To be honest, I don't think us Brits really like the American accent that much. There is a fear here that most kids have already picked up to many American-isms, as America is quickly taking over the world. Even some childrens books here have the original American spellings, and all our film industry is in-undated with US tosh. I think it is really all about trying to address the balance where possible, but America just keeps on pushing.


Americans don't like things that aren't American, thus they always redub and steal programmes for American remakes. They need to translate English into English.


Although a lot of people don't like the practice I can understand it for programs intended for very young viewers. There are a lot of words that may not be understood (particularly at that age).

Let Zygons Be Zygons.
