3: The sea that thinks

Why is the film called 'the sea that thinks'?
'What are you?' is the central question in the street interviews. And all the people interviewed gave the in fact 'wrong' answer. Because it is impossible to say what you are, you can only say what you think you are.

In between the street interviews, we read the story of the sea that is no longer happy. She/sea has got the idea into her head that she is a beautiful tree. That thought restricts her. That story is a kind of commentary on the people who answer. I think (-) that our thoughts about ourselves, about what we think we are, also restrict us. What can we do to be happy again? And at the same time that is one of the essential underlying questions in the film: why am I not happy? And what do I have to do to become happy?

One of the people we interviewed was a woman with two small children. She thought she was a housewife. When the interviewer then asked one of the little girls what she was, the little girl spoke the unforgettable words: 'I won't tell you, so there!'

I don't remember.
That's right. Unfortunately this was lost in editing for all kinds of reasons. I had almost a hundred hours of material. Choices had to be made. It eventually took me sixteen months in the end.

Sixteen months?
Yes, sixteen months of editing at night. But I have been working on this film for thirteen years. So that quarrel at the end... well, you can understand that.

Part 4: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0261277/board/nest/191269913

Sometimes I almost feel just like a human being
