A Tragic Love Story...

That's how I describe this movie. The four men in it truly love eachother, yet this feud between two nations tears them apart and their duty to the nations even drives them to violence, a similiar theme present in Romeo & Juliet. When I think movies about loving friendships, I think this, and Stand by Me. Any thoughts?

"You are the Duke of New York! You are A # 1!"



I agree, although I'm not sure what exactly you mean by love. Do you mean they are in love like "I want to jump your bones" or love as in brotherly love? Because I thought it was very clear that they had a deep brotherly love for each other that surpassed anything else, even a love one might have for their spouse.

How troublesome...


He meant "soldier homosexual sex" kind of love :P


Actually, the director Park Chan-Wook wanted to give to this film more evident homosexual aspects, but declined. The producers didn't like the idea.


I think it's fine the way it is, displaying brotherly love that transcends political borders and inhibitions. Sexual implications I think would have made it too complicated.

Nadine :)


Actually, the director Park Chan-Wook wanted to give to this film more evident homosexual aspects, but declined. The producers didn't like the idea.

I agree with the producers then, that would've been a bad idea. It would've negated the entire film IMO.

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I agree this is a love story as any type of film that portrays a relationship, be it romantic, familial, filial, etc is a story of love. But I wouldn't go as far as saying they were 'in love' with each other, that has a different connotation now. LOL, maybe you mean the loved each other as brothers do.

OPEN YOUR EYES! dailymotion.com/video/xbi2hi_1993-chandler-molestation-extortion_news
