Hannah Montana connection

When Felix and the two girls Repli-Kate picked up at the bar pulled up outside Jonas' house for the 'foursome', the song playing on their car radios was "If Cupid Had a Heart" which is a song by a character from an episode of Hannah Montana.


This movie was made before Hannah Montana was even created, so I guess they both got the song from some stock music provider. Kind of interesting.


After looking around a bit I found this on a forums posting. Been used quite it a bit it seems.

"Hi - I just came across your posts from a few months ago. I'm the writer of "If Cupid Had a Heart" and it's a full-length (3 1/2 minute) song sung by Julie Griffin -- but it's lip synched in "Hannah Montana" by one of the actresses. It's been used in a few TV shows and movies (like "Little Miss Sunshine", "Longshot", "Popstars", "Facts of Life Reunion Movie", "Grosse Pointe", and "Maybe It's Me") but never in its entirety, and it's never been on CD. So unfortunately, the full-length version hasn't been released."


