Alternate ending?

I've only seen the OVA version and don't have the DVD....but I keep hearing there are new scenes at the end of the movie version. What are they and how does it end? Most interestingly for Heero as the OVA ended on kind of an ambiguous note (but that may be what they were going for though).



it would have ruined the character of Heero, if he ended up with Relena, it wouldnt of added up since in the series and the movie hes at moments a ston cold killer. it would be strange to see him show love for Relena which he actually does.


I personally wanted Heero to end up with Relena. Yes he is pretty much a stone cold killer, but if you remember he begins to change when he can't bring himself to kill Relena. If you recall he even said at the end of the movie that would never kill again after he "killed" Mariemaia, because he "didn't have to anymore". There is so much tension between the two at first but throughout the series it is not just Relena who has feelings for Heero. Heero obviously feels more than just respect for Relena. These feelings are clearly shown in either Blind Target or Ground Zero where he actually kisses her. Of course it isn't stated whether or not anything goes from there, but something is definitely. I would really like to see one version of the manga where Heero and Relena end up together, and not just admiring each other from afar.


The OVA (3 episodes) version and the Movie version had different ending sequences (along with music).

OVA: White Reflection
Movie: Last Impression

Ending Sequences [in order they were shown]
(I'm going by what I remember here. Some very minor details may be wrong or missing, but they're trivial details.)

OVA: Duo is standing on top of junk heap inspecting things. Hilde runs up and gives him a clipboard.
Movie: Duo is trying to haggle some guy over some part. He manages to make the deal and he runs off with it happily to have lunch with Hilde, where Duo winds up choking on his food.

OVA: Trowa is walking towards a circus tent, where he is welcomed by Catherine.
Movie: A crowd watches a circus performance. Part of the performance shows Catherine and Trowa jumping off a trapeze. Trowa lands on a tight rope and Catherine lands in Trowa's arms, where a dove perches on her finger.

OVA: Quatre is celebrating in a ship with the Maganac Corps.
Movie: Quatre is wearing construction worker's uniform, supervising a construction project, clipboard in hand. The Maganac Corps (also in uniform) is seen happily working in the background. Rashid gives Quatre a cup of coffee.

OVA: Wufei is on a ship with Sally Po.
Movie: Wufei is on a jeep, working as a Preventer with Sally Po. An explosion is seen, Wufei confirms the target was hit on a device and they drive off.

OVA: Does not appear in the OVA's ending sequence
Movie: Zechs is playing chess with Noin. Zechs is looking at the board intensely while Noin has a smug smile on her face, so it's apparent that she was winning.

OVA: He's standing on a balcony, watching over Relena who is giving a speech. We see a close-up of Relena and when they give us a shot of the balcony, Heero is gone. Then we see Heero walking with outer space as a background. (The only ending sequence from the OVA that was ctually better than the movie version IMO.)
Movie: Relena is meeting with delegates on Earth. She looks up and we see Heero in the middle of a crowd in a space colony. He looks up too and says, "Mission Complete" before walking away completely.

As for Heero's ending--I don't mind them not ending up together. Relena has her work cut out for her for a few years and Heero doesn't want her distracted by him. What I liked about the OVA ending was that Heero being in the same building implies that he's still keeping a close eye on Relena in case anything else happens to her, like a guardian from the shadows.

Compare that to the movie ending, where she's on Earth and he's off at a space colony.

Otherwise, I like the ending. Definitely a lot better than the series' ending. The only other thing I would've added to the ending is Dorothy being at the construction site with Quatre.
