What the heck?!

Are you all lazy?COME ON!Digimon isnt a boring movie.You all act like its WAAAAAAY out of season.Notice the WAAAAAAY.This makes me sooooo angry.AAAAAAAAA$!$#@#%$%&$%%*&%#$@#%@#!#$!%$@%@@$%.There.Phew.I wish people like Digimon more.Oh well.See ya.

Aliens exist!


I agree. The Digimon movie was really good.

But the TV series is better.


I wish they would've continued the animation style they had in the movie for the other seasons. The animation in the movie was so good. Red outlining...don't bother none. >.0




Would like it even more if they didn't hack so many scenes out.

Not to mention the terrible dubbing, the change in dialogue, and the fact that all three movie were combined to make one which destroyed the plot of the third.


I loved the digimon movie however at the start how they had agumons attack as pepper falme thats just wrong and agumon dosnt talk but greymon does and greymons attack is nova flame however nova blast is his actual attak


I guess this takes place in the past. Things change with time. But, to be truly honest, I prefer the attacks this way. "Pepper Breath" and "Nova Blast"? Too cliche. For my taste. At least.

(Izzy is standing in door, panting) "Izzy, you're all sweaty. What's up?" "Well... it's... about the egg. The egg has already hatched." (Tai looks at egg in his hand) "Not that egg! A Digi egg!" (cuts to Tai's room) "My Digimon analyzer doesn't even recognize it." "Looks like a cross between a cross between a jellyfish and a contact lense." "I think it's part Digimon, part virus." "A Digimon with a virus. So?" "Are you kidding? It could destroy the Internet as we know it." "If it just hatched, how do you know 'bout all this stuff?" "This kid e-mailed me. His names Willis and he lives in Colorado. I don't know where he gets his information. He's smart though. He's only in Elementary school, but he's already taking classes in Colorado State!" Tai glares at Izzy) "So what? I'm at junior high school, and I take classes at junior high school!" Tai and Izzy, Digimon: The Movie


Not to mention the terrible dubbing, the change in dialogue, and the fact that all three movie were combined to make one which destroyed the plot of the third.

Well Saban seems to like taking footage from japanese shows and making their own story lines with it, 'cough' 'cough' Power Rangers.





