This movie was a ripoff

I was looking foreward to this movie, thinking I was finally going to see Seraphimon and Magnadramaon (Patamon and Gatomon's mega forms) and then they were only in it for 30 seconds. That was a blatant ripoff!


This movie was actually three movies edited together with their stories changed, each one was 30 minutes. So technically, the movie that the two digimon you were wanting to see were in (the 3rd), their appearance was meant to be as is, short and quick, the rest had to fill in the remains of the story.

Not only that, even if it was supposed to be a movie, don't you find it a little silly to down-vote something just because you wanted to see two characters in the whole thing? I mean it was pretty obvious they wouldn't get much of an appearance in the first place, it wasn't like the story was based all around them..


That's how long it was in the Japanese version too. I know, I was disappointed too.

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