This movie is a lie

I cannot beleive how altered and edited this movie was, the original Japanese versions were VERY good, but this crap known as Digimon The Movie is nothing more than dubbed nonesense.

First off, the stories were changed, making it a laughing stalk for little kids when it should have been a dramatic, heart-warming movie for both teens and maybe some little members of the audience. Instead of giving us the TRUE story, FoxKids decided to make their own so that it would fit their young audience. If the movie was too violent and serious in the first place, why bother bringing it over here?

Also, many important scenes in the movie wre edited and redited together to fit the story FOX made, adding childish jokes while at it. For example, during the third movie (starring the cast of Season 2) the final battle scene, the digimon get beaten and nearly die trying to protect their freinds, they also have a short scene saying their final words. Instead, we get a scene where the digimon are knocked out five seconds into the battle, while the two main character and their digimon are the only ones fighting, more jokes were added to cover up the suspence and drama from the movie.

Am i the only one here who notices this?


The movie was good, but I couldn't stand the Third Segment of the movie, personally I think they should just should have axed the Third Segment and made the Second Segment a bit longer.

As for the jokes, some jokes were funny, others cheesy, but it was still good.


I agree with you on how Saban has annoyed many fans, but instead of axeing the 3rd segment like you suggested, they should've shown what really happened, but edited out some of the scenes that weren't needed in either version.

Saban is full of crap, no matter what anyone says!!!


This matter on how Fox and the dubbers dubbed this movie down has been a main discussion of Digimon fans. Currently I didn't see any point of dubbing it with nonsense, so what the series is like that, doesn't mean you have to down grade a movie. Someone once posted every difference that the American version is from the Japanese version. I believe there was 60+ (i am not sure haven't read up on it in a while).

E.g. One major difference the 3rd movie/segment did not show, was the kidnapping of all the other children, including Tai and Co. and them growing younger because of Kokomon trying to find Wills when he was younger because he does not know the older version. Also there was no narration from Kari in the Japanese version

Also I believe all 3 Japanese films were about 3 hour’s total, and they major edited the 3rd one because of its size of it


I understand Kari's narration because the movies needed to be fluid, so you needed someone connecting them together, and Kari was the one who had the biggest role in all three movies. (On average that is, TK is a bigger character in the second movie than Kari, but Kari's in it a fairly significant amount and she's all over the first and the third) as for the editing... Oh well, that's gonna happen. I thought this movie was really good... Obviously the third movie was the weak link but that's because it starred the horrible second season cast. The second movie was amazing though, Tai and Izzy's interraction was great. It could have used a little more Joe and Mimi, they (along with Sora) were almost non-existent in this movie. Sora at least had a presence because of Tai's constant obsessing over her. (My Passions Site)



lolocaust. I enjoyed Digimon the movie when I saw it [I was 16]. I loved that they spammed the bad guy to beat him. I can totally relate to getting my comp slowed down by spam email.

How dare you question my parenting? If you were a woman, I'd slug ya


The Original movie was better . in the american version :
-they make stupid jokes
-the new music is horrible , with lots of ¨´digi ´´
-Confusing narration.

Speaking of crappy narration, in the scene when Taichi and Hikari are right in the middle of the street after Greymon defeats the bird, the narrator (the dubbed hikari) said that wallace received his Digimon that very same night. Well let's think about this, as we later learned, Daisuke and the season 2 cast are just as old as wallace, and Taichi and Hikari are all older than him, so if the narrator said he got his digimon that very same night when Hikari and Taichi were little baby kids in the middle of their first battle , THEN WALLACE WASN"T EVEN BORN YET! How could he receive his digimon if he doesn't exist, it doesn't make sense!

Another thing the American writers made up was that in the dubbed story it says that Wallace attempted to make his own Digimon via computer and, accidentily created the virus. Oh yeah, a typical farm boy goes all genius and memorized how digimon live, feel emotions, and their digital DNA, and makes his own Digimon when he's at about 12 years of age. What a huge plothole!

See, SABAN was so brain-dead when they dubbed this, they had no idea how to stick with their own useless storyline.


Actually, Kari and Davis are the same age. So, Willis would have been very young.


Unfortunately, US audiences simply won't accept animation for teens. There is very little money to be made in selling the original version of Digimon in the US. American's minds have been poisoned by Disney and 4kids into thinking of animation as childrens cartoons.

At least this way people will get a taste that might later lead them on to the real thing.

At least some people start out on the mutilated versions and then progress to the real versions. If it weren't for these poor man's dubs, people might never even know that Anime is out there.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.



I don't think that it's ever been subbed legally and the fan sub is probably long gone. Try a Hong Kong DVD or VCD importer. Hong Kong's the only place that I've seen the original on sale.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


Unfortunately, US audiences simply won't accept animation for teens. There is very little money to be made in selling the original version of Digimon in the US. American's minds have been poisoned by Disney and 4kids into thinking of animation as childrens cartoons.

I agree with this intead of letting us watch the real verison of animes they want us to watch Laguna Beach, The Real World and all that other MTV crap


Seriously..what is wrong with this country?! I read the transcripts for the movie in japanese and I was so horrified by how much they took out...I mean the story was completely messed up! Not all teens want to watch stupid MTV shows...Don't get me started on the monster that Disney has become...


Well, I haven't seen the Japanese version of the first and third parts of Digimon: The Movie. Only the second part (Children's War Game).

I thought the American Dubbed version was way better than the Japanese version.

For one, I thought the American version was funnier. Although I do hate the original Digimon songs (Digi Digi Digi blehh), I liked the music better.

I'm glad they added childish yet somewhat funny jokes to the movie. I don't find Digimon at all to cause suspense or drama. I watch it because its funny and fun.

I have seen all three parts of the English Digimon movie. I agree with many others that the third movie was weak, although I liked the second season, older TK being my favorite along with Davis.


maybe because americans just wanted this movie targeted for kids(even tho many are not)who like an easy story to watch without any drama....only lame jokes


Anybody want to give a list of all the changes?

Spike: I wasn't lurking, I was standin' about. It's a totally different vibe.


I don't know about the changes in the first two segments other than there was no Wallace e-mailing Koushiro saying that he created Diaboromon but I was lucky enough to find an uncut and subbed version of the third segment on youtube. From what I remember, the changes are as followed...

The origional kids were kidnapped so Chocmon could find Wallace

Mimi was with TK and Hikari when they were taking that picture, she dissapeared when the rest of the kids did (which explains why the two kids were trying to take a perfect picture with a computer hanging lopsided against a metal pole)

Wallace had trouble trying to communicate with Japanese kids (sometimes he'd talk in English with Japanese subtitles)

When the other 02 kids (Miyako, Iori, Daisuke) were going to America, there was no "Oh, my uncle this my uncle that" from Miyako

A lot of the fighting was mixed up, Veemon and Gummimon digivolved, Veemon armor digivolved to Flamedramon when they fought Chocmon and much of the scenes were mixed up (the "We won" pose was after the pizza truck zoomed away but before Chocmon appeared)

Chocmon wasnt mutated because of Wallace, Wallace didnt try to create digimon like in the english version(they did that so the third segment could go witht eh second segment) Chocmon's mutation was a freak accident

There was more dialouge and suspensful talking between Wallace and Daisuke in the scene in the forest, the two characters really became friends and got a good connection in this scene so it was a real shame to see how much damage was done in this particular scene)

Much of the fighting was mixed up, the happy dance Chocmon made at the end of the english movie was actually at the beginnig. There was more intense fighting, and more punches thrown.

There was no "Go back to the beggining means go back in time like Im the wizard Merlyn" Chocmon did that so he could find the young Wallace he remembered, and there was more footage of them younger. From teenagers, to twelve year olds, to ten, to little kids.

Not as much dialouge during the entire movie.

The egg at the end was not "Oh I found Chocmon again!!!" it was a kind of symbolism to what Daisuke told Wallace "Digimon never really die". We don't see Chocmon again, but Wallace is happy as he and Gummimon run back home with their spirits lifted.

I'm pretty sure I left some things out but this is all from memory. If you want to see the Digimon movie uncut, here it is.

It's in pieces so you have to search through the person's account to find the next part, but it's worth the trouble.


Never seen the japanese version, so i don't give a crap and say to you: Shut your mouth subbie.


"Never seen the japanese version, so i don't give a crap and say to you: Shut your mouth subbie."

So now we're insulting people because they watch the subbed version? How old are you? Five?


I love Digimon: The Movie, but I'm pretty sure I would love the original version a lot more.

I really want to learn Japanise and watch the original seriers intact all the way through. I love how the characters get older and the development of the story and I would love to see how it really was originally.

"I will make my arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh"

