MovieChat Forums > Digimon: The Movie (2000) Discussion > Our War Game japanese version

Our War Game japanese version

Many say the japanese version is superior and thats fine with me. But didn't it kinda seem slowed and plain-ish. In a sound sense. Everything was too subtle and dull. Moved very slowly too >_>
I saw the english version first and it sorta had a bigger impact on me, sound-wise. The english version moved a faster and much intense pace. Putting in orchestral sound segments during battles and "time is running out!!!1" instensity. Also it was less "pew pew" and more "boom boom". Unfortunately, it was littered with unwanted pop-music, but I have to agree that some of it did fit in some of the situations such as Diaboramon causing chaos montage and surfing the internet.



Now I can disagree with that. The American version isn't accurate and carves out it's own plot with some of the original, but it's hardly the same. The Humorous anecdotes and pop soundtrack seemed like a sell-out thing to do. I always thought the show was better that way when I was 8 and 9. But the reason why it makes me irate now is because I saw the movie Princess Mononoke. PM has some humor without making it untimately too silly to watch. As a result, I cannot sit down and watch Television Anime anymore. I like the Anime movies, but the ones aimed off the television shows get annoying and are no fun to watch anymore after one viewing.

"That's BTO! There the Alternative to CCR! They sang TCB!" ~ Homer Simpson.


See now I liked the little slide humor they put in, to me it added more personality to the characters, even if it probably did get to be cheesy at times. As for the dubbed version carving it's own plot I didn't see to many major differences in Our War Game compared to the third segment with the 02 season cast.


That's why the show was better then Pokemon, BECAUSE of the sly humor.

Just look at the 4th season- I think the reason why the show was complete crap wasn't because people became digimon, but because their was no background sarcasm.


That was mainly due to the script writers, Jeff Nimoy (who also voice's Tentonmon and others in the dub) was the main writer and I think director, but after he left well it just wasn't the same, besides that Japan decided to start the whole brand new Tamers, Frontier, and Savers universes. As soon as Tamers started I really lost interest in it.


