MovieChat Forums > Boys Beware Discussion > all 'hoe-moe-sexuals' are named 'Ralph'

all 'hoe-moe-sexuals' are named 'Ralph'

and I am sure that the producer would have assumed that all "Nee-groes" were called "LeRoy" and all "orientals" were named "Chang"

What blatnat stereotypes!

With all the dislike that White Middle-class America in the 1950's had for communists, "Nee-groes", Jews, Catholics, "hoe-moe-sexuals", Asians, and so on, there weren't many people left in the world for them to like.


Hey, I wouldn't take too much offense. From what I can tell, White Middle-class America in the 1950's didn't seem to like each other that much, either. What with all the beatniks, labor organizers and closet pinkos in their midst.

It must have been absolutely exhausting to be so self righteous and paranoid all the damn time.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


The judge gave him probation for going "fishing with Ralph"

Thats gonna be my new word for it... "going fishing with Ralph"

"hey do you think he's..... you know... (wink wink) gone... 'fishing with Ralph'?"


So thatguy_78757, do you go fishing with Ralph while hiking on the Appalachian Trail?

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


is this a metaphor

I have no problem with those who go fishing with ralph

but tis not a pond I dip my pole into


Author Judy Blume also tarnished the name "Ralph" with her novel Forever, if you know what I mean.
