Tom Faggus

I adore Tom Faggus. He is adventurous. Someone who takes risks, but I’m sure he enjoys taking them and finds danger exhilarating. But he is a good man, with a kind heart. Besides he is devilishly handsome, charming and sexy.


I adore him too! He is just the handsomest and sweetest man in the film.


Tom is really great: cute, handsome, lady-killer, intrepid. He is a scoundrel, a rogue. I find him far more attractive than John Ridd and Carver Doone. And I enjoyed a lot the romance between him and John’s sister.


Seeing L Doone, I fell in love with Tom Faggus. Oh yes... he´s a scoundrel but he´s sooo handsome, appealing, nice and loving. And he´s loyal to his friends and family.


Yes! Tom is great. I like Joseph Fiennes but... as Tom Faggus? No!!!!! Anthony Calf did a so good Tom that I can't imagine other actor playing the role but him.


YESSSS!!!! Anthony calf makes a pretty sexy Tom.


I understand why Annie fell in love with Tom. He's really gorgeous! unbelievably sexy and... ah oh my God!!!


While I agree with what you all are saying I still wanted John for myself. :)

I'm always this nervous, you're just closer, you can see better. ~ Jeff Murdock


Both are cute, but in different ways. John looks like a charming boy, and maybe he’s nicer than Tom but... Tom is stunning. He looks like a REAL man, an adult and dangerously sexy man. Certainly a man I would like in my bed.


EXACTLY my thoughts!!!


me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...with his long brown hair......his sparkling blue eyes......his rogish smile.......his beautiful chest.......his strong legs...... oh my my god !
Impossible to think of any other actor playing Tom


Ohhhhh!!!!!! Tom is so delicious, you could just eat him up.


LOL!!! Amen!!!! But I didn't leave a crumb!, so you will starve...........


Tom (Calf) is strongly seductive and captivating. Oooh, he's so macho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He looks like a real man (not like a green boy).


For me, Tom is the best character in the film. He is so handsome and charming. Annie was a very lucky girl to have him.


Ohhh Tom Tom Tom!!!!!!!!! He really *is* handsome and gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tom Faggus is described as a "lovable outlaw" and he is! Not only is he roguish and charming but he's funny! I just love this movie all around!


I love Tom in the novel and in all the adaptations. I really just love his attitude towards life in general. He is great. But in 2000's Lorna Doone he is more than great!! He is outstanding! FABULOUS!!! ABSOULTELY GORGEOUS!!!! He is more than I could ever put into words.


Anthony Calf did a magnificent work. His Tom is more than great. And, in addition, with his bright and intelligent eyes and his godlike mischievous smile he's REALLY HOT!


The best couple in this film is Tom and Annie. They make such a good looking couple and they have lots of chemistry together. He looks very manly, virile, mature -and immature- and handsome and she looks very feminine, a little childish -but mature- and very very very in love with him.


I love them too! Tom and Annie have most chemistry than any other pair in Lorna Doone. Sparks fly between them. They are a very sexy couple and when you see them together, they really look like they belong together.

You have reason: Tom is very virile........
