What a damb waste.

The script writers ought to be flogged. Tremors 3 was the perfect opportunity to tie fiction in with reality. Picture the 'thing' they came up with for the movie. Now, lose the legs & let it coil up & launch itself into the sky in a manner similar to a striking rattler & what have you got? Quetzalcoatl.
Quetzalcoatl, the legendary 'feathered' serpent of mesoamerica myth. It would have tied in perfectly. It would have elevated not just the 3rd movie but all tremors flicks. No more would Tremors have been about just another monster some screen writer dreamed up while suckn down mocha lattes. No. The graboid would have become a 'real' monster straight out of real legend and the pages of history.

Instead what do we get???
Stupid freaky bird things that shoot flame out their ass, dubbed 'ass-blasters'!!!
They accomplished the exact Opposite!!! Instead of elevating the Tremors series they made mockery of it, a farce!!! They ruined the WHOLE damn thing!!! You think I can watch the first movie now & relive the fear and trepidation I experienced the first time? *beep* NO!!! Now I can't see it without remembering that farce they call 'back to perfection'. Perfection my achen ass. They FUBAR'ed the whole thing beyond repair.

I'm going to stab you. 43 times, IN THE FACE!!!


....ehh what does "damb" mean?

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


....ehh I think that it means .... ehh 'fat fingers' were used. (...ehh, Maybe we should start dropping it into more ....ehh, posts so as be at the ehh, forefront - ....ehh, who wants to be left out of a new ....ehh, trend if you can be "in with the 'in' crowd" from the ...ehh, very beginning?
