Didn't like it

Now I think the series has jumped the gun. The second, while not as good as the original, was still decent fun, and the addition of the Shriekers was cool, but the flying beasts in this one are just ridiculous. They had flames come out of their butts, seriously? I also didn't like any of the new characters, and it sucks that Fred Ward couldn't return (I prefer him over Micheal Gross). Sorry Tremors fans, but this sequel blows, 3/10.

Formally known as Coilector


I too, think the series has jumped the gun as well also. The second film, while not as entertaining as the original, was still much fun, and the addition of the Shriekers was brilliant, but the flying beasts in this one are just too ridiculous. They had fire come out of their ugly butts. I really didn't like any of the new characters very much, and it just sucks that Fred Ward couldn't return (We prefer him over Micheal Gross). Sorry to the Tremors fans, but this sequel blows, 2/10.
