These cats were foul

reading the FEDS magazine articles, with Azie and Alpo.. Wow.. these guys were responsible for a hell of a lot of death and pushing dope to people... Even with the movie, it's clear that they're no heroes..

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962



Yeah but..

Would you rather slave away your whole life, working in a kitchen or something, in a poor area with no chance to better yourself, or sell some drugs and make alot of money?

It's easy to criticise if you have the chance to do something else, but alot of people don't.



Took you this long to figure that *beep* out? Theyre legends in the right respect, but not by positive terms. They were products of their environment. They did what they had to do to live what they considered a good life, putting aside the consequences. They all paid the price for what they did, but they're still be remembered as pioneers in a sense.



There’s absolutely no damn excuse for becoming a drug dealer!!! Your logic makes no damn sense. Just be real and call it as it is. They’re just too lazy to work hard and make sacrifices. I didn’t grow up rich and could’ve easily been the “product of my environment”. However, I didn’t believe in that hogwash, propaganda bullsh@t! You are the choices you make. Your worldview that people being subjected to their environment is the only recourse is laughable. Stop making excuses for these maggots! They’re pure scum and have no integrity! The collateral damage is always the children. God I pray you’re no one’s parent!


It’s been 14 years, so I doubt you’ll see this post. However, to answer your question, “yes, I would”. The reason being is that drugs are toxic! They destroy lives every day. How many babies born in addiction deserves it? How many countless children ending up in foster care deserves it? All because some drug dealer couldn’t hack it in school and had no desire to get a job whether minimum wage or not.
I decided long ago that I wouldn’t work just for minimum wage, so I went to college. Yet, if college wasn’t an option for me, I still wouldn’t have chosen a path for a “get rich” scheme at the expense of destroying lives!
A drug dealer is no glorified hero. He/she is the scum of the other and deserves everything negative coming his/her way. The nerve to profit off someone’s gradual decline due to addiction. I have no respect, empathy, or sympathy for any of them! You’re an azzhole for your statement, and God have mercy if you’re someone’s parent!!!
