So many negative threads

I don't understand the negativity some people post behind this movie. This movie isn't racist, it isn't stupid, etc. It's just an indie romantic comedy about a woman who becomes the person she wants to be, marries a man she loves, and her family learning to accept her new life. Why do people have to complain about it?


Put some Windex on this message board.


I've found that about a lot of movies and TV shows on IMDB. There are just way too many people who are either angry about whatever, or seem to see themselves as somehow more refined than the ignorant masses who like something that is popular. I could see this movie a hundred times and still laugh.


I agree! They forget that it's a movie, and that she's supposed to transform throughout the movie, and that the family is overbearing (as many families are) but that is also the comedy part of it. She's breaking through barriers, cultural and personal, and she's victorious.
People need to lighten up.


How can it be racist when Nia Vardalos is Greek?? That's just stupid.


How can it be racist when Nia Vardalos is Greek?? That's just stupid.

Well it's not racist if you're a Greek. If your not a Greek it can be. Think about it. The girl wants to marry a non-Greek and the parents are unhappy because he's not Greek. Reverse that. A Caucasian girl wants to marry a Greek and the parents are unhappy because he's Greek. That would be racist and the film would never get made. Because he's white the writer (Greek) immediately makes him have no family heritage (or any that he cares about). She makes the male character out to be a total pu$$y because he willingly agrees to all the crap this Greek family puts him through. They pick the church, the venue, they print the invites (not even having the decency to ask him how to properly spell his family name), changing his religion, not allowing him to have his best friend as his best man because his friend wasn't Greek. Sound racist? Reverse that. No movie. But it's only a comedy so who cares, right?

On another note. Everyone seems to comment on how the Greek woman becomes a stronger woman by the end of this film. No, she doesn't. She at no point does she stand up to her parents that are demanding all the crap I mentioned above. Instead she whines and convinces her pu$$y boyfriend to just grin and bare it. Then they have to move in next door to her family. Did he want that? I doubt it. Not many guys would want to live next door to their in-laws. Not to many women either. But it's only a comedy so who cares, right?


^^^ LMFAO imagine being that offended by a movie that doesn't showcase masculinity like every other thing in hollywood does...what a joke


I think I just lost a few brain cells reading this


Since Greeks are white, racism is completely the wrong word anyway. Bigoted, perhaps. But the film wasn't that at all unless you create it


that is true, but people can be prejudiced towards foreigners even if they are of the same racial type. i mean, in europe for instance there is some prejudice towards foreigners in every country, and people make jokes about other European nations etc. not a different race exactly, but certainly different languages, customs, etc.


If anything it is Ian's parents who appear racist with their vague comments about the secretary, plus I thought they seemed quite rude and ungracious at the party. Nia's family went out of their way to be friendly and welcoming, then Ian's just sat there moody and bemused. It's one thing to be slightly unsure of the cultural difference but no need for the arrogance !!!!

~~I've been looking so long at these pictures of you that I almost believe that they're real~~


I agree with you.

What gets me is how many people state that the people are ugly in this movie. It is nutty to me. I love this movie for several reasons but one reason is this: this movie shows everyday people and keeps them looking everyday. Even Toula's transformation seems realistic to me. I think everyday people are better looking than Hollywood. Hollywood has gotten too plasticized, too skinny, and too chemical for my taste.


I agree. My family is Greek and we all love this movie, my grandfather especially! I remember when he first watched it he couldn't stop laughing and saying how "accurate" it was. Lol


I adore this movie!! I'm half Greek/Sicilian ( figured this one out!), and proud to be so---it makes the movie even more special and meaningful to me. But, seriously, can't it be viewed as a good time to be had by all who watch the movie? Does it have to be picked apart by anyone? If you don't like it, that's your opinion, but trashing doesn't have to be part of it. Go do something else....


Exactly! It's a fun film, one which I can watch once or twice each year.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) and Ellery Queen = 


perhaps because some of us didn't find it funny? And some ( i don't appear to be the only one) found the characters very irritating. every opinion on a movie doesn't have to be a positive one, there is pleasure in discussing things you don't like as well as things you do.


It's fine if you don't like it, I just thought it was ridiculous that at the time I posted this, there were no positive threads about the film.
