MovieChat Forums > Lantana (2002) Discussion > what´s all the fuss about this movie?!

what´s all the fuss about this movie?!

i can´t understand why this movie got such acclaim. i love quiet and slow movies that concentrate on characters, not on twisted plots, action or anything pushing, but this one... what qualities does this movie have? the characters are realistic, ok. everybody´s depressed, wow! but that level of realism makes them absolutely boring und uninteresting to watch. same with the plot. is there a plot?

---------------------!!! SPOILER !!!----------------------
an overanxious lady falls off a cliff and there´s a man
with a bad concience plus everbody´s lives are *beep*.
that´s it, that´s all. why make a movie about it?
here´s another great concept: my life - a 12hour film
about a guy standing behind a counter at mc donalds,
handing out chips n coke. "WOW it was SO REALISTIC!!!
WHAT A DEEP MOVIE! let´s nominated for some prices.
----------------------SPOILER END-------------------------

when i watched this movie in a sneak preview i was quite sure i´d never ever hear one single word about it for imho it´s one of the weakest flicks i have seen in years. so if anyone could please explain me what i missed to share everone´s excitement for i´m really confused, honestly!


To each their own, go see Fast and Furious, would be more to your liking.


Actually, TRASHYSTUFF quite clearly stated that they liked slow character dramas.



Lantana is at best a televison movie. Not a bad one. A good tv hour. Thats why it didnt get into any respectable European film festivals.


next time you watch a film, imagine yourself behind the camera, imagine yourself acting in place of all the characters...see if you can come anywhere close to making yourself look as if you are feeling what they are feeling, see if you can make your eyes and your face look depressed, suprised, boring, shocked and all the things you say you find boring in this movie..and imagine yourself as the director and see what you can come up with to say to the actores to make them act the way they do...

go and see a blockbuster rubbish if you want to be entertained with a brainless movie next time..


Eh, That's not fair at all - this film was boring, lackluster and lacking in any realy good acting.

Not liking it does not doom you to a life of enjoying brainless blockbusters, I know thats not my taste at all and this still did nothing for me.


Fair point, the acting was good. However, good acting on its own does not make a good movie. What is the movie experience? Is it to see extraordinary events and extraordinary people? Well, Lantana had neither. Is it too see a great story? The plot is what you'd expect in a 30 minute TV series episode. So all we are left with is a film about relationships. Now that would be OK if you connect with it, if you see something of yourself in one of the characters then maybe you will like it.

I'm not a fan of dumb Hollywood films but are we happy if this is the alternative? It is better than the latest Hollywood teenage horror/comedy but it is not good enough to get too excited about. I'm not saying it was bad but I'm not saying it was very good either. In 10 years time how many people will even remember it when trying to think of their favourite films?


Very well said.


So all we are left with is a film about relationships. Now that would be OK if you connect with it, if you see something of yourself in one of the characters then maybe you will like it.

... and some people certainly did; maybe you just didn't...

That which is not yet, but ought to be, is more real than that which merely is.



I am a fan of Pressburger, powell, Bergmann, Fellini, Cassavettes, Varda...and more. This film is not an intellectual exercise. IT is an expositional obvious tv drama! There is nothing original about these performances or the framing. No personal vision of the auteur (which was clearly demonstrated in his previous film BLISS) OBVIOUSLY ten years in advertising has blanded his personality. I would rather have seen TRASHY STUFF direct this terrible script.

If you want a list of good films..Ill give them to you. But dont berate somebody for having a very clear instinct that this is not Cinema.

Cannes Venice Berlin and ROtterdam film festival all agreed with TRASHYSTUFF. So maybe you can learn a thing or too.


So what do you prefer?
XXX - the Vin Diesel crap or Armagaddeon - the whole lot crap?
If you want bang-bang movies treat yourself to some Swedish porno movies. I think you don't have the class to watch movies like Lantana. If your work at McDonalds suck, then JUST QUIT THE BLOODY JOB! WOW! is that too hard to muster?


so now somebody has to watch a TELEVISION drama like Lantana to have CLASS? What sort of class are we talking about? Middle class? I would rather watch A SWEDISH PORN anyday. At least its epic, funny, sexy, bizarre and hopefully ORIGINAL!

Where is the poetry? Where is the nightmare? We are seduced by a TV TAWDRY COP SHOW DRAMA then our lives must be pretty safe and ordinary MR PRANAVAN.

Or maybe you have 007 ON your numberplate and you go round houses at night waking up the neighbours....This is crap.



"epic, funny, sexy, bizarre and hopefully ORIGINAL! "

I wouldn't call those to be important for a good movie or if you want, cinema.

if the film succedes to convey it's message with what it's given, I think I'll be happy with it... as a movie is a medium, not something to measure the director's originality...


Maybe when some time passes, and you have had relationships with people that involve more discussion than "do you want fries with that", you may come to appreciate Lantana, or at the very least, understand it a little better.

I am not saying this was a great film, I felt that it bordered a bit on Magnolia-gimmicky, but Lantana was involving and interesting to me, because of, and not in spite of, the fact that the characters lead lives that seem to be boring, uninteresting, and depressing.

Those are facts of life that everyone can relate to on some level of experience, and those who choose not to at least see some semblance of themselves within any of these characters are simply unwilling to see any reality at all.


Magnolia was not great either. but stop taking the piss out of his job at MC DONALDS you middleclass twat? His instincts for good cinema are in fact correct.

This film was not accepted into any reputable festivals like CANNES or Venice..the europeans hated it...and I personally think that the drama in this movie is overly earnest and cinematically unadventurous.

If i wanted "personal" tawdry cinema like this...I would read a self help book called Speed Healing or Emotional Molecules. Id rather get the facts from a scientist. Cinema is meant to be crazy, epic, nightmarish, good art.


Obviously trashystuff, you have never been involved in a long-term relationship. When and if you attain that level, perhaps you will have a different outlook on life around you and not life on you.



Interesting. I'm a twenty year old Aussie who has 'never been involved in a long-term relationship' and I still loved it. The characters were fascinating, and the story reveals its many hidden depths and layers, (as do the characters) on repeated viewing. A comment further up said who would remember this film in ten years. I think for its weaving of plots, the tightly packed narrative, (it fits more into 108 (or thereabouts) minutes than PT Anderson (who I respect as a film-maker) could manage in his occasionally interesting, but ultimately overblown and bloated 180m.+ opus MAGNOLIA) and its outstanding performances by a gallery of talented Aussie actors, LANTANA will certainly be remembered as a landmark Australian film, and, (prediction:) one of the first great films of the new millenium, (right behind TOMCATS(!).)

That's my opinion. What interests me is that my 40+ year-old father saw the film, having been married for 20+ years (naturally!) and his opinion reflected some of those expressed here; his first comment after seeing it was, "But it was just so SLOW! Nothing happened! Who wants to see some p*ss-ant bores farting on about relationships!" What I think the missing link is, and why some may miss the brilliance of the film, is a disinterest in personal relationships. My father isn't interested in 'relationship' movies; I think he prefers movies about externalised concepts, not necessarily Michael Bay blockbusters.

I think if you are disinterested in the way human beings relate to each other, you're not going to find much to satisfy you in this film, and it has nothing to do with your place of work, or age, (although I wouldn't recommend it to very young people,) and to say that is to arrogantly disrespect another's point of view, and be virtually worthless as a participant in film discussion.



Glumpy 99. As to whom are you refering to as being arrogantly disrespectful? It does amaze me that a movie with so little exposure can cause so many emotions and thoughts to pour forth. Perhaps if you posted a question to the person(s)that piqued you so much, it is probable you will receive an answer. Truly, there must be a valid reason for such answer(s). And yes you are correct, this film is not for everyone, particulairly those of a young age.



Lantana was utter crap !! Magnolia meets The Castle .... clueless rubbish .... dreadfull hammy acting .... shame australia shame !!



Perfect description..Lantana meets the Castle. It really was a very average television film. Nothing original about the sucker.


I'm with Glumpy. I thought the movie was great, with a wonderful cast. But I have to admit, I found it sooo hard to see Glenn Robbins in a movie like this. I was expecting him to start with all the jokes, but not even one joke, bit disappointed there! (haha) But I'm glad he was in this film; we got to see what he has to offer as a straighter actor (what he calls it), and not an outback person or a Panel boy or anything like that. So full marks to Glenn Robbins for taking a chance and appearing in a movie like this. I'm glad he did.


NO...I think it has to do with cinema literacy.

This film is easy to watch. There is so much exposition. You are spoonfed everything. Your dad is probably used to watching films from the seventies by directors such as Ken Russell, Robert ALtmann ... Midnight Cowboy, DoG Day Afternoon, Billy Liar, Marathon Man, Day of the Locust, A woman under the influence, Women in LOve, City of Women ...where the plot was not so convenient. Where the audience had to work a little harder...

The characters lives and plot is spoon fed to us in the dialogue and incessant over coverage of that the themes of self help and integration are fed to us like grazing cattle. Digested with some Paul Kelly syrup...this work is no more refined than Titanic without the boats, Forest Gump without the chocolates...A safe politically correct character drama that could be used for the HOWARD propaganda team in my opinion to promote THE ASSIMILATION of American and Australian culture.


Sorry for this late addition to the thread, I do NOT consider myself a film freak / cineastic but I really LOVE this film, the story it tells and how it's being told. The slow pace, the music, the way you can follow the inner life of each character by just seeing their faces. Minimalistic acting. It really grabs hold of me. And to top it all off, they managed to do all that without even a murder in the plot.

Cheers Australia!


Im glad that in your a level you attain.

THen you get your beach house, your country house. Your sports car. You sound so *beep* middleclass.

Maybe you need to experience pain, my friend. This film is NOT about's not about beauty, suffering, the inexplicable desire to survive. It's about sewing up the plot. It's about American self help psycho babble therapy thats lost and then found in our us a real sense of pseudo cultural identity. What a weak politics this film fills us with?

Are you satisfied that this American woman fulfils the gaps in our lives? Wouldnt it be more interesting if we punished her for leaving us empty?


Every movie is crap and wonderful at the same time, depending on one's tastes. It's interesting to see how with almost every movie on here, there are people on both ends of the spectrum bickering a point of view.

Some are definitely overblown and more elaborate, while others at other extremes claim "it sucks," or conversely--"great flick!"

Ultimately who cares, but it's all in fun. I liked Lantana, but as overblown and at points unrealistic as Armageddon or XXX were, liked them also. The Fast and the Furious had a dumb plot point I thought since they only appeared to steal to build faster cars...etc. etc. and I thought it'd be more realistic selling drugs or whatever. Still, who cares? I'm not sure why I'm wasting time writing this, but I thought I might just because I think its important not to take yourself too seriously at times. We all should remember how ridiculous we all seem sometimes here, paying homage or disgust to the glowing God of the silver screen. I know I sure do. I really dig countering these snobs who have like four thousand reviews written like they come from a Harvard education and personlly knew John Cassavetes (whom I personally admire simply because he seemed a lover of the experience of life and tried to bring this to the film world).

Regardless...think about it and enjoy what you will, recommending it, and thrash about on what you don't. Here it's all in fun and maybe someone will listen in their perusal of your review, but ultimately, it is hardly significant in the scheme of things.


You are a laconic knock about. There is nothing wrong with a Harvard education, especially when you've had one.


... Anthony LaPaglia's performance, in particular, kept me with it...

That which is not yet, but ought to be, is more real than that which merely is.


Without having waded through this entire thread, I thought I would add my own two cents.

Lantana is the best Australian drama I have ever seen. In fact, it's one of the best dramas I have ever seen. I honestly don't understand how married adults could not appreciate this movie...maybe they shouldn't be married in the first place? Anyway. What I love about this movie is its tension. It is a slow build up of traumatised, subtle characters, their interactions and their convergence before a truly brilliant plot twist.

This movie has some of the most insightful, personal, emotional dialogue of any I have ever seen, and its ensemble cast delivers such a fine-tuned I can't speak highly enough of Lantana. Geoffrey Rush is simply breath-taking; Glenn Robbins delivers an unusual (yet not unexpected) convincing perfomance; Peter Phelps is fantastic...I think what Lantana does so well is take some very ordinary people, place them in an unusual circumstance, and shows us every single degree of emotion that they each go through, and how this affects others around them.

I have never been married but I have been in emotionally confronting relationships and Lantana captures this perfectly. It's happy, sad, torcherous, violent, sensual...

I love this movie.


Please note:

This film only got Local and American acclaim. Sundance and AFI. Sundance is a cheesy festival. Disregard its opinions. It likes easy expositional style movies mostly.

MOULIN ROUGe -- although flawed...was far more ingenious.


I disagree with both your points.

Anyway, as far as I can tell, American acclaim is the only acclaim that seems to be worth anything. I wasn't aware it was ever even given a formal release over there.

Lantana is the movie I hold up as the height of Australian movies (of the ones I've seen, anyway). I also love Moulin Rouge, but they are too different to be compared. Different genres completely, different cinematography and direction, different acting...just COMPLETELY different (let's not even mention budgets). Anyway, I like Lantana more.


American acclaim is a bit like a pat on the head for a faithful dog. Whether it be cultural or political; if your not with us ... yeah yeah. You need to have credibility to bestow judgement thats "worth anything" so please, spare us the righteous crud.

that aside...

Lantana is a beautifully expressive film. If you cant appreciate or understand it, give in to your inner revhead and see fast and furious.


Lantana is about as expressive as my high school art teacher. Safe, palatable and aesthetically uninteresting.

Here is a list of truly beautiful films dealing with infidelity:
LE BONHEUR by Agnes Varda,
FACES by John Cassavettes,
UNAGI by Shoshei Immamura,
JULES ET JIM by Francois Truffaut,
DARLING by John Schlesinger


I agree, it wasn't the easiest to sit through at times, but overall was a lovely and enjoyable film- and who doesn't love Phelpsy!!!

But if the lameness of the Scary Movie type films is your thing, then by all means . . .

Oh, forgive my bluntness. It's a device I use to cope
