Lapaglia's accent.

The trivia for this movie said that he had to work with a dialect coach to retain his Aussie accent.

There were several times that I didn't hear any Aussie in his voice at all (especially compared to the other actors) - sounded just like he does on Without a Trace.

Then I started to wonder if maybe my brain was playing tricks on me. Since three or four times a week I see Lapaglia on tv with an American accent, maybe that's what I expect when I see him, even when he is playing an Aussie. it me, or is him?


Nah, you're right, yrnej. His accent slips into his more familiar New Yorker (sounds a bit Californian) accent several times. Although, kudos to him for sounding as Aussie as he does. Unfortunatley, it's an east coast Aussie accent, without a trace (hehe) of his birth-right Adelaidian...


I watched the film again last night and I think there are only a couple of times where his accent sounds a bit americanised. He's much better at switching back to his native Aussie accent these days, as in the 2009 film Balibo - an amazing film with amazing acting.


God I hate when Australian's working in America lose their accents. My uncle has spent the majority of his adult life in the states and he still sounds as Aussie as it gets.


Yes, but your uncle probably doesn't have to consciously work on speaking with an accent as part of his job.

It was great to hear Anthony La Paglia speaking with his native accent again.
