MovieChat Forums > Lantana (2002) Discussion > is leon a bad person. or has he just mad...

is leon a bad person. or has he just made a few mistakes...

any views on this one??




He's a good guy in a bad place, and everyone ends up in a bad place now and then. After the credits rolled I think he was gonna be okay.

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He didn't do much for me. He had a nice, pretty and devoted wife, a pair of nice kids. Sorry, bozo but that's the domestic life. If you don't want it stay single.

There's an art to making love. And you don't even have a paintbrush.


He did make mistakes and we are not sure just why they happend, he is just fustrated emotionally and mentally. After a small wake up call from the cassette tape and his life i think he sorts himslef out.
You can argue both ways. He kicks people when there down, yells at his son and sonja accuses John to early for him being bad.

"Well sir, I go down to the airport and shoot birds"


The problem is people mix up intent with impact, good people do bad things sometimes, the problem is the impact those bad things has can be great



Whether you come out of this movie disliking Leon or feeling empathy for him, I think it would be a mistake to feel you must check a box marked "good" or "bad" next to his name or any character's. I thought the screenplay and performances left a lot of room for ambivalence about the characters and ambiguity about their motivations -- just like real life, though I must confess I took a real liking to Leon's younger son.

At any rate, we get to see both the brutal and tender sides of Leon, his shrewdness and deviousness. He even has a few moments where he's terrified or flummoxed by a situation -- again, just like real life.

I loved this movie and especially Anthony LaPaglia's performance.

First rule of movie-going: never confuse the actor with his role.


OOOOOOOOH yeah! This young boy was really charming! He tried so hard to get his parents back together.........he was concerned for his mom's well being, etc. They were both basically good boys, again, which makes Leon's behavior all the worse. If he had spent more time with his boys, maybe even the elder wouldn't be doing drugs.

I yelled at the screen after that, "Get that kid involved in sports or something!"

But I totally agree that the fact that no one is able to be labelled "good" or "bad" (just like real life...........with a few exceptions) is one of the things that makes this movie so awesome.

And Anthony LaPaglia is well suited to capture the nuances of Leon.


I think Leon wasn't a bad person at all...he just made a bad choice...twice. Ending his affair was the right thing to do.



he was flawed, like any other human being i know. of course he was a good person, if he weren't, i don't think that he would have cried. just my opinion.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


weepie does not equate 2 good or bad or real or actor

pour moi

wuz nyo WoW! K? Jus' MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

jus' moi though

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