
This was the first LaBute work I saw, and the first that I read (immediately after seeing it). It's the most powerful thing he's written, I think. His fresh takes on Medea and Agamemnon ate amazing--they're so timeless that it took me a while to realize that they were, in fact, retellings. The piece about the couple in the park makes me sick to my stomach every time I read it, even now, several years after seeing/reading it for the first time. This man is an unmitigated genius, and I sincerely hope he's around for a long, long time to contribute more works like this one to our society. I want my kids to come in from collegiate-level drama classes having had their minds blown by this man.


I just watched this. What an amazing piece of work. Every single story had me on the edge of my seat. I was totally blown away by the performances as well.


i am currently in rehearsal for the shape of things and we are talking about other texts of his that we were assigned to read *(tonight) i read this one a long time ago, but i forgot to reread it and just found out i have to talk about it tonight!! AAAH!!! could you remind me of a few details (like the *end* of each of the 'plays'? i remember *somewhat* what each of the monologues/plays is about, but i don't remembmer all of the details at the ends...not something i really enjoy thinking about you know??....THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!:)

"I love is so much more fun than real life!"-Oscar Wilde
