Victor - pills

Does anyone know why Vic was popping pills and humming while he was doing it? I'm assuming they were for his heart or something, but the humming makes me think he was getting high.. anyone want to take a stab at this?


They're probably the same pills I have to take. No big deal.


I have a feeling it was just heart medication he was taking, but as for the humming and such, maybe it had to do with the house as he was taking the pill during the humming so it wasn't drugs that made him like that.


The tiny pills in the tiny glass bottle are almost certainly nitroglycerin, especially how he placed it on/under his tongue to dissolve rather than trying to swallow it. In addition to its explosives uses, it's used as a vasodilator for people with angina and other heart ailments.

I just watched this scene and came here to see if anyone else noticed: he shook one pill into his hand, appeared to pick up one pill with his other hand, yet the pill was still sitting on his palm and on second watch it was clear that the hand going to his mouth didn't actually have a pill in it.

You'd think Rampart Hospital's best paramedic ever would know better, wouldn't you?
