Revelation 12

Anyone remember somewhere around the time of the pizza-eating scene, Cathy is talking to Vic, and I believe she shows him a bible and points out a passage, uttering the words "Revelation 12." Obviously, she's pointing out this passage in Revelations, but can anyone speculate on why, exactly? The passage starts talking about a woman giving birth to a child, and that child being pursued by a red, multi-headed dragon. Some interpretations say the child is christ and the dragon represents the devil. Obviously the "red" symbolism is there, and it could be it's just a passage that talks about the war between man and evil in general. The passage ends this way:

"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus."



My husband and I are watching this now and I wondered the exact same thing. I looked up the passage and have no idea.
