Old faces returned.

I was surprised at how many of the bot designers I recognized from the first show. Half the teams were old veterans. Cool.

If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.


Experience counts a lot in this sport. The first robot that a newbie builds is going to get destroyed immediately, no matter what cool and clever ideas they have.

I was disappointed with the chick in purple hair ("Plan X"). She is a veteran but she designed a terribly weak bot. She kind of got lucky that her opponent has such a poor showing and self-destructed. She will get destroyed against any competent driver.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


As a kid she would build a kid friendly bot, and now that she's a grown hipster she's doing that again but now it's ironic.



Hipster or not, she's kind of cute (tattoos and a computer programmer, two weaknesses), and I cannot express how creepy I feel saying that. It was like seeing a cousin you haven't seen since they were a kid and not recognizing them.

If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.


Did you see her on the original show? Her bot was a plastic ladybug with a hook underneath.


It was more than that. The Ladybug shell had a buzzsaw under it. It could clamp down over other bots and somewhat hold it in place while the saw did some direct damage.

As I recall, while it was a crowd pleaser, it wasn't a very effective design. It got knocked around quite easily.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


That was original 1.0 model. The 2.0 model has no weapons, just two giant holes on top. The 3.0 model was the one with the grappling hook. You should watch the fight with Ziggo, not very pretty.


I wouldn't be so sure. We didn't really see the bot's real weapon until near the end. She was primarily using the improvised backside of her bot in that fight because she knew her primary weapon would be a problem. It was really only a fluke that she took any damage at all. Had Plan Z not got stuck, no real damage at all. But yeah, when it did get hit, it sure got shredded quickly.

I'll reserve judgment until we see her bot fight as it was primarily intended.

If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.


> We didn't really see the bot's real weapon until near the end.

That looked like a very flimsy hammer. I doubt that it had 10% of the force of the other vertical spinners. Plus, it was spinning the wrong direction. The "down" direction she had it going would tend to land one or two crush blows and then pull itself up onto the other bot, which it actually did a couple of times. That's going to leave the underside vulnerable.

If it spun "up", when it hit the other bot, the enemy bot would get kicked and flipped backwards.

> But yeah, when it did get hit, it sure got shredded quickly.

I think that will be its defeat. It's flimsy and the first good hit hit shred its skeleton. Hopefully for her, that won' be any load-bearing skins.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
