The Male Nurse

Yeah, what the hell was up with him? It's been a while since I saw this but I remember that he liked it when the crippled wife would crap all over the place. It would get him off... somehow... Was there any reason for this scene, or come to think of it, any reason for this movie at all? I mean I have seen some real sick sh*t but what the hell. A friend of mine still talks about this movie to this day calling it "Unspeakably Bad" which is a better title.


Ahahahaha dear god this 'film' is ridiculous!

The male nurse was nothing compared to the scene just after the car accident where the father dramatically throws his head back open mouthed - god i wanted to throw something at the TV. How the HELL does s*** like this get conceived, let alone shot and actually released?!??!


To be Diligent and Sincere, the Selwyn Salt Water.


I think that moment after the accident is a hint that it's a dream. It was intentionally hacky.


I thought the male nurse was hilarious. The actor who played him was so hammy that he was downright funny.

I write bios, therefore I am.


Yeah, the male nurse was pretty funny from what I saw. I haven't actually seen the film. Just one scene near the beginning when a male nurse eats out this horribly burned chick in a wheelchair, just after she sh@t's all over herself.

I downloaded this movie, thinking it was Unspeakable from 2002. You can imagine my surprise when I went to check the quality of the copy I got, and saw THAT scene.

I'm like "wow, that's not Dennis Hopper, what the hell is th...oh my God is he really going to...damn he is going to...dude, what are you doing? She just sh@t herself"

I kinda want to see the film now after that twisted scene.

grrr arg h4x0r 7Eh pl4NE7


Fully agree.

Halloween is coming, dare ye listen?


If you don't unerstand Troma, then get lost. I think the male nurse was funny!
Go back to salivating over Batman's crotch.

Halloween is coming, dare ye listen?
