The Reckoning: the Ugly

Changes from the book, which make the film neither better nor worst then the book, as the changes work equally well for both the film and the book.

Time covered and distances traveled, seem to be greater, in the book, then in the film.

The film plays down the politics and religion in the book, but plays up the mystery in the book.

Minor characters and events in the book are omitted from the film. For example, the village idiot and the actors confronting the jongleurs, who have also set up at the inn, are omitted from the film.

Forensics plays a greater part in the film, then in the book. There has been some criticism of this, but what people must remember, the people of that day, probably saw more death in an year, then most of us see in a lifetime. They might not know the term rigor mortis, but they would know a body stiffens after death, then relaxes.


I'm not going to pretend i don't sound like a bitch but i appologise anyway. Please learn the proper use of a comma and the word "then" versus "than".

"Ah. Multiple exclamation points, the true sign of a deranged mind."



Lighten up, Francis.


Yeah, if you're going to be uptight about little things like that, at least spell 'apologize' right.


Haha whoops, sorry about that. I was trying to think of something to say like "old habit of mine" (which is true) but there is really nothing to redeem myself. I did read the same mistakes in all of his posts though. I screwed up one word once.

*spell-checks extensively before submitting*

"Ah. Multiple exclamation points, the true sign of a deranged mind."



I used to be very uptight about punctuation and spelling, but I've discovered that correcting people doesn't usually make them write much better. Also I was a skinny little twerp, so it got me in trouble.

Try joining the Navy, you'll stop worrying about other people's writing habits, and you'll learn a new language: Ebonics... Or Tagalog, depending on where you're stationed.


I'm usually only uptight about my own, but this person just kept repeating and repeating the same mistakes...i think i'm better off to just become an english teacher.

"Ah. Multiple exclamation points, the true sign of a deranged mind."


There is always a possibility that person is simply not native English speaker. I learned English from subtitled movies. I realized that there is a difference between than and then just few days ago. If that be the case, typist stops to appear illiterate and becomes self educated instead.
On the other hand, the one that points errors such as this appears xenophobic. Go figure.



No need to apologise. You're not the one who is homophonically challenged. People who engage in a print medium and who can't spell, don't know their homophones, and jettison their grammar, syntax and punctuation can go straight to hell.

Speaking is one thing, writing is simply another. If a person values his or her viewpoint, they should present it in a manner that doesn't make him or her look like a complete troglodyte.

Matt Channing
Oscar quality film music at bargain basement prices.


OK, so I happened in here while looking at random movies and came across this thread. I just have to tell you that your response has me really turned on. No, I'm serious. There is just something about a man who is not just articulate, but well written, too. Yummy!


So what's your point?


I think the changes make a lot more sense to me and this is one of the rare times that I like the film better than the book (don't kill me!). Those changes you mentioned are some of the biggest changes, but I don't think they played down religion and politics because the struggles of religion are showed quite clearly through Nicolas' character.

Also, I like that Nicolas is a lot more intelligent and solves the mystery himself in the movie instead of the King's Justice figuring it out for him. And I didn't think it made much sense in the book that he should risk his life to solve the case and save the wrongly accused and then survive.

But that's just my opinion.
I can't help being a gorgeous fiend. It's just the card I draw!-Lestat
