is this really good?

I just picked it up on looks interesting.


It is excellent. Not only is it something of a murder mystery, its highly metaphorical as well. Check out the numerous circular motifs in the film, both plotwise and setting. Bettany is absolutely heartbreaking. And I love what it says about the power of art to change the world. A-1.


I'm not sure I'd use the term "Good," but it sure is fascinating like a car accident, addicting like a nice cold martini, and every bit as chilling.

I found it for three bucks at blockbuster, never having heard of it before, so I had very low expectations, and they were all exceeded. Probably the best three bucks I've spent in a decade.

What a mood, What an amazing setting, especially when you consider the likely budget. Likewise, what talent. What an art film feel, and it's hard to find movies set in my "favorite era" anyway. Oh, and I kind of like the nudity too.


It sucks. Read the book.


It is very cheaply made. The production is very poor.

I wouldn't recommand it.


Different people like different films. I just saw it for the first time and saw much to enjoy in it. Many good performances. Especially Paul Bettany.

To each their own...opinion
