MovieChat Forums > The Reckoning (2004) Discussion > Overall loved it ... but a possible inco...

Overall loved it ... but a possible incongruity

Love discovering forgotten movies with great actors in their prime working so harmoniously together ... great script, great sets, loved even the snow swirling but you hardly notice it because you're so intent on hearing what happens during the pivotal scene ....

but my question is, is this sort of crime one that was likely to have happened at that time? There was a huge proscription against homosexuality and even though this was supposed to have been pedophilia, I think ... I'm a little unsure of that because the boy was described as sturdy and shown not to have been that little ... anyway, I think the townspeople would have lumped pedophilia under homosexuality in this case. I'm sure the powerful can do anything they want in any era, but I still wonder if the particular obsession exhibited by de Guise would have been likely then.


I personally think the ending was amazing. I saw this film when I was very young and didn't understand much of the story but the directing and camera work is was really made an impression on me and made me proclaim this as my favourite film. Especially the final confrontation between Bettany and Cassel. Now I see that Paul McGuigan is the one who also did a brilliant job on Sherlock and to huge extend made it into the classy show that it is today.

Overal not only the cast, but I think the whole film was very good and very well made.


Sorry, my previous reply was meant for another topic but something went wrong on my phone.

As for your question - yes, paedophilia and homosexuality have been going on forever, regardless of society's perception. Especially among the royal families!


I reckon this movie is a hidden gem


The story is based on Gilles de Rais, who was a French nobleman who turned out to be a pedophile and serial murderer. Coincidentally, he was also played by Vincent Cassel in The Messenger.
