Your opinion on this movie?

What did you personally think of this movie? Please explain your answer, refrain from just saying "it sucked" etc.

Also, how would I get a hold of it? I'm not from the US, so it probably won't air on TV.


This was aired on TV in Australia.

I thought Holly Hunter was awesome as Billie Jean, the historical aspect was fascinating and it was really good value for a telemovie.

The main thing that brought it down, for me, was the heavy handed approach with the feminism message. It was too sappy and made me cringe, which was disappointing considering the possibilities to do it much better. I understand that telemovies might have budget limitations etc but the writers could have dealt with that area better.


Thanks a lot for your opinion! I really appreciate it.


Holly Hunter was very good as Billie Jean and Ron Silver was fantastic as Bobby Riggs. He looked like him, he talked like him and he acted like him. Fred Willard was awful as Howard Cosell. The movie captured the mood of the country concerning the match and feminism. I enjoyed the movie even though I knew the outcome. Ron Silver made it worth watching.


I'm with you on a lot of this, although Willard certainly had the voice down. Jon Voight did a better Howard Cosell in "Ali."

My biggest pet peeve with this movie was the vehicular anachronisms, most notably that '79 Dodge "Astrobus" in 1973, but there's also the mid-1970's GMC Suburban that was at the Riggs-Court match.

One question I have; Was Caroline Aaron supposed to be the woman playing the Virginia Slims representative?

Then there's some of the other tennis players, specifically "Connie," played by the alluring Kali Rocha. Apparently the "Connie" she played was Connie Jaster-James, who after doing a few Google searches, I found out was a blonde.


Just watched this on Netflix today.

I thought it was pretty decent. I'm not overly familiar with the facts behind the story, but I walked away thinking that it was charming enough, well acted, and well-made, especially for a made-for-TV film. Holly Hunter in particular did an excellent job and, while I'm not sure how much she was like the real Billy Jean, I can at least say that I was really cheering for her character.

Check it out if you get a chance. It's not a bad way to spend an hour and a half.


I have it on DVD. It's a cute movie,and it doesn't hurt that it has my crush Bob Gunton in it,either. ;)

Marry me,Bob Gunton!
