Lovely + Amazing?

In the film Lovely & Amazing, about 9 minutes in, Catherine Keener is shown holding a copy of Jane magazine with a picture of Renee Zellweger on the cover. At first she holds it normally, but, as the scene develops, she forms the fingers of her left hand into an obscene gesture pointed at RZ's face. The gesture lasts less than 5 seconds.

Okay, I know what you are thinking, but I asked an objective observer to look at the same scene and they noticed the same thing. We also freeze-framed and slow-motioned through it and it looks like Keener is making a deliberate gesture.

Is there some back story that I'm missing? Was RZ in the running for a part in this film? Is it just another Lion's Gate versus Miramax thing? (There is another scene later in the film that seems to make fun of Kevin Smith). Has anyone else noticed this?

"Do you see any children here for me to defile with my damns?"


I didn't notice it. Maybe I'll take a look. Seems a bit weird. I wonder why. Maybe a personal thing. I doubt a studio thing. Or maybe a joke? It might not have been deliberate.


I think it was just the way she was holding the magazine. I did see what you are referring to but it looked innocent. Keener is such a better actress than RZ I cannot fathom her stooping to such a low tactic. I realize that editors look for these kinds of mistakes (or what may have been done on purpose) but really, they make so many huge mistakes that are never corrected.


There is another scene later in the film that seems to make fun of Kevin Smith

Could you elaborate further? I noticed nothing of the sort. And yes, I really am asking you to respond to an 11 year old post. 

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.
