The arrest

Did all those body-armored, helmeted guys have to use a flash-bang to arrest one man? It struck me as a bit much. Does stuff like this really go on? Or is it just 'for dramatic purposes'?



It was absolutely ludicrous and made the FBI look like a bunch of incompetent, gung-ho, thugs.

There was no great urgency, so they would have waited until they could get to him with no innocent bystanders being endangered, and I'm pretty sure it would have taken a maximum of four people - one either side to grab his arms and a couple of armed colleagues nearby in case he became violent.


^^ Exactly. The local police had already been to his home about the burglary. It would be simple for a couple of officers to visit him as a "follow-up" and take him into custody. It's not like he was John Reese at the time. 

Joe "We're authorized" Fontana: I can do this all day, Mitch. How about you?
