Movie cars?...

What movie cars are there in this game?


A lot of the cars are kind of but not really based on real cars, I think. The only one I recognised was a red car with a white stripe near the beginning of the game, which I think is a reference to Starsky and Hutch. The only direct reference to a movie I saw was the mission in San Francisco where you have to race between phone booths to save a hostage, which comes from the film "Dirty Harry".

Twitter: @pat_bren


Also, one of the areas in the game is San Francisco which is the setting of the well-known "Bullitt". Speaking of movie connections, I swear I heard or read somewhere that this game was loosely based on The Driver (1978) but a quick glance through the trivia here seems to negate that fact.

**edit**In a roundabout way, I discovered on TV Tropes that the opening driving test in the parking garage was, in fact, based on a similar scene in "The Driver"(also apparently sampling the crash sounds as well). Man, I really need to dig my copy of "The Driver" out and rewatch it. ;D

Oh, and I know it's not about this game but apparently the 2011 sequel "Driver: San Francisco" contains tons of movie-based cars like a black Trans-Am(Smokey and the Bandit), a Delorean(Back to the Future), Dodge Challenger and Mustang Fastback(Bullitt) among others. I haven't actually played it as I got out of playing consoles games right after the turn of the millennium(but, if I can ever get an emulator to work for either the Xbox 360 or PS3, I'll be sure to try it out lol) so there are likely more.

What choice do I have? It is as if you have grabbed me by the base of my snarglies!
