MovieChat Forums > Road to Perdition (2002) Discussion > Split up with my wife over this

Split up with my wife over this

Hi, when this film came out ten years ago myself and my then wife made our way to the cinema about 30 miles away to see it.

As we got near, it annoyed me that she kept on referring to 'road to peridition'. I found this funny and pointed out on several occasions that 'peridition' is not a word whilst driving there.

So she was insistent that I was being a fool and that she was right. An argument ensued and we turned the car around to drive home as it became heated before even reaching the cinema. I in my infinite wisdom thought that repeating the words 'road to perdition' constantly until she agreed that I was right and she was not only a fool but was wrong and should bow to my superior vocabulary.

Her response was to throw her wedding and engagement ring out the car window! I to say the least was not particularly enthralled. And we eventually stopped and searched but never found the rings.

We didn't last long after that. Why couldn't they have just called it 'road to repent' or something some idiot could say! Anyway, don't worry about me, no way I could live with a buffoon anyway and life took much better twists for me in the end.

Saw the film for the first time last night (which I did enjoy) and managed a nostalgic chuckle.


Thank you for sharing your story. Probably the funniest thing I've read in my 15 years as an IMDB user!


Hi, I know I'm responding to an old post but I just had to thank you. I'm sorry to be laughing at your misery but I thought your story and the way you told it, is hilarious. You have a talent for story telling.

I hope you're happy and having a good life with someone you love.


One of the funniest posts that I have ever read on this board!!!


I in my infinite wisdom thought that repeating the words 'road to perdition' constantly until she agreed that I was right and she was not only a fool but was wrong and should bow to my superior vocabulary.

Great troll. Yet kinda scary that so many didn't realize it.


You do not marry an idiot, remember!


gotta pick your battles better

Throwing the ring out the window over a stupid fight like that, lol jeez


You never correct a woman, just give her the penis and all is well.


Same thing happened to me, my college boyfriend was convinced Ghostbusters was made in the late 70's and I couldn't help but shout out "1984!", we broke up soon after when he claimed Master of Disguise was a better film than Coming to America and Mummy 3 was better than Seventh Samuri



I'm reminded of a story I heard, which may or may not be apocryphal, but it concerns an add in the paper saying:

For Sale. Complete Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. No longer needed, as my wife knows everything.

108 193 23 8114 246* 47.73 22 42


I'd say the best decision she ever made was to get rid of your dead ass
