
My son is getting into the japanese anime stuff and I need to make sure there isn't any nudity in this. Can anyone tell me if there is any?


No nudity.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.


There’s no nudity and the content over all is pretty tame. There’s some mature subject mater. It’s Shoujo so it’s targeted towards a female audience, but it’s a very strong and interesting title that defiantly has appeal outside this audience. I showed it to my little brother when he was young so for me the content wouldn’t be an issue, but of course every one has there own take on what’s appropriate for kids. Here’s a link that might be helpful to you. Gives you a brake down of the content. You can probably look up other anime your interested in on there as well.

Good luck making your choice and finding appropriate shows. Mind me asking how old your son is?

"In the shadows of future passed the magician longs to see, one chants out between two worlds: fire walk with me"
