Start of a 'trend'?

I could not follow who was who in this movie (even though everybody seemed to know each other) except for the weird kid who talks to the doll and Jim Carrey (in a role, as the kidnapper, MUCH creepier than the "CAble Guy"!)

But, one thing is for certain, in this movies is that older women are "CHASING AFTER" young guys so much that this suburbun neighborhood could be considered the ORIGINAL "Cougar-Town". This movie might have (in fact) even started the "Cougar" trend!


Jim Carrey was not in this movie.


That's not Jim Carrey, it's Timothy Olyphant. He just looks a little bit like Carrey in this film. As far as starting a trend... ummm, no, don't think so. May/December relationships have always been around.


try "the graduate."
