Outdated references

I wonder how many of today's 20-, even 30-somethings understand the following references in the song "Ring Them Bells":

"I'll go to Chase Manhattan where I've got me a friend."

"And so she borrowed a thou and called TWA..."

"Until she traveled the world to Yugoslavia yet."

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


I thought she traveled the "cont" to Yugoslavia yet. ;-)

I just about wore out the soundtrack LP of this program when I was in high school. What a treat to finally see the program itself on television again.


I thought she traveled the "cont" to Yugoslavia yet. ;-)

The line you a referring to is really "She traveled the continent, a month maybe two". But the music makes it break between Cont, and Inent. The Yugoslavia line is "She traveled the world to Yugoslavia yet".


Thanks! Memory is a tricky thing sometimes. ;-)

Yeah, on reflection, I always heard that line as "She traveled the cont, and in a month, maybe two..." We didn't have the internet to verify lyrics then -- LOL!


DUH! This was made in '72. Did you expect references to iPhones and Lindsay Lohan?
