MovieChat Forums > Seom (2000) Discussion > Plz help, i have some questions

Plz help, i have some questions

Hey I didn't want to watch the hook eating scene so I fasted forwarded on that one. But I don't understand why the dude swallows hooks. Was he trying to suicide? but he had a gun no? wtf was he doing??

The hooker who doesn't swim. The one who gets tied up and left in the purple float house... why does she go into the water while she is tied up??? Was she trying to suicide too?

There is one scene where the lady is like using a tiny bucket to take the water out of fish tank. And all these fish are just kinda lying on the bottom of the tank w/ no water. The next day she throws a dead fish while walking out from her store... WTF? Why she doing this??


He lost his gun when she knocked it in the water during attempt #1 ... he has only fishhooks the next time.

The drowned maiden... she was confused and irrational, obeying some vague impulse to get away.

Hee-jin hurts fish (and her dog) out of sheer frustration ... it shows her desperate state of mind.


You got to Know that Fish is a Symbol for Love in Korea. So it is fairly easy to interprete these scenes. They are mutiliating their own feelings of love in all different ways.
The businessman is taking only the best parts of love while not caring about the rest - a perfect symbol for his affiliation with the prostitutes.


Ok, thank you I didn't know that fish is such a symbol in Korea

Omae wa mo shinde iru


Yes, thanks. I didn't know that.



wow ok this makes the movie feel a lot more cohesive thank you. this movie should be viewed as a horror movie whether or not that's kim's intention who knows i think it's a better film that way though.
