
I can't tell if the author who posted a review of this movie, was serious or just slightly clueless...I still can't decide which of the 2 was more humourous. Then again, there's a possibility I was just trolled lol

I've seen more movies than I can remember, horror's a fav...especially asian horror. So I'm not new. But this movie yikes. Whacky, bad makeup, terrible acting (though the guy in the wheelchair wins the award for the most ridiculous, over-the-top reactions. hands down. I wanted to push him over a cliff) Irritating 5 key organ music played relentlessly over & over again. Loudly. Horrible effects. And I would really like to give the actress who plays the daughter a sandwich, she was painful to watch and made my bones ache.

And despite all of that, it still isn't the worst movie I've ever seen. It was done a la Texas Chainsaw Massacre but as if from within that twisted family. The thing is, it actually could've been pretty good...with better acting, music and direction.
